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What type of superstitions did your parents create when you were a child.


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Maybe there was just a girl living in your house. Not a ghost. Just a normal, living girl.

Esau is the girl and that was a mirror.

I don't really remember, but my father told my "stepbrother" that garlic powder came from the moon. (As a joke)

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My parents used to tell me there was a food party in my stomach and if i didn't eat my food, it wouldn't go to the party and would cry. I always felt pity for the poor food and would eat it

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when I was pretty young my dad used to tell me that I had a fairy princess who would come while I was sleeping and help heal me when I was sick or hurt

so whenever that happened we ~let her know~ before I went to sleep so she knew to come help a sister out

wee specta did not take being sick or hurt well so that did wonders for my morale

this was ofc alongside any normal means of healthcare if i needed actual tending to

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There's the usual Santa and Easter Bunny stuff(honestly, lying to your kids so they act "cuter" isn't good), but they also told me about leprechauns. What I do now is make up conspiracy theories based on leprechauns.

This isn't my parents, but rather a babysitter of mine who serves as a grandmother figure. She taught me Protestant theology(but hey, I at least got closer to God). I'm Catholic. You can see the conflicting values there.

My mother thinks pedophiles are around every corner of the Internet. Nuff said.

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Little does she know that all pedophiles are leprechauns, because pedophilia is not a fetish experienced by humans. It is only experienced by leprechauns and devils.

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blowing out traffic lights


and then I found out that they were really just looking to see when the ones on the side were turning yellow

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blowing out traffic lights


and then I found out that they were really just looking to see when the ones on the side were turning yellow

That one's so silly and adorable it almost hurt ;u;

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  • 4 months later...

My parents told me that i should never eat any pips to or else a tree would grow out of my stomach... Since them i never have eaten fruits again except for bananas(man i love bananas)

Also they told me that i should not put any metal in the microwave-oven or else it would inspectacularely break, when i was 8, i found out, that the metal reflects the microwaves back at the actual oven(other then the food, which absorbs them so that it will warm up) and this breaks the microwave with an explosion, so i went in the kitchen, put a fork in the microwave and then i was forbidden to use the microwave until i turn 10.

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Since them i never have eaten fruits again

how are you still alive

also when my sister and I were little we hated having the lights on and often played video games/talked to each other in the dark because it was easier to imagine things that way (we loved playing imagination games) and we did this at my dad's back office at his old restaurant

well he found us in the dark once and told us not to do that anymore or satan would steal us away/attack us in the dark

and then i thought i saw shadow people one time

that's the story of how i became afraid of the dark.

also apparently this is something mexican parents often tell their children, but there are different versions of it

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I'd have to say "Never smarten up a chump", "always make sure the woman is in the kitchen", and " every girl on the internet is secretly one of those guys that shows up on to catch a predator."

British people have bad dentistry, all germans are nazis, all asians are geniuses, and all blacks will mug you.

If you didn't clean your room, Santa's evil brother would come and take the presents back. I forgot what he was called.


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how are you still alive

also when my sister and I were little we hated having the lights on and often played video games/talked to each other in the dark because it was easier to imagine things that way (we loved playing imagination games) and we did this at my dad's back office at his old restaurant

well he found us in the dark once and told us not to do that anymore or satan would steal us away/attack us in the dark

and then i thought i saw shadow people one time

that's the story of how i became afraid of the dark.

also apparently this is something mexican parents often tell their children, but there are different versions of it

That's similar to what my parents told me, it's not just Mexico.

My mom is from El Salvador and she told me that the coocoo or cucu or cuco would take me away if stayed in the dark.

Also, Religion, not a joke. I used to pray every night out of fear that I would die in my sleep and go to hell and suffer for all eternity. A couple years after I abandoned God and I feel much better now.

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how are you still alive

also when my sister and I were little we hated having the lights on and often played video games/talked to each other in the dark because it was easier to imagine things that way (we loved playing imagination games) and we did this at my dad's back office at his old restaurant

you don't necessarily need fruits, you can find enough ascorbic acid in enough vegetables and the other minerals and trace elements too;

also your story of the darkness reminds me of my early childhood, when my brother, sister and I always darkened our rooms with the shutter or put the blanket over the windows my mother one day came in and criticized us.

she said something like: sunlight does not cost you anything but electricity does!

Back then i nearly started crying because she looked so angry and weird because of the darkness, now i laugh because it actually looked hilarious. she looked somehow like the avgn, when he makes an angry face.

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If you didn't clean your room, Santa's evil brother would come and take the presents back. I forgot what he was called.

Here is a story about Santa's origin. The story is based on a game called "999: 9 Doors, 9 Persons, 9 Hours" by Chunsoft.


Once upon a time, there were two Santas, one who is wearing white clothes and one who is wearing black.

The white Santa is very nice and he always give gifts to all kids and people who are nice.

The black Santa, on the other hand, do the other way around. He punish all the naughty kids and make them suffer.

In frustration, the white Santa stabs the black Santa with a knife until he dies. White Santa's clothes were all covered with blood that makes it red.

From then on, only one Santa is left and he is wearing blood stained clothes.

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My parents told me that i should never eat any pips to or else a tree would grow out of my stomach... Since them i never have eaten fruits again except for bananas(man i love bananas)

Also they told me that i should not put any metal in the microwave-oven or else it would inspectacularely break, when i was 8, i found out, that the metal reflects the microwaves back at the actual oven(other then the food, which absorbs them so that it will warm up) and this breaks the microwave with an explosion, so i went in the kitchen, put a fork in the microwave and then i was forbidden to use the microwave until i turn 10.

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My parents told me that i should never eat any pips to or else a tree would grow out of my stomach... Since them i never have eaten fruits again except for bananas(man i love bananas)

Also they told me that i should not put any metal in the microwave-oven or else it would inspectacularely break, when i was 8, i found out, that the metal reflects the microwaves back at the actual oven(other then the food, which absorbs them so that it will warm up) and this breaks the microwave with an explosion, so i went in the kitchen, put a fork in the microwave and then i was forbidden to use the microwave until i turn 10.

YEP, this brought back memories

I refused to eat mandarins for 2 years because I thought a tree would grow up and kill me internally

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