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Final Fantasy Mafia- GAME OVER, Town Wins


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>tfw you realize j00 is a she

oh my god j00 I'm sorry and I feel bad and this is mafia where I can't edit my posts noooooooooo

But uh now I don't know what to do welp. I kind of want to stand my ground because I said I would...

...but that would probably make me a stubborn dick.


I feel so awkward now eugh

I'm going to try and split my time between bio/mafia now because I'm only like one third of the way done this assignment because I procrastinated

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xinnidy's fake miller claim was odd, but probably just rvs stuff

SB's reaction to cam was odd, but everyone kinda ignored cam and jumped on either elie or sb. That doesn't change that Cam had an odd reaction to Elie.

cam claims deliberately acting odd to get reactions...

mancer overreacts, but what's new there.

snike's reactions read town to me, i like that slot for now

Darros's poke at me was originally seeming odd, but eh his explaination seems legit.

Currently, I'm not really liking the Cam slot because of his "I'mma do a thing and then pull it back and claim that I was acting scummy to get reactions." That's not something a townie should be doing.


Slight secondary read on Darros and Mancer, but those are largely gut based.

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>tfw you realize j00 is a she

idk about this for real, s/he went on irc one time and said "I'm a girl, I set my profile to male because I can" and it wasn't presented as a joke but maybe I was just being dumb

Shinori, why is Lucy's post most voteworthy to you in context?

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idk about this for real, s/he went on irc one time and said "I'm a girl, I set my profile to male because I can" and it wasn't presented as a joke but maybe I was just being dumb

Maybe zer will tell us then or something because I am so confused and feel bad sort of but I don't know if I should. I like to be politically correct.

My lovely, sweet, naive Darros. It is best for us to believe the numbers claim until something is put before us that may disprove the numbers stated to us.

I feel like you're trying to flirt with me here or something

And yeah I kind of accepted that after scorri explained.


mancer overreacts, but what's new there.

This is kind of what I meant when I tried to explain all that. Except my inexperience with playing with Mancer and I don't think meta is very great even though it makes things so much easier and is reliable but not entirely so. And I tend to ramble on sort of. Expression is hard!

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At the point when I voted for him, it felt like Darros's entire activity was just announcing a townread, and keeping a vote on an inactive. After that he had a prod against Scorri which I didn't like at all because it called her out solely for the claim. I can understand not trusting her based on the claim because it's an easy mafia fake, but so are a lot of other roles. Finding someone suspicious solely on that is really weak. Then he took that back and actually said he had a slight townread on her from the interaction. I don't feel like he's actually trying to scumhunt. He also dropped the j00 vote weirdly- it felt like he was doing it solely because of the pressure. And he didn't replace it with a vote for anyone else either.

As for Mancer, null read because I haven't actually seen anything scummy he's done. I feel like people are overanalyzing his posts, idk. I'm not really getting anything from them.

As for Scorri I kind of let her pass because of the Numbers claim. If I were part of a 4p mafia, I wouldn't fake Numbers at all, because 4 is that awkward number where it's too small to know for sure that there isn't another team, but it's too big to know for sure that there is another team.

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The funniest part about Shinori's claim was that he was like "I'm lying!" when it was determined he was full of shit and then he didn't die until Blitz was like "Fuck this shit Shinori is obviously scum" and shot him.

@scorri: Generally, an Informed Townie is any town role that passively knows information about the game, while Numbers is a specific version that knows about the # of people in a faction (such as X townies or X non-townies).

People who are rolespeccing are dumber than a bag of rocks.

Anyway, Helios's self vote is bad. I understand that RVS is kind of silly but this does nothing to actually get us out of it.

Elieson has like 10 posts but something like 7-8 of them do nothing, and he says the only person he suspects atm is Cam yet is still firmly parked on his RVS vote, BBM.

At the point when I voted for him, it felt like Darros's entire activity was just announcing a townread, and keeping a vote on an inactive.


##Vote: Elieson

Mancer is odd, since on one hand, I think that lynching him for being stupid has better long term effects outside of this game (he will hopefully learn to not do this), but on the other I don't actually think he's scum yet.

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At the point when I voted for him, it felt like Darros's entire activity was just announcing a townread, and keeping a vote on an inactive. After that he had a prod against Scorri which I didn't like at all because it called her out solely for the claim. I can understand not trusting her based on the claim because it's an easy mafia fake, but so are a lot of other roles. Finding someone suspicious solely on that is really weak. Then he took that back and actually said he had a slight townread on her from the interaction. I don't feel like he's actually trying to scumhunt. He also dropped the j00 vote weirdly- it felt like he was doing it solely because of the pressure. And he didn't replace it with a vote for anyone else either.

The scorri thing wasn't a "I think ccorri is scum for sure" thing, it was more of a "scorri could be scum pretty easily because this is an easy fakeclaim" type of thing I had going on in my head. In my post I specifically said "She's not posted enough for me to really get a read at the moment though. I'm just playing with theory here. ;/". I'm trying to scumhunt, but I feel like there isn't really much to go off of from what we have so far. It's very hard to develop reads on people when they're made like all of 3-5 posts. And even then those posts aren't all that big.

As for the j00 thing I didn't know that zie was timezone impaired and then I felt all bad ((which would explain the weirdness maybe)) because I was calling zer a he and a she when I don't know and I really hope I do soon because everytime I mention j00 I feel all like "oh my god I'm saying the wrong pronoun and j00 is going to hate me". It was more of a personal freakout thing. But the timezone does play into i a bit.

BBM, you seem to be tunneling me a bit. All of your posts since RVS seem to be directed right at me. The only two members you've even talked about were because you were asked to, and you've given them both passes. I don't mind null reads but this seems pretty weird to me, how you're giving me crap for not scumhunting and then turning around and simply tunneling on me. It's not like I haven't posted any reads at all, I just haven't developed any real scumreads yet. I don't feel like I have enough TO develop any real scumreads off of yet.

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Your post is both OMGUS and hypocritical, because you want me to be okay with you having no reads, and then call me out for only having one read. One read is still better than zero, no? Tunneling isn't the same as not scumhunting.

Anyways, something about Snike's posts rubs me the wrong way but I'm not sure what it is. I guess I didn't really like how his last posts where he misread something Mancer said and then just sort of twisted it into his original case.

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Your post is both OMGUS and hypocritical, because you want me to be okay with you having no reads, and then call me out for only having one read. One read is still better than zero, no? Tunneling isn't the same as not scumhunting.

How is it OMGUS. I never voted you, I'm just pointing out your tunneling on me. Every single post you've made has been about me. I'm not calling you out for having one read, I'm calling you out for not posting anything at all in this thread past RVS that hasn't regarded me other than when you were asked. For your last sentence, I guess I could say that you're not scumhunting then.

Anyways, something about Snike's posts rubs me the wrong way but I'm not sure what it is. I guess I didn't really like how his last posts where he misread something Mancer said and then just sort of twisted it into his original case.

...and here's something else. For me, Pages 4 and the begining of 5 were just a mess. That's the area where Snike was posting. A lot of overreacting/misreading/misunderstanding. It's hard to pick out scum from the latter two, since people can't really misread or misunderstand on purpose. Mancer kind of always overreacts so I'm not getting scum vibes there.

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Your post is both OMGUS and hypocritical, because you want me to be okay with you having no reads, and then call me out for only having one read. One read is still better than zero, no? Tunneling isn't the same as not scumhunting.

Anyways, something about Darth Suadah's posts rubs me the wrong way but I'm not sure what it is. I guess I didn't really like how his last posts where he misread something Mancer said and then just sort of twisted it into his original case.

That's nice. I said that he was trying to tell me that it was directed towards the part of my post that wasn't relevant to my case on him, and I didn't buy that. I'm hardly twisting IMO.

But go ahead, Leafs Fan. Make my day.

In other news, I don't Frog, because of his lack of actual opinions and content that is mostly defenses, but BBM is arguably worse for the aggression on the amphibian. Still 0/10 would not lynch for now on both of them.

I saw the Frog post but I stand by my statements, wrt Mancer.

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ITT: I'm a canary. One that takes half an hour to make posts.

lesigh Mancer play is bad. I don't like how he plays really scummy in /every/ game I see him in. The metagamer in me is wanting to not vote for him because I've been screwed over by him so many times, but I don't want to let scum behavior stand.

That being said, I'm not much of a BBM supporter right now. I don't see anything in Darros' posts about how Mancer is scummy, just that he plays bad.

Gonna believe the scorri claim right now if I didn't make that clear before (and I don't think I did). I don't see any reason not to right now.

Though I think this post bothers me the most.

I don't find SB scummy, though, it makes sense for him to want Cam to vote with him if he thought Elie was scummy. Levity is probably mafia.

##Vote: Helios

>"levity is probably mafia"

>votes for helios


##Vote: Prims

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ITT shit actually happens.

Shinori will you accept this ring, this one ring to rule them all?


##Vote Doofina

Copypasta reasoning and logic do not a case make, especially at this point in the game. It's not cool to try to look cool by hopping on the wagon you think is coolest.

I love how our votes mean literally nothing right now.

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Okay Lucina that took forever but I'm satisfied. Basically I was waiting to see if Lucina would bother responding and how much she would respond with to see what kind of vibes I would get from her. With the response I got, I'm leaning a bit towards town with her. I'm really facepalming at myself for not noticing that. However, I've caught myself with another scum read that would tie in nicely if Prims is scum. Which with that post he very well could be. I'll wait until he replies though.

My scumread that I've developed after reading the thread and waiting for Lucina to post is SB. His response to Cam back on page 2 I found very weird. He kind of tried to pressure Cam into voting for Elieson, and when Cam didn't do it, SB jumped on Cam a little bit. What really struck me funny was the timing of his vote. SB held of on voting for Eli until after he got on Cam's case about it, instead of voting for him as soon as he "found him scummy". Of course, we soonafter have Prims saying that he doesn't find SB scummy. I think these two might be scumbuddies.

##Vote: SB

Also can we please use "they" and "their" if you don't know someone's gender, it's way easier to read than throwing Zs everywhere

FME this is horribly incorrect and would probably make me feel worse Well I guess I can. Soon enough I'll know what to say about j00 though. I'm expecting j00 to make a post before the time I wake up.

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Did anyone else catch that Doofina is still voting Elieson?

Because that is the case.

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I kind of want to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she forgot to unvote.

She inevitably will now.

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Yeah. Just was wondering why no one had mentioned it.

Though the vote she's changing too isn't much better since I'm fairly certain what Prims said was sarcasm.

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i don't think unvoting should really matter. as a mod i don't require it, it just helps people parse the thread

that said Lucina is apparently not reading the game given that I explained the Levity-Helios post in response to Shinori early on that exact (30ppp) page, not to mention that what I did was hardly scummy rather than Weird at that point in the game. also his sentence on mancer basically avoids dropping any read beyond "mancer sux at mafia". I still find Mancer's earlygame a little bit worse but would not mind lynching Lucy.

Darros: hunting for buddies without either of the players flipping is generally a waste of time, but even ignoring that you seem to just assume I must be scum in the first place in your post without explanation. ???

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Darros: hunting for buddies without either of the players flipping is generally a waste of time, but even ignoring that you seem to just assume I must be scum in the first place in your post without explanation. ???

Not really hunting, but more of "wow this would be convenient and is plausible". I DO think SB is scummy, and until Lucina quoted it I hadn't noticed what you did with the Levity -> Helios vote. This made me think you were scum. Apparently I'm really bad at noticing things Christ. I'm looking back and seeing your explanation post now. That's a pretty weird way to get a reaction out of someone, but whatever. It's not looking scummy to me now that I'm seeing what you were actually doing there.

This doesn't change my stance on SB. He still looks bad to me.

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