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Theatre Mafia GAME OVER


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It was a quiet night after all at Rex Cinemas, what with there being a freak snowstorm that severely hampered business. As a result, everyone on staff got off early. The next morning, the employees all returned to the lobby, ready to discuss the previous day's events.

It is now Day 2. With 14 alive, it should take 8 to lynch. Day 2 Ends on Saturday, August 18th, at 3 PM GMT-4.

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Its always possible but I don't really see hat we get from discussing it.

This is the worst. 2 modkills maybe halfway through day 1(I don't think it was though). ugh.

And we have shit to go off of for the flips we have since all we got through was rvs.

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That makes sense. Unfortunately without Elie around to help us, all that tells us is a vanilla claim might not be all that it seems.

Why a vanilla claim in particular? Isn't that always the case with pretty much every claim?

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I mean... I guess yeah. But I was saying specifically that if we were assuming there was a godfather/miller in the game that the easiest claim would probably be vanilla. Unless they were godfather announcer or something like I was in SFM. So... yeah. I guess you're right.

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Its always possible but I don't really see hat we get from discussing it.

We don't really have much to go off unless some info role clams (which they shouldn't) so I'd rather spend the time speculating over twiddling my thumbs.

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Well yeah, I would've hoped that a miller would have claimed yesterday if there was one. But that kind of becomes pointless now, I would think.

And i wouldn't think the presence of a possible godfather matters anymore either without an alignment cop since, in theory, there isn't any way for his alignment to be investigated anymore.

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Hey guys, hey guys, lets move past role discussion before someone accidentally lets something slip, k? Now, before phase end due to modkill yesterday, we were just getting past RVS. So, I would like it if we didn't slip back into that stage again, so it'd be nice if we could get some actual reads getting talked about here. In that vein of thought...

Weapons: If I don't see a post that is actually saying something, I'm going to be very annoyed with you. Please stop posting random crap unrelated to the game.

Core: You literally have one post and it was telling Elie his question was a bad idea.

Iris: Same thing with only one post, only you at least put a vote down. But still. :/

There are probably more people like this, but these are the people I looked at the player list and was like "They're playing?" so...

Yes I'm aware that the game hadn't really started before the modkill, but still. And on that note, Weapons. You were clearly around and clearly had the ability to post more than just fluff. But you didn't. The others I can excuse a little because they might not have been around much. But you had time to make posts that were filled with nothing relevant to the game.


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Hi. Personally I think discussion over Millers/Godfathers is pointless since our Cop is gone. :/

@scorri:Not my fault I had one post, phase ended early! But I'm more bothered by why you are calling attention to inactives, since it seems to me you're trying to sway attention away from yourself.

##Vote: Scorri

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I uh... was unaware attention was on me? If you're talking about before phase end last time, I thought I had explained things there. I was attempting to get discussion going and made a joke. It was probably not the best joke to make, but ah well. As for poking at inactives, I simply was trying to poke at people that I didn't even realize were playing the game. And in the end, I voted someone not for being inactive but for being actively inactive if that makes sense. Weapons was posting but not saying anything in those posts. With you and Core it was more "Hey guys, I didn't remember you were playing, talk please?" If people still have questions for me after last day phase, I'm perfectly willing to talk about them. That'd still be discussion which is better than role speculation cause role speculation is stupid.

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RVS this game was more nonsensical than normal, and that is an accomplishment. Beyond RVS, not much has happened.

I'm going to go ahead and ##Vote: Aere because his quick jump on Elieson after Manix doesn't feel right to me.

Using Elieson's use of selfmeta(if you can call it that) as a reason to vote for him seems really weak. The line of meta could be removed from Elie's post and nothing would have changed, I think he was just continuing with the nonsensical RVS theme.

Manix did it too, but I'm not as much worried about him than I am of Aere who just jumped right on.

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Perhaps I should've quoted the post I was referring to. No matter.

Before Snike so rudely interrupted,

I believe Elieson is town.

I believe Strawman is town.

hmmm, it's entirely possible that Psych could be a fool or something

but conversely; why would you make it entirely obvious straight away? I don't really know.

I believe Manix is scum.

##Vote: Manix

scorri, introduce yourself.

And I'm still semi-serious.

Also, this is bad:

Okay, 2 town down. One was a vanilla which doesn't tell us much, but with Elie's role revealed I think there could be a godfather and/or a miller. Thoughts?

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I have bad thoughts about what SB said, thinking he might be scum again because last time he was scum he breadcrumbed his teammates roles. Thinking he could be breadcrumbing a godfather is in the game, whether it's him or not is another question.

Miller would have already claimed.

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