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Also, while my early town read on Bizz has gone because she hasn't done anything for quite a while, I don't really like Prims's post saying that she might be scum. It gives no reason whatsoever for this. Why even mention it at a point when we need to narrow down on someone other than her, and if you are going to mention it, why give no reason at all? I definitely do not think that we should lynch Prims today, but this, along with suddenly leaving Pink's wagon when people he doesn't like started coming on it, is making me lean more neutral on him than I was earlier.

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I don't get it. If diverting attention away from yourself is scummy then shouldnt people just not give a crap if they are getting lynched? It makes no sense and I don't see it as scummy except in certain situations. You're saying it's always scummy. Weren't you earlier in this game diverting attention away from yourself?

I diverted attention away from myself while point out a few other better targets because of SCUMMY BEHAVIOR THAT THEY HAVE THAT YOU ADMITTED TO THEM HAVING.

Basically by your standards even though what proto did was scummy I shouldn't have pointed it out and I should have just ignored it and let his vote sit on me in hopes of someone else pointing out the bullshit that was posted.

Also your contradicting yourself because you said my point about proto wasn't bad, which means you at least partially agree with me that he was being scummy yet your saying I'm scummy for pointing that out. How in the actual fuck at all does this make any sense what-so-ever?

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I don't get it. If diverting attention away from yourself is scummy then shouldnt people just not give a crap if they are getting lynched? It makes no sense and I don't see it as scummy except in certain situations. You're saying it's always scummy. Weren't you earlier in this game diverting attention away from yourself?

I diverted attention away from myself while point out a few other better targets because of SCUMMY BEHAVIOR THAT THEY HAVE THAT YOU ADMITTED TO THEM HAVING.

Basically by your standards even though what proto did was scummy I shouldn't have pointed it out and I should have just ignored it and let his vote sit on me in hopes of someone else pointing out the bullshit that was posted.

Also your contradicting yourself because you said my point about proto wasn't bad, which means you at least partially agree with me that he was being scummy yet your saying I'm scummy for pointing that out. How in the actual fuck at all does this make any sense what-so-ever?

Shinori. It's not what you said. It's how you said it. You should have pointed it out, you shouldn't have freaked out and acted like it made you ever so townish. Which you're still doing, by the way. I'd still prefer Eclipse as a lynch target, but I'm gonna be around at phase end and if I can get you lynched and not her, I'm switching my vote to you. So, basically, consider yourself unofficially voted for.

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All right, so let me recap, just to get a feel for where the game is at right now (Jojo Christmas just happened and I'm so riled up I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep tonight).

Kay, Eclipse, and I both have 4 votes. since there's two hours until deadline, that probably means that one of us is going to get lynched really soon.

Shinori, you need to calm down. Every time you come under scrutiny, you start getting extremely uptight and defensive, more than you should for this. Yes, it is your goal to divert attention from yourself. I think that most of the reason that you're getting this negative spotlight is because of how you react. I'm getting town vibes from you ever since you claimed, but townie or not, your defensiveness is making you look suspicious.

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Ok. After rereading posts (Specifically Kay, Pink, and Eclipse's posts), it just seems to me like Pink is not only contributing virutally nothing, but she's more on a strange offensive that I couldn't really look at as even offensive.

I could say it's just the fluff, but it's also the fact that you're pretty much entirely on a defensive, which is doing absolutely squat. But you also defended Marth (albeit a slight defense), as did Kay. But Kay validated her point, and I've been considering it pretty heavily. Your defense on Marth to me has no validity, because you just said "Oh, see, he said things, so it must be true". You're not looking at the possibility of a bigger picture, at a person who openly admitted wanting to collect votes intentionally, among other things he said.

I think you know where this is going.

##Unvote (Bluedoom)

##Vote Folgore Pink

Out of all the players here, it seems like you're being really overly cautious to point a finger at anybody, in fear that you could potentially bring [negative] attention to yourself. That overcaution isn't doing you any favors. I realize your scumhunting radar may be off, but we're 20 pages in, and I'm really concerned that the only opinions you had at a scummy player were Shinori (who quickly was able to dismiss your vote on him), and Kay, (who is worthy of your vote because of her huffy puffy overreactions...which aren't really overly full of "Hot Air" as you said).

Granted, I still think Marth needs to be forcibly removed from the game and given a strict lecture on how to overcome Foot-In-Mouth disorder, because to me, he is still the center of my scumdar. However, as pointed out before me, every vote counts. And with a tie on D1, we need to at least figure something out.

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Unofficially vote for me all you want. I'm not freaking out and acting like it makes me ever so townish. I pointed out scummy behavior and you said I'm scummy for doing that.

I also like how you admit to willingly change your vote to me if anyone else swaps over, isn't that basically a ninja lynch and scummy behavior? Also doesn't that also qualify as OMGUS since you want to vote me you just are refusing to since no one else is voting me and because i have a vote on you.

IF you think I'm 100% scum, why aren't you explaining more reasons to everyone else and why aren't you actively trying to convince other players to vote for me? Same reason with proto, is it because you know that I'm not mafia and you do not want to be held accountable for a town redirector being lynched?

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Shinori, you need to calm down. Every time you come under scrutiny, you start getting extremely uptight and defensive, more than you should for this. Yes, it is your goal to divert attention from yourself. I think that most of the reason that you're getting this negative spotlight is because of how you react. I'm getting town vibes from you ever since you claimed, but townie or not, your defensiveness is making you look suspicious.

The only people giving a shit at all in my direction are proto and kay. Which is normal. Also I am calm. I'm just pointing out what appears to be, to me, flawed logic and no one else seems to want to put in their weigh in on what proto or kay have been saying.

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Unofficially vote for me all you want. I'm not freaking out and acting like it makes me ever so townish. I pointed out scummy behavior and you said I'm scummy for doing that.

I also like how you admit to willingly change your vote to me if anyone else swaps over, isn't that basically a ninja lynch and scummy behavior? Also doesn't that also qualify as OMGUS since you want to vote me you just are refusing to since no one else is voting me and because i have a vote on you.

IF you think I'm 100% scum, why aren't you explaining more reasons to everyone else and why aren't you actively trying to convince other players to vote for me? Same reason with proto, is it because you know that I'm not mafia and you do not want to be held accountable for a town redirector being lynched?

As I said, saying that doesn't make it true. Stop twisting my words already, it will not make you look any better.

No, I'm saying I'll do that IF THERE"S BASICALLY NO CHANCE OF CLIPSEY BEING LYNCHED at phase end for whatever reason. Also yes, it *would* be a ninja lynch and scummy, that is, you know, why I am saying I'll do it. So that everyone's aware of it. Dude. I have reasoning for my hypothetical vote for you. If you think it's merely an OMGUS then either one of us isn't understanding the term correctly or you have not read my posts properly or you are fishing for ways to say I'm scummy.

I don't think you're 100% scum, where are you getting that from? Just 70% scum or something like that. Because I'd prefer Eclipse was lynched. What part of this do you not understand?

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I really need some heat off of me right now, so I have to claim and get this over with.

I'm Sheik, the town's tracker. If I'm not dead by tomorrow, I can prove it.

Not if you're roleblocked. Unless you have reason to doubt that happening?

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Not if you're roleblocked. Unless you have reason to doubt that happening?

Any reason why there needs to be a roleblocker in this game that'll follow her AND target her? Last I checked, we're not announcing where we're going. I'm gonna be irritated if I'm all by my lonesome, because talking to myself is boring.

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If a random wagon starts from 1 and goes to the point of lynching someone in the last hour and a half of a phase I would call it a ninja lynch easily, which means you announcing it doesn't change much.

Also I do not intend to vote Eclipse what-so-ever. So that won't happen.

Okay. It was an exaggeration that everything you said made you look worse. Your point about Proto wasn't bad, and exactly where was I defending him? What's bad is your repeated insistence that you're not defensive or jumpy or anything, and that post just proved otherwise so much it's not even funny.

Yes, diverting attention away from yourself is scummy.

Look at it this way. Not wanting to be suspected is normal and everyone does it. BUT doing stuff to get out of it like lurking, not stating controversial opinions, etc, IS scummy. Right? Finger pointing is another scummy way to avoid suspicion. How am I contradicting myself?

With those two posts the way you have it worded to the point that the way i received it you partially agreed with me that proto was scummy for what he did, the first post. And then you told me that diverting attention away from myself to scummy targets, aka you and proto, was bad. So I don't really see it as putting words in your mouth except I'm just reading between the lines.

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And with that being said. . .


##Vote: Kay

I see no reason to disbelieve a tracker claim, unless someone else claims it, too.

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Yay triplish post.

There's three wagons. I naturally don't support myself, and I don't feel like lynching the tracker. Thus, the Kay vote.

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Clipsey has a point. If Timp doesn't say where she's going, a theoretical scum!hooker would have to get lucky with a 1 in 5 chance.

I don't think it should be a problem to prove, tbh

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Also, I'm definitely not on board with lynching the tracker. That leaves Clipsey and Kay.

As much as I don't like clipsey's stuff, she's at least addressing points better than Kay.

Kay hasn't been addressing much other than Shinori, or at least that I can recall (which isn't good).

And since the SB wagon isn't going to happen:


##Vote: Kay

Unless there is a really good reason not to lynch you, this is what I feel is best right now.

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Any reason why there needs to be a roleblocker in this game that'll follow her AND target her? Last I checked, we're not announcing where we're going. I'm gonna be irritated if I'm all by my lonesome, because talking to myself is boring.

Oh, right, stages. Forgot about that. Still, there is a possibility that a roleblocker could end up on the same stage through sheer luck.

And with that being said. . .


##Vote: Kay

I see no reason to disbelieve a tracker claim, unless someone else claims it, too.

I thought for a moment you were saying I didn't believe her, lol.

Do you actually think I'm likely to be scum, or was that just process of elimination? Not that I don't agree with the vote from your point of view, but you know, information.

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>_> I'm not feeling this Kay lynch. It looks like TImp isn't going to get lynched, nor does it look like a Subieko wagon is going to take off at this point. How many votes are on Eclipse and how many votes are on Kay?

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My best and greatest memories of you are being a lot more active than normal and arguing with Shinori. I really like the "more active part" (pretty please do this in future games), but I think that Shinori's on the town side of things, and getting on his case seems like a waste of time. At this point, you're a neutral-with-scummy-leanings read. If I truly had things my way, Marth and Manix would be the wagons, but I don't see this happening today.

My head's feeling weird, so I'm going to claim before I lie down again. I'm Bowser, Town Networker, and I'm damn curious to see if I can leverage it better than the last dude who had this role (Rapier, GSM).

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[6] San - Shinori, Strawman, Naglfar, Folgore Pink, eclipse, Manix

[4] Folgore Pink - Bluedoom, BBM, Subieko, Elieson, eclipse

[4] eclipse - Prims, Psych, San, Iris, Bluedoom, Strawman, BBM

[2] Proto - Daigoji Excellen, Serious Bananas

[1] Shinori - Folgore Pink, Blitz, Proto, Naglfar, Subieko, Proto

[1] Elieson - Blitz, eclipse

[0] Subieko - Proto, eclipseIris

[0] Bluedoom - Excellen, Manix, Shinori, Naglfar, Elieson

[0] Manix - Psych, Excellen, eclipse, Bizz

[0] SeriousBananas - Subieko, Manix

[0] BigBangMeteor - Manix, Prims, Psych

[0] Cap'n Flint - Naglfar, Bluedoom, Serious Bananas

[0] Daigoji Excellen - Psych, Blitz, Manix, eclipse

[0] Prims - Subieko, Psych

[0] Iris - Subieko

[0] Naglfar - eclipse, Blitz

[0] Psych - Blitz, Subieko, StSS, San

[0] No Lynch - Psych

Not voting - Bizz

42 minutes left.

Edited by Kaoz
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Kaoz, you have 4 people voting for Eclipse, but it says only 3 votes on her.

Also, Bizz said she would be back by phase end to lay down a vote. >_>

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