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Mystery Mafia - Game Over


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How exactly did I sheep on the Blitz wagon? I thought Blitz looked scummy as early as N0, and then I stayed on his wagon D1 because there was a guilty inspect on him, which I had an easy time believing because I already thought he was scummy. Also, Paperblade's reasoning for voting for me is grasping at best. Just because someone I thought was scum flipped town doesn't make me scum. Nor does me being a scumread of people who died and flipped town make me scum either. What exactly is the scum intent here?

No one can be that significantly scummy on N0. Sorry, but trying to argue that you've suspected someone for a long time already doesn't work with D1.

You realize clipsey subbed for Elie, don't you?

No I didn't. Rethinking that, Clipsey does not improve the playerslot significantly IMO. But just for official-ness, ##Unvote, ##Vote: Eclipse

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The way Shinori expected the track to prove him and have no interference when there is basically confirmed to be a redirect in the game (that would either screw up his target or what his target did and have no way of knowing) was far too confident, which I pointed out when he was flipping out at me. His Blitz hammer was also bad because it ended discussion early for no reason.

Also it's not grasping, you did nothing all game except find Blitz scummy and are now trying to lynch me for... doing nothing.

@Mancer: Prims and Blitz are confirmed town and are good players, why shouldn't I look at what they thought?

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Sorry about my activity, but it was the holidays and then since then I've been having really strange migraines everyday since like Friday so I went to bed early last night.

Currently I'm getting strange vibes from Kay and Rapier, but in re: BBM and Paper, I don't like the Paper OMGUS since the start of the phase, but BBM admitted has looked a lot worse on a reread in the other days so I'm inclined to vote him.

##Vote BBM

He was one of the people talking quite extensively during the Night 0 phase, which I really didn't like, and he also seemed strangely defensive a couple of times when there wasn't much clout or threat towards him.

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How exactly did I sheep on the Blitz wagon? I thought Blitz looked scummy as early as N0, and then I stayed on his wagon D1 because there was a guilty inspect on him, which I had an easy time believing because I already thought he was scummy. Also, Paperblade's reasoning for voting for me is grasping at best. Just because someone I thought was scum flipped town doesn't make me scum. Nor does me being a scumread of people who died and flipped town make me scum either. What exactly is the scum intent here?

As for why I "talked down" Blitz, it was because I had a scumread on him for reasons other than the inspect, whereas the Shinori wagon was pretty much entirely because of the inspect. I can't actually remember anyone saying that he was scummy for reasons other than the inspect, and I didn't see a point to simply chipping in and saying the same stuff as everyone else.

Also, I didn't like Rapier's post at all. It was basically a mini listpost of townreads and waffly scumreads. And then, he thinks that SB is scummy for sheeping, even though he's basically sheeping on that too. And for some reason he doesn't want to vote for SB either, even though SB only has 1 vote on him. Voting for someone you think is scummy is hardly going to stop the phase. And if you think someone is scummy afterwards, you can change your vote at any time.

Well, you insisted on going after Blitz for a long time, even since N0. You hardly changed your target until very late in game. I don't call it sheeping, but I call it pressing someone hard using the Strawman Fallacy. Like this:

I actually have to kind of agree with Prims about Blitz. His post earlier was really passive, which is not a word I associate with Blitzhunting, and then the latest jab at Mancer seemed really weird and forced- I don't see how he was rolefishing more than I was when he basically just repeated my question to Marth. And you just said last page that Mancer was coming out with some good stuff, but now he's rolefishing?

Use of meta a lot, like "this is strange" or "this looks strange comming from him and this behavior ____ is strange too".

You're misrepresenting my point. It started off as him acting differently, sure, but right now I don't like his posts because his points are passive-aggressive instead of being direct. And that has nothing to do with it being Blitz, I'd say that was scummy no matter who was doing it.

A pretty weak reason to keep pursuing someone for such a long time, seriously. He made some references to other players, but insisted on voting Blitz until the end.

Why exactly is that? If we're going to vig either Marth or Shinori, I'd rather it be Shinori. I assume you want the vig shot on Marth because if his role is what he says it is, it's highly likely that Shinori is scum, so we can lynch him tomorrow. But if we do that, we'll have another turbolynch tomorrow, and a second one wouldn't really be helpful. Plus, if Shinori flips town Tracker, we can still lynch Marth tomorrow too.

This post of his earns town points because he suggests the vig to shoot Shinori instead, however. I also like how he questioned others, although they were more like small nudges than questioning. Imo he's neutral leaning scum.

Also, now that Prims died, I realize my target was redirected to the Rolecop as well. I targetted Prims but I was redirected to someone else, I'm sure of it.

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What makes you so sure you were redirected at all, let alone to the role cop?

Because that is the result I got, though I could only confirm it now that Prims is dead. So the role that made Marth mistarget also made me mistarget.

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So uh, what? Do we know if there's a nexus or an outright driver or something? Rapier, specify how you know you were redirected please.

So I didn't post in the night phase partly due to lack of time, and partially so that I could gather my reads. Unfortunately, the night phase kind of blew them out a bit (eg I thought Prims was scum).

This BBM post strikes me as off in particular.

@Prims- It's not an election that you have to campaign for votes that hard. I admitted later after you gave reasons for why SB was worse than Elie that it was okay, but when you first posted asking Paper and Mancer to switch to SB, you were just saying that SB and Elie were equally bad, but then asking them to switch to your read instead of switching to their's, without giving a reason as to why your read was better than their's.

Also, your point that a lot of my reads are based off of weak stuff is an exaggeration. Whether or not the reasons for my reads have been strong or not, I'll admit that I haven't had a lot of them. I concentrated mainly on Blitz, and you a little bit. I chipped in a bit on whom I thought scummier between Elie and SB, and that's really about it. So saying that all of my reads have been for really weak reasons when I've only had one strong read this game is a bit of a misrepresentation.

And about the "something about his posts seem off-putting to me", that was said in N0 when I had mainly a gut read on Blitz from some posts he had made that I thought were scummy. And yeah, I look worse after Blitz's flip, but it's pretty hypocritical of you to say that since you pushed the turbolynch on him more than I did, and kept saying how he was scum.

On another note, Scorri/Marth/Shinori, were either of you told by Manix that he made some error with your results?

Also I'm going to sleep nowso good night.

First off, it feels like he's trying to make it seem like he's contributing a lot more than he actually is. The italics is all fluff, and the part replying to Prims feels really drawn out and purposely elongated. The second part of the post is basically saying "I have no major scumreads except for Blitz", when he died on day 1. So basically, his two prominent scumreads (counting Prims here since it was more him than me or eliclipse) have flipped confirmed town.

I kind of feel Marth is coming a little strange to me, partly because here he felt the need to stick the word town in front, when miller already implied his alignment. Also none of his shots can be proved in any way, but that's just a minor thing. Then again, I don't think scum!Marth would have outed Prims as doc when he didn't have to (iirc he did something similar in SSBU), and he did lead the Shinori lynch. Overall he's probably town.

Paperblade comes across as a bit scummy at first because literally checking his ISO his entire two pages, all I see are 1-3 line posts. Also this feels like he's setting up the incorrect results, although he seems spot on about BBM. If BBM flips town though, I know who to lynch. I remember virtually nothing of Kay or Psych (although I remember Blitz thought that Psych was town for some unspecified reason).

Quite tired, gonna look into eliclipse, Mancer and Rapier tomorrow. Also Shinori is listed in the alive players still Manix, just so you know.

I think a BBM lynch would be more helpful in terms of associative reads and he seems fairly scummy on top of that, so ##Vote: BBM

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Holy crap, SB's post was the scummiest I've ever seen. He focuses in on two lines of fluff at the end of a three paragraph post, and then sheeps a shitty reason to vote for me (my scumreads have flipped town). Thinking that someone is scum and then having them flip town doesn't make you scum. This is a really shitty reason for voting for somebody, and I'll be pretty annoyed if I get lynched for it. After the bit about me, the rest of his post is about his town reads and then his reasoning about Paper uses the same flawed reasoning as his vote for me. I think that Paper is scum, but that would be a really shitty reason for thinking he was, seeing as if I flip town, you'll have been part of my mislynch too.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Serious Bananas

Nobody seems to agree with me about Paperblade, and this last post from SB was just too scummy. Call it an OMGUS, whatever.

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SB (2): eclipse, Thomas Raith

Paperblade (0): Thomas Raith

Thomas Raith (4): Paperblade, Bluedoom, Psych, SB

eclipse (1): Kay

[spoiler=Voting history]eclipse: SB

Thomas Raith: Paperblade > SB

Paperblade: Thomas Raith

Kay: eclipse

Psych: Thomas Raith

Bluedoom: Thomas Raith

SB: Thomas Raith

BBM/Thomas Raith is at L-1!

Edited by Manix
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I had a paragraph above my vote explaining it...

So basically you don't think he has a legit enough reason to think you're scum, and he thinks Paper is scum for the same reason so that's terrible too. That's it?

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Ok so first off I apologize for going on about Prims being a doc. I was very paranoid and I thought the mafia would've figured out that he was a protective role by him outing that he targeted me.

Second SB my Commuter shot has been proven now that Prims has flipped town. I'm not sure what Rapier did on N0 though, this just gets more confusing.

BBM why have you still not claimed even at L-1?

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Also, Kay is misrepping my reason for voting for SB. It's not just that his reason is shitty, he's concentrating on small parts of my post without paying attention to the whole, and then the rest of his post is just him waffling on town reads.

If I get lynched, I'm thinking the most likely scum are SB, Paperblade, and Kay. Kay has been really unmemorable and has basically just posted one-liners here and there and come up with very few original reads or reasons or anything really.

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Also, Kay is misrepping my reason for voting for SB. It's not just that his reason is shitty, he's concentrating on small parts of my post without paying attention to the whole, and then the rest of his post is just him waffling on town reads.

If I get lynched, I'm thinking the most likely scum are SB, Paperblade, and Kay. Kay has been really unmemorable and has basically just posted one-liners here and there and come up with very few original reads or reasons or anything really.

If I'm misrepping you I can't be that unmemorable.

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Yeah you can. Me commenting on the post you made two or three posts ago doesn't suddenly make you memorable. Without re-reading, and without looking at the votals, I have absolutely no clue who it is that you've found scummy this game.

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Rapier - So, you're saying I should make a case against someone who might not be so obvious? I still haven't gotten an explanation for Banana's switch, so I don't see a reason to move my vote. I wouldn't assume anything about redirects. I'd prefer it if you kept quiet about your claim, unless you feel that it's needed to drive a lynch. I don't see a vote from you? What was the point of that wall?

Kay - We kind of have the same thoughts in regards to the game itself, so if you don't like me, whatever. If I wasn't in this player slot, I'd probably vote whoever was in it based off of Elieson.

I think Bananas is worse than BBM (and I said this before refreshing). With that claim, I definitely do NOT want BBM lynched. My vote stays. Would like Rapier to respond, because I don't much care for what he's done so far. I'm not happy with Mancer's sub request and Manix's response, but that's out of my control. The rest of you aren't worth voting for ATM.

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Ok so BBM why didn't you shoot one of Shinori or I N1? That would've helped us(except I used my commuter shot so you'd have wasted it if you tried it on me)


Not voting SB cuz it puts him at L-1. I think at this point a massclaiming would be beneficial, especially a claim from Rapier considering he's outed enough to confuse us.

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Bluedoom, are you trying to role fish by asking for a role claim? I'll take that as you trying to look for power roles, and possibly eliminating them.

I don't think anyone should claim at this point, except SB of course, since mass claiming will just help scum narrow down the list of players they have to shoot. Consider the fact that our Doctor (Prims) is also dead and mass claiming will just bring town into a downfall.

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