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Pirates of the Caribbean Mafia [Everyone loses but j00, Baldrick and Manix]


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I'm going to say this once only.

I was asleep. When I went to sleep, it was all quiet. I can't be blamed if you fuckers wait until I'm in bed to do everything, then say "oh, Baldrick vanished, he's not replying to me, he didn't do anything until we'd done all this stuff" Learn to take time zones in effect. I'm sick and fucking tired of having to defend myself from bullshit cases because my timezone sucks.

You know what? Let's make something happen while it's convenient for me.


And shinori, read the last part of my post concerning via. For god's sake. I get shit on if I don't post half-baked, I get shit on if I do post half-baked. I cannot win.

Like, it was the same in snoop mafia. We lost overnight because I wasn't there to make town not suck.

Did you seriously just do this when I specifically asked for people to not hammer? Are you fucking mental? Also your ego is just awful. You really think you're town's saving grace or some shit? Really? Ohhh I hate people like you who deliberately think they are gods gift at mafia.

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Night is now in effect. Do not post in this thread.

I consider the last few posts to be completely unacceptable in the spirit of a fun game environment and will be discussing what to do with the co-mods. This may mean forced replacements or modkills, so any subs/people interested in subbing should let me know just in case.

Shinori and Baldrick, you are both invited to PM me with an explanation of your actions. Do not make personal attacks. This is your only chance to defend yourself. You have 24 hours from this post.

I've added one hour to this Night Phase to allow deliberation by the mods. Everyone has until the countdown reaches 0 to submit Night Actions.


As for the flip, I am in no mood to write flavour, but.

Polydeuces was lynched!

Polydeuces was Edward Teague (Scum)!

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4. There exist no roles that allow posting at night or post-mortem. Do not post if you are dead or if it is Night Phase. If a deadline has passed or a hammer has fallen, I request you cease posting even without a moderator acknowledging the passed deadline or dropped hammer. Since it is a request, ignoring it won't adversely affect you, but I may adjust rules if I deem it abusive.

Just a reminder on the rules for everyone.

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As daylight dawns in Davy Jones's Locker the pirates gather together! And what a sordid lot they are, worse for wear after a day of bickering and arguing! With thirst, and hunger, and a foul mood besides, the second day dawns on which to send someone to the gallows.

Er, hold on.

That's not the right number of pirates.

After carefully counting their number, the pirates realise they lost someone!

Isaac Dian, Sao Feng (Scum) died!

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Day 2 has begun!

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch!

Deadline countdown:


To note: None of the deaths have been the result of a modkill, as we decided to abstain from intervening in the game! Just so we're clear on that.

Edited by Bard
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Wait what the hell. 3 scum died and we're still playing? I assume there is only one left, then.

I'm not even sure if it is okay to speculate about what just happened because this is absurd.

And Miria/Bizz is in a bad position for buddying with Isaac/Manix like thrice in D1 with comments like "lol guys Manix is ttly town from his content I know it" that were exactly as simple as my example. I wouldn't mind lynching her this phase.

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more like 4 scum down, did you forget poly already

this makes no sense unless it's multiball, or are you suggesting that scum killed no one and town/itp killed three scum in one night?

not sure if I'd say 2 or 3 teams, 3 kills in one night could normally be explained by scum, sk and vig but all of them hitting scum implies quite a big number of scum and this is bastard after all

in any case the ones highest on my scumdar now would be baldrick, eurykins and miria/elieson, baldrick being on opposing teams as the two others at least. the baldrick/poly reads as a last desperate attempt so save himself rather than a bus, and the way eurykins was parroting polydeuces I'd put the two of them at the same team, and miria's buddying with isaac looks worse in the light of his flip.

lynch priority now is baldrick > eurykins > elieson but I want to hear more from scorri and refa today, both of whom only had one serious read/vote post

##Vote: Baldrick

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Actually, forgot to put my vote.

##Vote: Miria Harvent

Dude she subbed out exactly 4 posts ago, or something. I'm in for her now.

Aaaaand i have done notes I wanna copypasta in but can't do until I , get home and lay off meds (sick)

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Actually, forgot to put my vote.

##Vote: Miria Harvent

Dude she subbed out exactly 4 posts ago, or something. I'm in for her now.

Aaaaand i have done notes I wanna copypasta in but can't do until I , get home and lay off meds (sick

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Actually, forgot to put my vote.

##Vote: Miria Harvent

Dude she subbed out exactly 4 posts ago, or something. I'm in for her now.

Aaaaand i have done notes I wanna copypasta in but can't do until I , get home and lay off meds (sick

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I'd like an explanation of your random claiming yesterday.

As for the night kills, I'd like to point out that yesterday, when Poly flipped, his scum thing was colored red. The deaths today were not. It could be that means something, or it could be nothing, but that's something odd I noticed.

Ugh, other thoughts... not really sure, need to reread, I've been dead to the world for most of today due to sick.

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Holy crap, the amount of deaths and all being scum- what kind of game is this? o_O

Things that stuck out to me last day phase:

1. That hammer. Sure, we hit scum, but the way Baldrick slammed it down when someone had asked/posted earlier NOT to hammer... getting bad vibes, like scum selling scum down river to cut the discussion time for the rest of us. (If I'm not mistaken, there was still an hour or so before the phase ended when the hammer hit?).

2. Random Refa "claim" (Despite there being no vanillas in this game at all, so says the OP.). Either Bard's messing with our heads, or Refa is. Explain please.

3. Most of the people I had pegged for seeming the most townish- Isaac, BBM, and Shinori (due to his reactions to Baldrick's hammer and request to not hammer/keep the discussion going)- all died and flipped as scum in one night phase. This disturbs me a lot.

4. Shinori, Refa, Scorri, and Baldrick (though to a lesser extent) = seemed to appear only near the end of the day phase. We didn't see/hear much from them at all, which meant that the progress/life of the game was, quite frankly, shitty. Whether it's IRL difficulties or something else, the game itself seemed to stagnate until the wagons started heating up, which shouldn't be the case imo. ;/

Looking at the deaths that happened during N1 and the content from late D1, I don't like the gut feeling I'm getting from Baldrick and Refa currently. In addition, after re-reading a bit, something weird is tugging at my gut regarding Rapier's wagon. The ones who were pretty set on him seemed to be BBM, Miria (now Elieson), and Isaac, two of which who are now dead. Seeing 3 scum dead and no townie deaths following Night 1, and noting the 'bastard' aspect of this game (no idea as to how many scum there actually can and are lurking around), I'm wondering if removing the majority of the voters from D1 wagon was done to keep pressure off of him. (Similar thoughts can go onto Refa/Baldrick regarding Shinori dying as well, since he was calling both of them into question right before/after Baldrick hammered to end the phase.)

@j00: It's true that I agreed with Poly's logic, but I don't see how figuring someone's logic is fair and applying it yourself warrants getting read as from the same person/alliance/whatever you want to call it. I've agreed with people who've flipped scum in arguments before, just as I've often supported townies in theirs. I fail to see the issue here.

Current reads:

Baldrick = Refa > Rapier >>>>> j00 (based on D1 prior gut feelings and current) > Everyone else.

##Vote: Baldrick

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I was reading around and saw no reaosn for this. Why was this here? I heavily dislike this because uh, vanillas aren't in the game....notsurewhattothinkaboutthis.jpg

If it was a joke it doesn't look obvious. Is there some sort of context or something that I'm missing or did you literally just randomly claim or make a joke claiming vanilla?

(yes, I know I'm speaking to a corpse, but several other people have asked this question as well and I'm 80% sure they're not dead)

the context was that it was a claim without any prompting whatsoever at the beginning of my post, the mod specifically said there were no vanillas so there'd be no chance of anyone taking me seriously (or at least I had hoped), and it's in like in all caps with MULTIPLE exclamation points you can't get any more camp than that!!

not really sure what to think of scorri's vote (like is it a prodvote or the person she finds scummiest because she hasn't reread or what BLAH), but Eurykins lynch priority is not good. Objectively speaking, I can get how me not posting a lot of content would bother someone (although I must say how the fuck is Baldrick there lol). However, the difference between me and the other people on that list is that I'm apparently her #1 lynch priority (well, so is Baldrick, but seriously how is he on the list of people who didn't post a lot) and the only mention I get is that she...didn't like my VANILLA claim. and by didn't like, I mean she must have absolutely loathed it because wow I jumped up a heckuva lotta spots (I'm a freaking Jumpman!) on her priority list.

also only scum gets disturbed by a large number of scum deaths. :)

so enough about the best person ever (aka me), let's talk about you guys! rapier's vote on miria (well, elieson, whatever) is pretty bad because there would be no reason for them to buddy with Manix when there was no way in hell he was getting lynched.

also i agree with j00's read on baldrick, although honestly not sure what to think of the multiple scum teams and how one goes about reading them. :\ eh, he's my strongest scum read atm (minor scum read on Eury, although I find that her lynch priorities tend to bother me a lot, so...hence the minor part!) in part due to his opportunistic vote on Poly and spending a lot of time on a Manix case that wasn't really going anywhere or convincing anyone, so

##Vote: Baldrick

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