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Pirates of the Caribbean Mafia [Everyone loses but j00, Baldrick and Manix]


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j00 where's your vote??

also I KNEW I was getting weird vibes from Rapier.

##Unvote ##Vote: Rapier

I'm also getting weird vibes from Poly.


I'll ask manix if he want to remake buttcall tonight but his internet died last night because it's dumb and australian so I dunno when he'll be around

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Content with my Rapier vote for now. Not sure how to word it exactly but he doesn't really seem to be trying to put any pressure on anyone at all, or further the state of the game, despite having a lot of posts. The mod-vote is useless and the Bizz vote is a self-admitted fabrication so yeah. Poly is also somewhat guilty of this but a little less so I think.

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yay laziness

not really enjoying the lack of posting in a 48 hour game, but yet i didn't feel like doing anything about it until now so lol

all the talk about hiddens is completely dumb and detracts from even getting anything done. rapier's fixation with hiddens, while not without precedent, doesn't achieve anything. it's a lot easier on the brain to just assume hiddens don't exist unless you actually have information about it

(also my first post was a joke. rapier tho)


##Vote: Rapier

should pretty much be explained.

not happy with poly either, although others (namely BBM) have already pointed that out. rapier is worse though

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Bro, where my Co-Mod Votallers At? Votal

SB (1): Refa

Refa (0): Polydeuces

BBM (0): Miria Harvent

Rapier (4): Polydeuces, BBM, Miria Harvent, Isaac Dian

Shinori (1): Eurykins

Miria (1): Rapier

Baldrick (0): Isaac Dian

Not Voting: scorri, j00, Shinori

Lynches happen at 6 votes! Rapier is L-2!

Deadline countdown:


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But yeah, the thing about bastard games (and especially when they're labeled bastard) is that it's not hard to start speculating a LOT due to the nature of the game and I know it's RVS but it's best to play the game as is, for now, until we have more info blah blah

Not really much else to say besides that.that hasn't already been said anyway. Keeping my vote on Rapier for now.

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I don't think too much of Rapier being lazy, it was still basically RVS. Anybody else could be guilty of not immediately going non-RVS.

##vote: manix worst of rapier's votes IMO cause he just says "yeah it's been explained" (by others)?

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all the talk about hiddens is completely dumb and detracts from even getting anything done. rapier's fixation with hiddens, while not without precedent, doesn't achieve anything. it's a lot easier on the brain to just assume hiddens don't exist unless you actually have information about it

this basically is aimed at rapier, considering he's the one who has made the biggest deal out of hiddens up to this point. hell, it even mentions rapier specifically. that's what "should pretty much be explained" was referring to, in relation to the vote.

lrn2context bro

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thinking about that post from baldrick a little further;

sure, it may have been rvs, but no one was even trying to get out of rvs (hell, not even I tried. however, I had one post). generally, if you had made more posts, you should be trying to get out of rvs asap, not continue to fluff up the thread and stagnate the game state.

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I don't think too much of Rapier being lazy, it was still basically RVS. Anybody else could be guilty of not immediately going non-RVS.

##vote: manix worst of rapier's votes IMO cause he just says "yeah it's been explained" (by others)?

It's not so much that he didn't go right into RVS as that he spent like 5 posts talking about useless stuff rather than just one or two like others. Poly did as well but I think that his Rapier vote suffices for really early RVS. Yeah I know people joke around in RVS but I feel that as a community we've moved towards trying to push out of it ASAP rather than just posting random stuff while waiting for someone else to do something. Because if everybody does that, it would take us forever to get out of it (see: Drafters D1 24+ hour RVS).

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Just a note: I'm not familiar with everyone here, so referring to Isaac Dian as Manix or to Miria Harvent as Levy is confusing for me, since obviously I don't want to continuously check history of past display names.

Please try to use people's display names (or shorter versions thereof!) so it's easier for me to keep track of everyone, thanks!

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@isaac that's what I get for speed reading and quick posting. But talking about hiddens during RVS isn't any less productive than RV'ing during RVS.

At both Isaac and BBM, making a lot of RVS posts is anti-town but not a good idea for scum; it draws attention to yourself which defeats the whole purpose of drawing out RVS.

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Not liking Rapier so far because of his dragging on the RVS stage, and Isaac is rubbing me the wrong way a little bit (though he brings up a good point about Rapier being dumb for bringing up hiddens, so maybe it's just jittery reaction to something idk).

As for the others, I'm indifferent. Baldrick's last post kinda bugs me for some reason but I'm not worrying much about it right now.

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all the talk about hiddens is completely dumb and detracts from even getting anything done. rapier's fixation with hiddens, while not without precedent, doesn't achieve anything. it's a lot easier on the brain to just assume hiddens don't exist unless you actually have information about it


Content with my Rapier vote for now. Not sure how to word it exactly but he doesn't really seem to be trying to put any pressure on anyone at all, or further the state of the game, despite having a lot of posts. The mod-vote is useless and the Bizz vote is a self-admitted fabrication so yeah. Poly is also somewhat guilty of this but a little less so I think.

wow guys you do realize that I was joking, right? ... Right? *sees that I have four people voting for me* .... .... Riiight?

Fine. You want me to get serious? Then let's get serious.

thinking about that post from baldrick a little further;

sure, it may have been rvs, but no one was even trying to get out of rvs (hell, not even I tried. however, I had one post). generally, if you had made more posts, you should be trying to get out of rvs asap, not continue to fluff up the thread and stagnate the game state.

Hello pot, my name is kettle.

You blame me for not finding a solution to end RVS right on page 4 (when the game started, no less), then you proceed to give yourself an excuse for not contributing and say that I should've contributed more (on page 4, no less, when there was no content) because I had five posts and apparently it is synonimous with "a lot of posts".

Your vote on me is both lazy and opportunistic and I don't like it any bit.


##Vote: Isaac Dian

Also, yes, speaking seriously about hiddens is kind of dumb right now because we know very little about the game. It's better to focus on our priorities and deal with it later. I ask that nobody tries to debate with me about hiddens because, seriously, I was kidding. RVS, guys.

Content with my Rapier vote for now. [...] The mod-vote is useless and the Bizz vote is a self-admitted fabrication so yeah. Poly is also somewhat guilty of this but a little less so I think.

I understand your point about me not pressing people. I admit that I am bad at RVS. I "voted" Bard (I actually voted Brd, not Bard) as a joke. The game had just started and that was my first post. My Bizz vote wasn't serious and I'm not sure why you are making such a huge deal about these two votes.


You may say that you're bad at RVS, but it is much worse if you just decide to stay away from it. Scum benefit from lack of content more than town, so even a simple vote can help. See how we started some discussion about my actions? One thing leads to another. ... You could give your opinions about that case, at least.

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Not liking Rapier so far because of his dragging on the RVS stage, and Isaac is rubbing me the wrong way a little bit (though he brings up a good point about Rapier being dumb for bringing up hiddens, so maybe it's just jittery reaction to something idk).

As for the others, I'm indifferent. Baldrick's last post kinda bugs me for some reason but I'm not worrying much about it right now.

There is no such thing as a single player dragging RVS when the other 10 players can do something about it. Don't blame me for dragging on the RVS stage. It's not like I was the only one who was joking at RVS.

I'm starting to find your opinions about Isaac and Baldrick very shallow. Your post can easily be read as "hey, I have this opinion about these players who are in the spotlight. Isaac bothers me but idk why, Baldrick bothers me but idk why, Rapier is acting dumb because *repeats what others said*. I'm indifferent to the rest". Your post doesn't add content anywhere and is pretty vague overall.

It is worse than Isaac's case on me. I'd have voted you if I had read that post before, not Isaac. So, fixing this:


##Vote: Polydeuces

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^ You dragged out RVS by continuing to make "joking" (read: inconsequential and ultimately pointless) posts, and that thing that you tacked on at the end towards j00 has pissed me off even further. What does it matter if he just comes in and does that, anyways? Though I despise ED1 claims, I'm not getting anything from that; rather, I feel like that may have a reaction test to see if anyone would try and call him on it. For that matter, you're coming off as defensive with your post prior to that one, especially towards BBM. And for that matter, something about that part also bugs me in relation to the point towards j00:

I admit that I am bad at RVS.

You say this, then proceed to call out j00 for saying the same thing before. Seems awfully hypocritical, which is something you called out Isaac for when he expanded on his thoughts of Baldrick's post. Although, since we're discussing j00, I'd like to know why he didn't drop a vote down in RVS when he had the chance.

And, moving to a different subject, how exactly are my opinions on the aforementioned Isaac & Baldrick bad? Something about their posts rubs me the wrong way right now, and that's it. I'm not 100% sure why they're bugging me, but they are. The only other people I can form an opinion on based on actual content are BBM & Miria, both of whom I'm not getting any significant vibes from one way or the other.

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^ You dragged out RVS by continuing to make "joking" (read: inconsequential and ultimately pointless) posts

Again, a single player can't be held responsible for dragging out RVS when there are 10 others who are perfectly capable of doing something about it. And hey, seems like we only started getting some serious discussion after BBM's last post on the fourth page. The rest can be counted as joking and casual prodding/votes. I don't see how I am responsible for hindering our proggress.

, and that thing that you tacked on at the end towards j00 has pissed me off even further. What does it matter if he just comes in and does that, anyways?

Any contribution, no matter how simple it is, helps with giving town content to discuss about. Ignoring RVS is even worse because the town is left with zero content, which clearly benefits scum. I gave him examples of how he could help us with some content, and I expect a townie to make some effort to develop our current stage in the game.

Though I despise ED1 claims, I'm not getting anything from that; rather, I feel like that may have a reaction test to see if anyone would try and call him on it. For that matter, you're coming off as defensive with your post prior to that one, especially towards BBM. And for that matter, something about that part also bugs me in relation to the point towards j00:

Of course I sounded defensive on that post. Being at L-2 is a red warning to any town player. I don't see how it is not justifiable. It reminds me of when Xin was being voted by a lot of people on FE6 Mafia and she focused a lot of her time on answering others.

What is wrong with my defense?

You say this, then proceed to call out j00 for saying the same thing before. Seems awfully hypocritical, which is something you called out Isaac for when he expanded on his thoughts of Baldrick's post.

I did not call joo for being bad at RVS. I called him because he decided to not do anything (even jokevotes and casualprods are better than saying "I'm bad at RVS so I won't take part on it"). He used the excuse of being bad at RVS as a justification for skipping it, which is what I called for. It is imperative that we try to get some content, and no, I won't repeat the same thing about lack of content being good for scum.

And, moving to a different subject, how exactly are my opinions on the aforementioned Isaac & Baldrick bad? Something about their posts rubs me the wrong way right now, and that's it. I'm not 100% sure why they're bugging me, but they are. The only other people I can form an opinion on based on actual content are BBM & Miria, both of whom I'm not getting any significant vibes from one way or the other.

They're bad because it sounds like you have opinions and that you contributed to the discussion while you practically did not. Your reasons for finding Isaac and Baldrick's content bad are very shallow and vague, if not unexistant in your post ("they bug me somehow, I can't explain it"). Your reason to find me bad is the same as everyone else's. Your post basically didn't contribute to anything at all.

You don't need to be 100% sure of something to comment on it. Any read is welcome, especially during the early stages of the game.

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@rapier: yeah, I admit I wasn't exactly helping getting out of rvs, but I don't like voting just for the sake of voting, even in rvs.

I don't really like the case on you either, the thing about votes in the transition out of rvs is that a lot of the reasoning is flimsy and based on non-serious posts, saying you're fixating on hiddens and saying how bad mod-voting is from one joke post is eh

Polydeuces' vote is the worst though, saying Rapier's dragging out rvs is plain wrong since it was pretty dead in here long after rapier stopped posting, and well, getting a wagon on himself is what drove us out of rvs tbf

Thing is, saying baldrick and Isaac are bad without specifying why gives you a lot of leeway in retracting your opinions if they flip town or potential towncred if they flip scum, without you doing much explaining your reasons for ever finding them scummy.

##Vote: Polydeuces [\b]

I claimed D1 because really, framer is a purely anti-town role, the only time it could ever be useful to town would be if a third possessed it and managed to target godfather at the same time cop inspected them and that would still be a dumb coincidence

also, it could be something to discuss: since this is bastard game thus making the state and/or existence of a cop dubious, should I announce my target to not accidentally mess up results, or should I shut up and keep my target hidden from scum?

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