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Is anbody else here a brony?


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"I could like My Little Pony but sometimes the episodes use questionably logical plot mechanics."

Congratulations, you missed the point by a huge margin.

Thank you but which point do you mean?

The original post asked if anybody else is watching the show so I wrote that I do as well as giving my take on it because just writing "Yes" seemed rather insufficient to me.

The thread is full of people giving their take on the show. Why did you single out mine? What did I wrote that makes my post off-topic?

Edited by BrightBow
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Um maybe the point is that you are completely nitpicking and though you say the show and quality are amazing, you let small minor points in the episodes turn you off from it

I mean talk about picky

I thought Twilight's random new brother was super strange too, but I don't let it bother me that much...

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Thank you but which point do you mean?

The original post asked if anybody else is watching the show so I wrote that I do as well as giving my take on it because just writing "Yes" seemed rather insufficient to me.

The thread is full of people giving their take on the show. Why did you single out mine? What did I wrote that makes my post off-topic?

I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and flipped through the entire thread a second time and found exactly nobody who expressed the same sentiment as your take. Maybe I'm singling out your opinion as the only one of its kind?

The point of My-Little-Fucking-Pony is not to have this vast and absolutely seamless canon. Twilight's got a brother (incidentally her brother was awesome) for the purposes of this episode because it's a kids' cartoon about cartoon ponies. Each episode has to stand on its own, and the only things with real continuity have to be the relationships of the main cast because it's a kids' cartoon about cartoon ponies. Saying "I didn't like it because it didn't suspend my disbelief" is like saying "I didn't like it because it wasn't violent enough."

Twilight is smart and neat but is she funny

That is the question

twilight sparkle is the best pony

why does this need to be asked

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This is a show on the Hub, which follows Strawberry Shortcake and Pound Puppies. And you are really acknowledging elements of the show as quality and still nitpicking plot elements like surprise characters?

All the villains arose in the same episode (or one prior) to their demise. Does that bother you too? That they weren't talked about yet still founded some form of major relationship between the plots main characters and the main setting of the entire story?

It's just nitpicky. If this were some other, more grown up series then sure, I'd be a bit confused at it. But this is My Little Pony, where everything is made up as the points don't matter.

Edited by Elieson
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That may be the case but does being the best mean she's the funniest

I contend, sir, that 'tis arguable

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That may be the case but does being the best mean she's the funniest

I contend, sir, that 'tis arguable

I comprehend your point, sir, but I must analyze it more carefully before I can decide.

Were we to gauge them purely on the merit of how much joy and laughter they bring, I would have to concur with your point. However, I would then place Applejack on the top of the list, which I suspect would continue to run contrary to your beliefs. Am I wrong?

EDIT: Wow, I thought you were trying to be highbrow so I tried to be highbrow and I think I mostly looked like a tool.

Edited by Integrity
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It was just the lowest form of highbrow, no worries. I considered adding

"Though maybe by virtue of being the best, they should cause at least as much laughter as any other by the sheer virtue of the joy their being the best brings"

but that sounded a little ehh too much maybe

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Since I'm a girl, no I'm not a brony. xP

But I am a pegasister! I like the new MLP show a lot and Rainbow Dash has always been my favorite pony. Applejack is second. ^^

Actually, many people consider "brony" a gender-neutral term.

I'm actually not a fan, honestly.

The character designs are awesome. The artstyle is very expressive. The soundtrack is great. The voice direction and performances are wonderful. The "camera direction" if you can call it that, looks very professional...

But I have yet to see an episode with which I did not have an issue or two with it. Mind you, I haven't watched too many episodes.

But for example, I didn't like "A Canterlot Wedding" at all. For one thing, it begins with a never before heard relative of our lone wolf protagonist that she supposedly was very close to. Being the head of the Canterlot military made his sudden appearance even harder to believe for me.

For the record, even I have more than one problem with A Canterlot Wedding, though that is not one of them.

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I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and flipped through the entire thread a second time and found exactly nobody who expressed the same sentiment as your take. Maybe I'm singling out your opinion as the only one of its kind?

The point of My-Little-Fucking-Pony is not to have this vast and absolutely seamless canon. Twilight's got a brother (incidentally her brother was awesome) for the purposes of this episode because it's a kids' cartoon about cartoon ponies. Each episode has to stand on its own, and the only things with real continuity have to be the relationships of the main cast because it's a kids' cartoon about cartoon ponies. Saying "I didn't like it because it didn't suspend my disbelief" is like saying "I didn't like it because it wasn't violent enough."

Integrity, I still don't quite understand you.

I initially assumed that your reaction was because I was breaking the Forum Rules in some way. Presumably by being off-topic. Admittedly that happens a lot to me. I write, rewrite, copy-paste and whatnot a lot before I send off a post.

It would not be the first time that I completely lost track of what I wanted to say or what was the issue at hand.

Maybe I overlook something but I don't see anything in your follow up post that indicates that I did this or something similar.

What I can see from my perspective, is that I made a dumb post. But I have to say that this doesn't quite look to me like something that deserves such a strong, emotional and profane response. Is there more to this? Have I been offensive?

Edited by BrightBow
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I'm not entirely sure what you're saying either... but I think...

I think it's just Integrity. Some people have short tolerance to posts that are dumb or disagreeable x3 You're trying to look deeper into this but I think you might be wasting your time...

Even though for all I know I'm also wasting my own time by misunderstanding things or my take on this might be wrong and wasting my own time as well ^~^

Also the word profane being used in this case almost seems to be exaggerating or just wrong... because I don't really see that much "profane" in the responses

Edited by Freohr Datia
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*Just* figured out the disconnect BrightBow and I were having. I think.

Congratulations, you missed the point by a huge margin.

Read: the point of the show, not the point of this thread.

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For the record, even I have more than one problem with A Canterlot Wedding, though that is not one of them.

What else didn't you like about it?

Since I'm a girl, no I'm not a brony. xP

But I am a pegasister! I like the new MLP show a lot and Rainbow Dash has always been my favorite pony. Applejack is second. ^^

Rainbow Dash is my favorite too. But I can't stand Applejack.

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What else didn't you like about it?

-Lack of mane 6 doing anything useful except Twilight. Even the big fight ultimately ended in failure.

-Chrysalis is kind of a moron. She doesn't even try to be Cadance when posing as Cadance, and she's defeated because she left the two ponies who could potentially do anything right next to each other. Sure, Cadance was trapped, but then the changelings bring Twilight in and Chrysalis just...lets her roam.

-Banking off the above, Chrysalis doesn't even try to hide herself, but only Twilight notices. Some, like Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, I can understand not seeing anything odd. But Shining Armor and Celestia? They should know her well enough to see that she was acting different. And Rarity and Applejack's reactions to what she did were way too tame for my liking.

-Chrysalis again. She has no depth whatsoever. She's not even named in the episode (she's only referred to as the Queen of the changelings), we don't know a single thing about where she and her changelings come from, and we don't even know what she's trying to accomplish. I mean, we can assume she wants to take over Canterlot or something, but all we see is her attacking and...nothing else. Even a simple revenge plot would have covered background and motivation.

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Actually, many people consider "brony" a gender-neutral term.

Actually, I don't. xP

I don't think it makes any sense whatsoever to call it a gender-neutral term. The term brony is "bro" + "pony." And the term bro is short for brother. And a brother is obviously male. So there. I am a Pegasister, not a Brony. Nobody's gonna change that. :P

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It never has in mine and I still don't think it makes sense for it to become gender-neutral at all. Sorry, but this is just how I feel.

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