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Theatre Mafia GAME OVER


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ISO links are in my first post, or the third post in the topic. I'm pretty sure I did Serious Banana's wrong but if anyone can fix that it'd be pretty cool. For now ctrl+f him or something.

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Everyone has a life, but we don't feel the need to make excuses for not being around 24/7. It makes you look bad because it sounds like you know you aren't contributing and are making up a reason for it

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ISO links are in my first post, or the third post in the topic. I'm pretty sure I did Serious Banana's wrong but if anyone can fix that it'd be pretty cool. For now ctrl+f him or something.

change the underscore to %20 and it will work.

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how is Prims contributing more than, say, you or Shinori

I can do this too; stop trying to twist what I'm saying and use specific examples to ignore the point I've made

This makes no sense because we don't lynch the people who're not contributing the most, we lynch the people who're contributing the least. Otherwise almost everyone would be scum.

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did you really just miss the entire point of that post

Paper was saying that Prims had more activity than some people; and I'm saying that he has less activity than other people

in other news what you said

we lynch the people who're contributing the least.
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(going through Manix's recent posts in a few)


Ok, I think Scorri is looking a bit better, while Manix is looking even worse. I'd put my vote back on him, but I think 4 votes is enough for now. While SB is generally inactive, some of the stuff he's said is starting to seem weird. ##Unvote, ##Vote: SB

Honestly BBM, vote who you think is scummiest; look at Straw for example, the whole "4 votes" on Manix didn't dissuade him. It's kind of like what you did regarding one of your votes earlier, and it's a little scummy.

This makes no sense because we don't lynch the people who're not contributing the most, we lynch the people who're contributing the least. Otherwise almost everyone would be scum.

I don't think I have to point out examples where people who don't contribute at all have turned up town. I don't think inactivity is a scumtell; now, active lurking is, though.


how is Prims contributing less than, say, Rapier or Iris

Wow Paper, you did just not go there. ;/

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Also I still don't like SB. You said you meant me when you were talking about the reads you stated in posts 203 and 204? Does that mean you think I went from null to town from one little thought? Is that the only reason you think I'm town? That's not that good of one. "Scum wouldn't want to attract attention to themselves" Refer to Elie's BCM mini for two scum members that both did just that. It happens in games.

I'm not sure if that was a reply to BBM's post or mine. If it was BBM's, then I'm peeved that SB didn't respond to me pointing out his wafflyness; if it was a response to my post, then I'm a bit confused. SB should clarify.


Manix, stop tunneling Prims. Don't you have any other suspicions? You seem kind of desperate right now.

Hm, there's actually not a lot to add, here. I'm willing to believe Manix has been busy with life, but even still, all he's been doing so far is tunneling Prims with bad reasons.

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did you really just miss the entire point of that post

Paper was saying that Prims had more activity than some people; and I'm saying that he has less activity than other people

in other news what you said is EXACTLY MY POINT

So if there are people with EVEN LESS activity than Prims, and that is one of your only reasons for voting for him, shouldn't you be voting for THOSE people, and not Prims?

Also, Iris, the post you quoted was by Shinori, not SB.

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blah whatever, my care factor for this game is going down by the minute

(note to self: never play a game while hosting one; it's a bad idea)

BBM, let's put it this way: Maybe "inactive" isn't the word I'm looking for. How about "contributing"? So inactivity isn't a scumtell, fine okay. BUT I'm finding Prims' posts quite scummy. Isn't the idea to lynch scum?

I am so close to claiming right now just because

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You're finding Prims's posts scummy? Literally your only point against him has been low contribution. And, in fact, it was first placed for low contribution during D1 (which never got past RVS in the time that he was there). And when I said "activity" I meant contribution as well. Take SB. He has more posts than Prims, but he's said far less. Except, not a single one of your posts has even MENTIONED SB.

tl dr; You're going after Prims for a shitty reason that is more applicable to people you've never even mentioned.

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okay. finally done reading.

Serious Bananas: Iffy; ED2 play was questionable. Like, I'm not really convinced from the read and an ISO that he's contributing a lot :/ also, eww self meta. leaning slight scum

Delirium: not particularly active, I almost feel like he's trying to fly under the radar. leaning scum.

Weapons: Needs to get it here and do stuff (ie: contributing). this post is mostly filled with meta, which is blah (meta really shouldn't be considered imo; the more people rely on it, the more people are likely to be duped by a savvy player who can change their posts to suit/unsuit their meta). leaning slight scum.

BBM: ehhh, something doesn't feel right with him, almost like he's trying to push a mislynch on me so aggressively. unsure.

and you already know what I feel about Prims

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-Manix has a point that Prims wasn't contributing much in D1. However voting based off of D1 play when it was basically an RVS phase and had an early ending is poor reasoning. I disagree, when did you guys go off of RVS? If its that thing regarding Elieson, that was a poor reason to vote him when he was obviously joking. Otherwise the rest of the phase was filled with jokeposts and those of little content. Prims also was offline(or appears to be offline based on timestamps) when discussion about Elieson and other crap happened, if you consider that the end of RVS. These are very bad grounds to suspect him, if you ask me. Vote analysis suggests that you're tunneling prims, not a good sign.

I already explained the Elieson part; interpretation and hidden intentions. Who would have known at that point?

Prims is always invis; for all we know he could have been here and just not posted during that time, I don't know :/

yeah okay, I might be tunneling Prims, but I feel that he's still scum (no one has to agree with me on this)

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Also, Iris, the post you quoted was by Shinori, not SB.

Yeah, that was intentional. That's why I talked about SB in third person.

Oh, and where's my response to the thing I pointed out to you earlier? o:


Prims is always invis; for all we know he could have been here and just not posted during that time, I don't know :/

I don't really see your point here, even someone who's not invisible could just view the topic in a different browser as a guest? Stop reaching, Manix. ;/

BBM: ehhh, something doesn't feel right with him, almost like he's trying to push a mislynch on me so aggressively. unsure.

Isn't BBM voting for SB right now? If anything, passively and not agressively. ;/

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Still uneasy with Aere but that vote wasn't really accomplishing anything.

##Vote: Serious Bananas

It looks like you were suspicious of Scorri, why didn't you follow through and vote?

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BBM: ehhh, something doesn't feel right with him, almost like he's trying to push a mislynch on me so aggressively. unsure.

Except I don't know your alignment and you're not making yourself look townie right now. And if you're looking scummy, why can't I try and push a lynch on you? I'm not pushing it any more than you've been pushing the Prims lynch, after all. SO if he's town he could say this exact same thing of you. If you find me suspicious, give something more than what is basically an OMGUS.

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Hi guys I exist. Sorry for taking too long, I've been reading the EO topic for the last couple days and I didn't pay much attention to this game. Now then, I won't be lynched by the same reason I was lynched there, at least.

Hi. Personally I think discussion over Millers/Godfathers is pointless since our Cop is gone. :/

My feelings exactly.

Using Elieson's use of selfmeta(if you can call it that) as a reason to vote for him seems really weak. The line of meta could be removed from Elie's post and nothing would have changed, I think he was just continuing with the nonsensical RVS theme.

Manix did it too, but I'm not as much worried about him than I am of Aere who just jumped right on.

I agree that Aere's jump on Elie seemed sheepish and his reason to vote was weak imo, but you can't say Elie's post wouldn't have been picked on if only he didn't add the meta part. Small details make the difference.

I usualy dislike when people use falacies to back up their arguments. Getting slight scum vibes here.

I believe Manix is scum.

##Vote: Manix

Don't lolvote without giving your reasoning.

I have bad thoughts about what SB said, thinking he might be scum again because last time he was scum he breadcrumbed his teammates roles. Thinking he could be breadcrumbing a godfather is in the game, whether it's him or not is another question.

Miller would have already claimed.

Relying on meta alone in order to judge someone is bad. Especially when we say [player] is scummy because of it.

Attempting to encourage discussion is bad?

No, but speculating only helps the Mafia. The Town should try to work on more substantial stuff. This is not always true, but when we can't reach a conclusion anyhow because we're dealing with -possibilities-, this only helps the Mafia. Moreover, it wastes our time.

... Well, I'm not sure if Miller is a scum role.

Manix looks terribad. Prod vote on me is super weak & parky when I was existing previously, reactions to votes on him look nervous. Overall seems more worried about not getting himself lynched than getting scum lynched. Lynch here today.

I don't like Bananas' active lurking. No vote, miller should have claimed by now, and reaction to Weapons D1 wasn't great in that it wouldn't really get anything done.

What makes you think that about Manix? And why should Miller claim?

Interpretation is the key here. How I interpret someone's actions (which I explained in this case when I voted) could be completely different to how you interpret their actions. We couldn't know exactly what his (Elieson's) intention behind those actions were at that time. Remember that mafia is a game of deceit and trickery, so how you interpret things is very important.

And okay, I was wrong on Elie. So my interpretation of his actions was wrong. But still, we wouldn't have known that until the flip. :/

The problem of your interpretation is that you only voted him because of his meta.

@BBM: Why are you on Marth? We have discussion going, why park on him when he isn't contributing? If he's inactive, the hosts will sub him. You don't need to play backseat moderator.

##Vote scorri


this rubs me the wrong way fsr



pointless role speculation


"hey guys let's stop this pointless role speculation that I started"

Eh, good point. If SB looks scummy to me because he said speculating was a good thing when we have nothing else to do, scorri is even scummier for starting it and then trying to stop the speculations because they were looking bad.

She's been too busy with inactives for my taste. If she turns out to be scum, I'll probably look bad because she didn't mention me anywhere but eh, I'll bet on that.

In that same line, BBM there's a difference between inactivity D1 and posting things that are literally nothing at all related to the game multiple times. We were at the point where we could have started to move out of RVS but Weapons was still just posting youtube links. And at first my vote was more of a prod "start posting serious stuff, come on" but then after his last couple of posts where he dropped a list "here's who i think is town, here's who I think is scum" and then refusal to explain why he thinks someone is scum. At which point I decided to keep my vote on him because he's still refusing to give us posts that actually have content at a point where posts have the ability to have content. So my vote started off semi-serious trying to get a response and turned into a fully serious one when he refused to give the game anything containing content.

Weapons said he was semi-serious and didn't care. I know this doesn't justify his posts, but you shouldn't have focused on him that much. You know, being less one minded.


##Vote: Serious Bababas or whatever your name is

I feel like this is fine for now. Don't like posts 104, 107, or 127. I also feel that post #107 is hinting at a cop on the mafia team, combined with his talk of Godfathers and millers I feel that he could be scum breadcrumbing roles again use the excuse of "him not being stupid enough" to do that again since it almost cost his previous team the game.

Why would he, as scum, hint the existence of a Mafia Rolecop? Reverse psychology doesn't work anywhere.

First off, stop being a hypocrite. You have not scumhunted at all (unless you count what you're doing to me, the only person you've voted for), and 3/5 of your posts have been one liners. And you called SB out for his "lack of conviction".

I'm not completely sure of BBM, but he's at least putting effort into the game. I'm not voting Weapons for inactivity, but for him putting more effort into his joke than his vote. I wanna say flying under the radar, but...

I don't want to hop on an easy Manix wagon, like Strawman said. How much time is left in the phase?

Do you believe Manix is Town? Why?


Your post explaining why you voted Prims rely only on D1 stuff. You said he was inactive, okay. So, what now? Prims has been quite active for some time and you should acknowledge that. If lack of activity/content (on D1) is the only thing you have agaisnt him, and you can't blame him for that on his D2 gameplay, your reasoning is invalid.

Your logic is faulty. Too faulty.

##Vote: Manix

Scorri is my second strongest scumread, for the reasons I stated above. Aere doesn't look that scummy to me now, he always jumps to conclusions too quickly so I won't be ignorant about this usual behavior of his. Prims' posts have more content than before and he seems to be doing well. Shinori is being himself, as always, but he's been playing more seriously and more competently, which is... a good thing? Strawman has been reasonable with his posts, but should Aere flip scum, I think it's likely that he'll be his scumbuddy since he was the only one to defend Aere back then on D1. BBM has a good point agaisnt Manix, I like his stand.

Weapons acts as if he doesn't care. I understand it's annoying to stay up to the gameplay standards of SF Mafia, so I won't tunnel him. SB made some newbish mistakes of which I'm aware off, but I don't think they're enough to lynch. I am warry of both.

Ehh, I just hope my engrish is readable.I'm terrible with long posts.

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Also, hello Weapons, I'm scorri. It's nice to meet you. I hope we all play our best.

It's nice to meet you too!

And that level of commitment is indicative of town, repetitive as it was.

Didn't like Weapons's post, tbh. Lotta meta in there, in any case.

Care to point that out?

Shinori is pretty strong town.

Ok, I feel like Aere isn't actually reading my posts.

Prims is also townvibes, and Manix is pushing a case that isn't there too hard.

SB shows up and he hasn't really shifted the meter. I feel like he's just trying to exist.

Paperblade has that town conviction.

The size of Bluedoom's post is very town. Uhhhhhhh...

BBM posts, but I'm not getting townvibes. He lacks feeling.

Yeah Strawman's definitely town.

Manix is too defensive poorly offensive at this point. I am expecting and not believing a power role claim.

And screw the last page.

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Your post explaining why you voted Prims rely only on D1 stuff. You said he was inactive, okay. So, what now? Prims has been quite active for some time and you should acknowledge that. If lack of activity/content (on D1) is the only thing you have agaisnt him, and you can't blame him for that on his D2 gameplay, your reasoning is invalid.

Your logic is faulty. Too faulty.

Okay, let's consider: Looking at Prims' ISO, I see that Prims has content, fine. But what I don't like about his D2 play is that he isn't pushing anything really (except maybe a lynch on me). Like, he's saying decent stuff about things, but isn't actively going and hunting possible scum from the remaining players. That's what I don't like about his D2 play.

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