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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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(I ask this because eclipse's role is so blatant I'd be surprised if scum hadn't caught on by now, I have a good idea of what Baldrick is, scum already knows that Eury's role is useless as softclaimed by her and the only remaining unknown is really Shinori, who some people are considering lynching.)

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I agree with your earlier suggestion about waiting until we only have one scum to worry about, but a massclaim could turn the tide here as well. No night kills means someone is hiding something that kept someone alive, which is definitely fishy.

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In other words, I'm fine with it at either time but would prefer for it to be after we lynch scum if we can consolidate without it today.

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If nobody claims responsibility for stopping the second kill then it confirms that either the SK was shot last night or one of the killers idled.

I still think j00 makes the most sense as the NK target aside from the people who evidently didn't die last night if this is the case, which is more reason to lynch her. Going lurkmode D3 could be indicative of SK as well.

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nightkill targets I can see are... basically prims; there's a realistic chance of engineering a lynch on basically anyone else alive right now

i have absolutely no idea what's going on lol

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(I ask this because eclipse's role is so blatant I'd be surprised if scum hadn't caught on by now, I have a good idea of what Baldrick is, scum already knows that Eury's role is useless as softclaimed by her and the only remaining unknown is really Shinori, who some people are considering lynching.)

It won't matter, because I'm pretty sure I can't catch the final mafia member with my role. The only saving grace is that both my targets are alive.

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I'm going to head to bed soon-ish. I am willing to consolidate on j00, Shinori or Eury. Right now j00 is looking like the primary target. Let me know if you need me; I'll check back here before I go to bed.

In case you need to do a massclaim, you know my role.

Good night.

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Omfg I'm so so sorry, guys. I've been reformatting my computer, figuring out a SUPER last minute trip (no thanks to Shino-face IRL), and dealt with a terribad tourney today. (Also working on a system that has no firewall/antivirus shizz, so shouldn't even be surfing much on this unit.) Really tired, but will try to put in where/what I can when I have time. x_x;;

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I am looking for a sub for j00! I hate you all!

"I do say, they're all dropping out of this game like flies in well... Lord of the Flies. Oh shut it, I know there weren't any flies in that book, just some wimpy kid they all beat to death. Funny that, it sounds a lot like mafia indeed!"

Makaze (2): Shinori, Baldrick

Shinori (2): Makaze, Cam
Cam (1): eclipse
j00 (1): Prims
Prims (1): j00
Not voting: Darros, Eury
Big Ben says there are 34 hours remaining! With 9 left alive, it takes 3 to lynch and 6 to hammer! Phase ends on 24/6 22:00GMT+0!
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This game suuuuuuure know how to make hosting a pleasant experience for a first-time host

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Subritish Mafia


I trust role results over my reads this game. I would be happy with lynching j00, if they had anything worth claiming they'd have claimed it by now.

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