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Clyde is the name I use for my dude in Magvel 803 Alternate story RP, and for some reason he called me that instead.

Also I'm not saying ONLY JB is scummy Eli I'm just saying that the reasons others posted makes him seem like scum, I just can't be 100% sure he is obscum, but better to vote on a 50% you have something than a 20% that you have a feeling is obviously wrong.

learn something new every day

What I meant was, your only reads so far are placing JB as likely to be scum, followed by Prims? You unvoted Prims because you think JB is more scummy, I'm assuming. What happened to your placeholder-read on Prims?

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I had said my vote on Prims was a temp until I had gotten more information if I am remembering myself correctly.

And apparently Prims acting like that is "normal" for when he plays mafia, so I changed the vote. I could always change it back if I sense something, but eh

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SSG needs to become SS about this game, as does Shin.

Terra, have you acquired information that dismisses your scumread on Prims? (Because you unvoted and never explained why, you just explained your new vote)

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The problem wasn't Terrador taking Prims seriously, actually. I just felt it was odd that he was taking RVS quite seriously.

##Vote: Terror Door

This, and his weird Unvote on Elie for an extremely weak reason.

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I mean, he said earlier that he found Elie strange and that he just wouldn't vote him because he'd be AFK. Since he unvoted and then voted no one, I suppose he was going to change his vote to Elie but didn't.

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SSG needs to become SS about this game, as does Shin.

Terra, have you acquired information that dismisses your scumread on Prims? (Because you unvoted and never explained why, you just explained your new vote)

My scumread was based on odd Day 1 behavior; since apparently everyone and their mother confirms that he was goofing around, I figured that "par for the course" wasn't really anything to be too suspicious of.


The problem wasn't Terrador taking Prims seriously, actually. I just felt it was odd that he was taking RVS quite seriously.


##Vote: Terror Door

This, and his weird Unvote on Elie for an extremely weak reason.

Please do remember that I am absolutely not used to RVS; the vast majority of games I've played have involved lots of talking among players before lynch voting was even considered, and I'm definitely not accustomed to NOC Day 1s (the one and only one I've done was two years ago). I'm going to do some things that seem odd now and again. And that non-vote on Elie was simply because I didn't want to leave a standing vote if there was no information to gain (since I didn't think I'd talk to Elieson again until Day 2). That said, I did vote him now that I actually am able to talk and get a feel for things.

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Did someone say SHIN. I shall be supah sirius!

This is actually my first game with an N0, so I was slightly confuzzled. Regardless, I don't think too much of Prims tormenting da bear, mostly because I think it's something we all want to to do really.

I don't like how JB jumps in super serious during RVS. Either that was a weird move, or he has the worst sense of humour ever. Terr's being super analytical, I've never mafia'd with him, but I know he likes using his noggin, so I dunno. However, he never says why Prims is our best lynch, I don't see anything other than the RVS. Just for the record, the Rapier one was funniest. Even after admitting he was new, I'd be surprised to think that he didn't see the joke either.

Bluedoom's "I like Prims idea" vote doesn't float my boat, he smells like mutton. I'm not getting Eli, making up an elaborate lie then admitting it wasn't a little later is very strange. If it's a reaction test, it's much akin to squirting a bull in the face with a novelty flower. I also have the sudden urge to vote Rapier, but that's probably just a reflex by now. Rapier, try and actually do something rather than look at just one unvote. Quite a bit has happened and that's all you can do?

##Yaranaika: JB

Before he starts reciting baa baa black sheep, I want to hear a half decent reason to why he made such a serious case early on. If everyone else was being silly, I don't see why you need to single out Prims.

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Terr's being super analytical, I've never mafia'd with him, but I know he likes using his noggin, so I dunno. However, he never says why Prims is our best lynch, I don't see anything other than the RVS. Just for the record, the Rapier one was funniest. Even after admitting he was new, I'd be surprised to think that he didn't see the joke either.

I really can't see voting equating to lynch in the first day of the first Day. He seemed shady, I figured some vote pressure would help, I learned this is par for the course for Prims, and decided to move on. He was really the only person I could think of at the moment; transition out of RVS, woo!

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SSG needs to become SS about this game, as does Shin.

Terra, have you acquired information that dismisses your scumread on Prims? (Because you unvoted and never explained why, you just explained your new vote)

SSG was being SS about the stalk market in Animal Crossing New Leaf.

Terrador is coming off as a genuine newbie to SF mafia to me. Over at fanfiction, Day 1 usually ends in no lynch and there is no RVS. I didn't even do RVS in my first game on here cause I wasn't sure what to say and do.

Has JB played mafia games here before?

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Shinori's justification for the Bluedoom vote is arguably a little misreppy, and the way he's commented on Elieson's and Prims's antics is odd to me -- I'm not sure if they are nullreads or not. I understand his weird initial votes now though. He seems fairly scummy to me overall.

While I agree that JB/Skyward looks kind of scummy (mainly for not responding to Prims calling his behaviour "made up" as Darros pointed out) I think I'm actually more suspicious of Darros and Breezy placing their votes on that wagon rather weakly and (if I'm not mistaken) having no other current scumreads. Darros's vote has gotten stronger since, but that almost makes me more suspicious given his lack of pressure elsewhere. I'd like more reads and pressure from both of them, and combined with my previous comments on Darros I think he's scummier than Shinori, so:

##Unvote (Shinori), ##Vote Darros

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I should shoot Elie tonight. It'd be pretty funny.

JB's "WHY AM I SCUMMY" just makes him seem bewildered rather than panicky over the votes on him and I don't see the point in continuing a RVS STRONG case.

Yeah Breezy you are doing nothing other than following other people. Not even trying to look into the intent of other players. What are your reads on anybody other than JB? Do you have anything to say that hasn't already been pointed out? I would support a lynch on you right now.


##Vote: kirsche

Don't like how he's voting Elie for something that's really just weird instead of scummy while ignoring everything else. He didn't explain why Elie had scum intent instead of just being distracting, either. Pls start scumhunting.

Terrador is so obviously tryhard newbtown it hurts.

@Shinori: Never in my life will I ever understand how you equate " Drops off the face of the planet" to scummy and coasting (we were hardly a day and a half into the game).

This is a good point and Shinori's vote looks graspy as a result; like he needed to puff it up beyond just "lol stop sheeping Prims ur unmemorable".

Rapier, any other reads? SSG, any reads in general?

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Hmm, ok. Blah, don't like reaction tests, never have, probably never will and I still find it odd that the mods went along with it somewhat. But, whatever. Elie's response was fine and isn't making me suspect more.


##Vote: Breezy

Comes in, votes Prims because something's odd but doesn't say what's odd (keep in mind there was a decent wagon on Prims at this point), then empty unvotes because "oh everyone says that Prims is just being Prims", still never saying why he found Prims odd in the first place, then jumps on JB literally because "bandwagoning is a thing and what everyone else said", and only reads he's posted have been on those two and they've all been sheepy votes.

Don't like kirsche right now either. Seems to be doing a similar thing of jumping on people based entirely on other people's cases. All he had to say about Elie was "yeah, what scorri said" and "why a reaction test, what was it's point?" Would probably be ok with lynching here. Also maybe Shinori cause Marth has a good point, but I'd need to look more into that one before I decided for sure one way or another.

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Did someone say SHIN. I shall be supah sirius!

This is actually my first game with an N0, so I was slightly confuzzled. Regardless, I don't think too much of Prims tormenting da bear, mostly because I think it's something we all want to to do really.

I don't like how JB jumps in super serious during RVS. Either that was a weird move, or he has the worst sense of humour ever. Terr's being super analytical, I've never mafia'd with him, but I know he likes using his noggin, so I dunno. However, he never says why Prims is our best lynch, I don't see anything other than the RVS. Just for the record, the Rapier one was funniest. Even after admitting he was new, I'd be surprised to think that he didn't see the joke either.

Bluedoom's "I like Prims idea" vote doesn't float my boat, he smells like mutton. I'm not getting Eli, making up an elaborate lie then admitting it wasn't a little later is very strange. If it's a reaction test, it's much akin to squirting a bull in the face with a novelty flower. I also have the sudden urge to vote Rapier, but that's probably just a reflex by now. Rapier, try and actually do something rather than look at just one unvote. Quite a bit has happened and that's all you can do?

##Yaranaika: JB

Before he starts reciting baa baa black sheep, I want to hear a half decent reason to why he made such a serious case early on. If everyone else was being silly, I don't see why you need to single out Prims.

Sorry to confuse you. Nothing was going on, and I felt confident that my attempt at a reaction test (the faked Shot) would generate discussion that actually mattered. I had to clear things up, otherwise things might start getting out of hand, regarding actual scumhunting and/or potential night actions. Had breezy actually been around to react to my "shot", things might have been more productive, but alas, I hurped when I should have derped.

SSG was being SS about the stalk market in Animal Crossing New Leaf.

Terrador is coming off as a genuine newbie to SF mafia to me. Over at fanfiction, Day 1 usually ends in no lynch and there is no RVS. I didn't even do RVS in my first game on here cause I wasn't sure what to say and do.

Has JB played mafia games here before?

2nd post of the game (well into page 7) and you haven't got anything besides a sole townread and maintaining your RVS on Bluedoom, unexplained. You're trying, right?

#.# FoS Super Seriderps Gal

(this isn't a vote, it's just the closest I can get to an alternative of voting, than you Proto and Resistance IV for this FOS lesson that I just can't forget ever)

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Being distracting is not exactly pro-town and by not commenting on anything else it means that I have nothing significant to say on anything else. Neither did scorri who you seem to have just ignored even though she was in the same boat as I was when you made that post (granted she's posted now, but you still chose to overlook her in favour of me).

"why a reaction test, what was it's point?"

This is not in other people's cases and is in fact my reason for retaining my vote. I agreed with what you said and found it vote worthy and so I voted. I kept my vote because it was a dumb reaction test that wasn't helping town. 'Derping around for the sake of discussion' is dumb too because it's just an excuse to play badly and get away with it.

Also I'm finding it hard to discern whether the actions of a few individuals (Breezy and Terrador in particular) are newbtown or scummy and frankly don't have the patience right now to analyse or think about it. JB isn't particularly jumping out as scummy.

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BTW, JB has played (and hosted, for that matter) games here on SF. He isn't a noob 'round these parts where mafia is concerned.

Again, My above FOS isn't a Vote. Don't confuse that for a vote in Votals, Modcrew.

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I don't like how JB jumps in super serious during RVS. Either that was a weird move, or he has the worst sense of humour ever.

##Yaranaika: JB

Before he starts reciting baa baa black sheep, I want to hear a half decent reason to why he made such a serious case early on. If everyone else was being silly, I don't see why you need to single out Prims.

Why do you think JB has a serious case on RVS? For me, he was just pressing her. Also, I share your opinion about Elie. I'm still not sure what kind of reaction he wanted to see from Terrador/Breezy, but other than that being weird, I don't see a scummy intent on it (nor a town one, soo... null read).


##Vote: Shinori

I may be nitpicking here, but his vote on Bluedoom is weird imo. How can you say someone is coasting and inactive so soon? His vote was placed on Page 5. I also believe that his vote is weak and opportunistic. Work out on this, dude.

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Also, it is ironic that Bluedoom really IS coasting right now. Shinori's vote could've been more justifiable if only he did so later, and not sooner. He's got only 4 votes on a 8 page long game, he hasn't presented any significant reads, and he's still clinging to his RVS vote. At least try, please.

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3. You must make at least 2 posts during each 24 hour period or you will be prodded. If you fail to post within 12 hours of being prodded you will be subbed out or modkilled. If you know ahead of time that you will not be present during a 24 hour period, please state in-thread or in your role PM that you will be away.

Just a reminder. We probably won't punish on day 1 for this, but make sure you do it.


(4) JB: Marth, Darros, Breezy, Shin
(2) Elieson: kirsche, Terrador
(2) Marth: SSG, Shinori
(2) Breezy: JB, scorri
(2) Darros: Elieson, Strege
(1) kirsche: Prims
(1) Shinori: Rapier
Not Voting: bearclaw
With 15 voting, it takes 5 to deadline lynch and 10 to hammer. You have 23 hours and 42 minutes left in the phase.
Edited by Essbee
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Elieson: point of curiosity for you. Who are you voting for currently? You said you weren't voting for SSG even though you suspected her, and all you have left is your Darrps vote, which was, I quote, "grasping at straws". Yeah, SB counted it, but you specifically said you weren't, so I'm assuming you're sticking with your old vote.

That, and I find it mildly suspicious that you'll call me suspicious for accusing without voting, and here you are doing the exact same thing. Not incredibly suspicious, but not auspicious either.

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Oops, completely forgot to mention: I have WiFi here! So I should be around more-or-less up to deadline, unless something goes wrong. This router is very finicky.

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@Rapier: Don't forget the hashtags on your unvotes. I'm also wondering if you think anyone besides Terrador was too serious during RVS, since you think JB wasn't.

I'm a bit wary of kirsche at this point, who has for the most part only commented on the two main reaction testers (Prims and Elieson). Do you think Elieson is scummy right now? You've stated that you think his reaction test was dumb but I personally don't think that signals scum intent on its own. In what way do you think it was scummy, if you do?

bearclaw, come back with scumreads pls; we miss you...

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@JB: The first post was scummy because I felt an aggressive tone from it and it didn't really feel like just questioning.

@Shinori: Never in my life will I ever understand how you equate " Drops off the face of the planet" to scummy and coasting (we were hardly a day and a half into the game).

Not really convinced with Darros' defence about him being voteless but I'll keep my vote regadless since I can't see anything remotefully new or anyone scummier. (lol Eli dayvig discussion can't even read that it makes my eyes bleed)

I guess I should be more clear. You came in, literally just sheeped Prims then left. You didn't state your thoughts on anything else happening at that point in time at all. Nor did you comment on anything in any of your previous posts before that.


I had a purpose for my DayVig, and while I didn't get the reaction I wanted from the player I wanted it most from, getting one from you does make it at least worth the effort. It was a reaction test and nothin more. I'm just as surprised as you are that the mods called phase pause twice, but now that another one occured for you, I'm pretty sure we can agree that I was derping around for the sake of discussion

I really don't see Elie as scummy for his day vig thing except I do think it was a little out of place for him so I think it's at least something to keep an eye on elie for. Also the way you are massively denying anything having to do with a vig is just really weird, but I've done similiar things so I guess I can't really say much.

Also inb4 ScumBM because he likes abusing WIFOM for fuck knows why

Totally scumhunting.

I had said my vote on Prims was a temp until I had gotten more information if I am remembering myself correctly.

And apparently Prims acting like that is "normal" for when he plays mafia, so I changed the vote. I could always change it back if I sense something, but eh

Just because someone tells you he normally plays like that doesn't mean you should unvote or change your vote. He's played similar to this as both sides.

Why do you think JB has a serious case on RVS? For me, he was just pressing her. Also, I share your opinion about Elie. I'm still not sure what kind of reaction he wanted to see from Terrador/Breezy, but other than that being weird, I don't see a scummy intent on it (nor a town one, soo... null read).


##Vote: Shinori

I may be nitpicking here, but his vote on Bluedoom is weird imo. How can you say someone is coasting and inactive so soon? His vote was placed on Page 5. I also believe that his vote is weak and opportunistic. Work out on this, dude.

This vote seemed really weird to me. He dropped his terrador vote for what appears to be no reason and then voted for me with sheepy logic that everyone else has been stating for the most part. Why did you unvote Terra exactly rapier?

Also I'm still leaving my vote on Bluedoom because just going over his posts he still hasn't done anything. He sheeped prims literally just saying "Yeah, I agree with Prims." Then has proceeded to not scumhunt at all and the majority of his posts since then have consisted of very short posts that have zero content in them.

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