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I'd like to see Helios claim his targets before I lay down a vote for sure, but he's not looking that great to me right now. My only worry is that Bal is just being lurking scum. I dunno. I just keep going back to Shinori's theory of what if scum safeguard. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but I guess I'm just being paranoid.

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I already outed my targets, but i'll repeat them for convenience.

N1 - Elieson

N2 - Shinori

N3 - Nobody

N4 - Elieson

Also, why in the hell am i still alive? Not only am i confirmed town, but also a doc, both of those are usually killed instantly, yet i survived interestingly long, if i wasn't confirmed by the host to be town you would all be on me and i would be the lynch target, you can't say i'm wrong, confirmed docs don't live this long.

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Roles and RoleClaims and Night Action Claims in here

Elie Cop

-Prims (Success)

-Kaoz (Hooked)

-Manix (Success)

-Balc (Success)

Rocker Doc

-Elieson (*)

-Shinori (*)

-Idle -WHY?!?!-

-Elieson (*)

Manix Clear~





Balc Comp.SG

-Paper (Hooked)

-???? (???)

-???? (???)

-???? (???)

Helios BodyG

-Paper (Fail)

-???? (???)

-Rocker (Fail)

-???? (???)

Scorri 1xBP





Kay Jack**

-NNR (*)

-Helios (Fail)


-Idle -Assumed-


N1 -? Probably Paperblade or a now dead townie that didn't know/care to reveal ?

N2 -Shinori->Elie

N3 -Helios->Kaoz

N4 -Elie->Rocker

I've got a few blanks on my chart, primarily from Balcerzak and Helios. Any clarification on the ???? (???) parts would be greatly appreciated~~!

(*)Assuming Success

**Jack includes, used in order, Full Cop, Modified Voyeur, -unused- Conditional BPV and -unused- ?????

Now guys, let me open my old suitcase. It's made of fine European leather...it belonged to my grandfather ok? I know I'm not one for fashion, but I like it. What, you have a better looking suitcase, you satchel wearing brats?

Balcerzak: Still ISO'ing and analyzing, but responses give me a town-interpretation from him.

Helios: I have unprovable actions screaming he should be town, but reactions from others that hint at him being scum. Parking for now.

I also have no case on Kay. I'm in the middle of putting one together, but it's a stretch at this point. Help would be appreciated :)

WRT Baldrick:

Mentions Helios and scorri both in #185 in his "watch carefully" pile.

Soft-defends Helios from my attack, then lumps him as less-likely to be scum vs me and/or SB.

In #798, offers reads on pretty much everyone as people he hasn't covered. I'm guessing Helios was already covered...when he reluctantly conceded to my argument against Helios??? ---Assumes Kay and scorri aren't same-aligned--- Among other things worth note.

#862, contains a question at Balc asking if he's crumbing or whatever. Interesting reaction to a seemingly uninteresting post.

#956 and #958, tries to clarify scorri's vote on Paperprims.

#969 Would be content lynching scorri or Helios or Kaoz, but did nothing to push his reads (like, at all during the entire phase), and parked on SB.

#1139 another defense for Helios. Claims BG (Which Helios has also claimed...well now anyway)

WRT Scorri:

With the exception of Helios (RVS) and Balcerzak (Midgame), and Kay (later) (since the three are unconfirmed), only a single late-game vote on scum. Rest are on non-scum.

Hints at Baldrick's crap reads in #204 (or maybe #205 I lost the link).

A sort of reach at Balcerzak in #730

Correcting/teaching Baldrick in #812

Soft-defends Helios in #978. Claims to ISO him, later claims to more or less settle on Helios/Kaoz

Start of a new day, votes Helios since her thoughts on Kaoz were wrong, in #1078.

VERY RELUCTANTLY VOTED FOR BALDRICK for ~reasons~, when he was already pretty much hammered. (Finally voting for a scum player)

So has really mentioned/conversed with Baldrick on any form of noteworthy matter just a handful of times, and in her final mentioning of Baldrick, only votes for him because he's essentially already hammered...and the reason for voting for him was....well to me it's still unclear what you were thinking exactly.

##Vote Scorri

Baldrick's interactions with scorri seem to include more distancing and subtle buddying. Considering Baldrick is the only dead scum that has had any relevant reactions and interactions with players, his interactions with you and Helios are more noteworthy than anything else. However, certain things he said trump over the general lax attitude over Helios. I'm not sure how to interpret that part, but I am pretty sure as how to interpret his interactions vs you, and vice versa.

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Quick response to the one thing I can quickly respond to, I voted Baldrick because I was trying to figure out why the game was about to end in universal loss. I'll admit I was giving him a newbie pass when I shouldn't have, but we all make mistakes I suppose. Will present more arguments later.

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Town Compulsive Safeguard. I was on you last night.

bingo. right on the money.

So here's the thing guys; why aren't we lynching Helios for his N3 action claim already (as I've explained already)

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basically this game comes down to two 1v1's (Helios/Bal and scorri/Kay)

lynch Helios today, lynch Bal tomorrow if Helios flips town, then proceed to lynch the scummiest of the bp claims at what would likely be lylo

if Helios is scum we lynch both of the bp claims without repercussion. town wins.

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also Kay can't be the redirector for what it's worth (N2 tracker report)

I'm willing to bet good money that Helios is the redirector as well (the only other option would be scorri and I don't think claiming bp with a known tracker and/or watcher would be a good idea so it's probably not her either)

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Since there are requests that I claim and nobody said anything to the contrary from what I've seen, I'm Tracker. Targeted Bal N1 and saw him visit Paperblade, targeted Kay N2 and saw her visit Helios.

Elieson visited Manix.

over here Elie, these are his results.

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@Elieson: I idled that night because i wasn't here at all, I was either away or had forgotten about the game, that night happened during my two-phase long inactivity that almost got me modkilled.

Does anyone else find it funny that Helios's two claimed actions BOTH failed.

@Manix: Helios being redirector seems liable.

Personally i think it is Helios/Scorri scum team, as Kay and Balc seem town to me,

And since i like Manix's plan:

##Vote: Helios

I don't think too many more people should vote though, as we wouldn't want to cut off discussion so early.

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Ahhhh, k. My abilities of reading apparently suck :|

Still concerned that we are missing something, but just call it paranoia. So we caught Helios!Redirect. This I call delicious revenge for resulting in being targetted every night since n2

Then I know what to do assuming he is taken care of.


##Vote Helios

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I'm not lying about my action. I got redirected to Kaoz, and my action failed. I believe Bal since I've assumed he was the safeguard for a while now, but that doesn't mean I'm lying just because he targeted someone else. We don't know Kay's nor Manix's roles do we? It's always possible one of them hooked me or did some shenanigans. Plus it's also likely that Shinori just hooked me, and due to the redirection, I just ended up getting some weird flavor that I didn't understand (really wish I could share this but I can't because of rules ;/). Point is, it's really jumping to conclusions to say I'm lying about something I'm being 100% honest about.

We've also been through the lack of an N1 redirection 43897092754 million times, so again, you're all jumping to conclusions.

I've looked through both the ISOs of Scorri and Kay and I can see a case for both of them being scum.

##Vote Kay

Between DNA and RNA, I'd choose RNA, because it has you in it! wink.gif


##Vote Scorri

Alright now that I've gotten my PR out of the way, I think Scorri has a better case on her as scum. Kay's BPV is more believable than her's. I don't like how Scorri is jumping on me for no reason (at least Elieson and Manix have provided some reasoning, though quite a bit of it is flawed but ehh) and trying to just go with the wagon. Looks like an easy mislynch opportunity. Also looking back to before SB was lynched, I think Manix and Shinori provided a solid case as to why scorri should be lynched, and I'm pretty much just going to go with that since I really don't have much else to say. You're breaking my heart scorri ;_;.

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I'm not lying about my action. I got redirected to Kaoz, and my action failed. I believe Bal since I've assumed he was the safeguard for a while now, but that doesn't mean I'm lying just because he targeted someone else.

Then explain why you weren't hooked N3 yet your action failed. Bal targeted Shinori, not Kaoz.

Literally the only other explanation is the Kay safeguarded Kaoz for whatever reason (and she said she idled) so

We don't know Kay's nor Manix's roles do we? It's always possible one of them hooked me or did some shenanigans.

Elie can vouch for me, so yeah.

Plus it's also likely that Shinori just hooked me, and due to the redirection, I just ended up getting some weird flavor that I didn't understand (really wish I could share this but I can't because of rules ;/). Point is, it's really jumping to conclusions to say I'm lying about something I'm being 100% honest about.

Nice story change there. You thought that Shinori didn't hook you during D4, what the heck made you change your mind?

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Alright now that I've gotten my PR out of the way, I think Scorri has a better case on her as scum. Kay's BPV is more believable than her's. I don't like how Scorri is jumping on me for no reason (at least Elieson and Manix have provided some reasoning, though quite a bit of it is flawed but ehh) and trying to just go with the wagon. Looks like an easy mislynch opportunity. Also looking back to before SB was lynched, I think Manix and Shinori provided a solid case as to why scorri should be lynched, and I'm pretty much just going to go with that since I really don't have much else to say. You're breaking my heart scorri ;_;.

And yet another attempt at an easy mislynch begins. I'll be the first to admit that I've not played my best. But lets see.

a) I'm not exactly "jumping on you" for no reason. I talked some last phase about how I found you suspicious and was in fact voting you for a good bit of that. I don't see a problem with me saying that I was planning on voting you at the start of phase when I'd been voting you for most of last phase.

b) Why is it out of the question that both of our claims are true? Kay's claiming to have a cop ability and a type of tracker ability. And yet we have an accepted cop and a proven tracker. What's wrong with having multiple of the same ability? I thought we had gone over this yesterday when I claimed. Just because a JoAT has an ability doesn't mean no one else can.

c) The SB lynch. Which you were voting for. In fact, you were one of the main advocates of that lynch. And you ignored the case that Shinori and Manix provided then. And yet, now that you're suddenly about to be lynched, you just find it awfully convincing. Convenient that, eh?

Yeah, I'm perfectly ok with this lynch especially after seeing that attempt to get another easy mislynch.


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Votals + voting history

Helios (4) Manix, Rocker64, Elieson, scorri

scorri (1) Elieson, Helios

Kay (0) Helios

Not voting: Kay, Balcerzak


Edited by Taewoo
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Then explain why you weren't hooked N3 yet your action failed. Bal targeted Shinori, not Kaoz.

Literally the only other explanation is the Kay safeguarded Kaoz for whatever reason (and she said she idled) so

Elie can vouch for me, so yeah.

Nice story change there. You thought that Shinori didn't hook you during D4, what the heck made you change your mind?

A) Bal could always be lying

B) Kay could always be lying

C) I could have been hooked. I just got weird flavor and I didn't think it meant I was hooked. Not changing my story at all, I'm just less confident now since I thought Kaoz was some nexus bullshit or something.

I'm honestly just as confused as you are about this. I don't understand why a bodyguard action of all things would fail.

And yet another attempt at an easy mislynch begins. I'll be the first to admit that I've not played my best. But lets see.

a) I'm not exactly "jumping on you" for no reason. I talked some last phase about how I found you suspicious and was in fact voting you for a good bit of that. I don't see a problem with me saying that I was planning on voting you at the start of phase when I'd been voting you for most of last phase.

b) Why is it out of the question that both of our claims are true? Kay's claiming to have a cop ability and a type of tracker ability. And yet we have an accepted cop and a proven tracker. What's wrong with having multiple of the same ability? I thought we had gone over this yesterday when I claimed. Just because a JoAT has an ability doesn't mean no one else can.

c) The SB lynch. Which you were voting for. In fact, you were one of the main advocates of that lynch. And you ignored the case that Shinori and Manix provided then. And yet, now that you're suddenly about to be lynched, you just find it awfully convincing. Convenient that, eh?

Yeah, I'm perfectly ok with this lynch especially after seeing that attempt to get another easy mislynch.


A) You just said "ehh Helios is scummy" and voted for me. You didn't provide reasoning for it apart from some vagueness. When I asked you to be more specific, you ignored it and moved on with life.

B) Why would there be two bulletproofs, a doc, and a bodyguard, when there's only one vig?

C) I didn't "just find it" convincing, I clearly admitted that I could see scumri, I just preferred the SB lynch because he seemed scummier to me. Textbook misrep boiii.

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