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not happy with bluedooms read either because I thought eury posted a reads post? Also thoughts on GP when you get on computer because you haven't mentioned her in that post.

urgghh some of the eury votes feel way to easy (RD and BD) and i want more details.

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Just a warning, I'm going to be REALLY FUCKING BUSY for the entirety of this week and I got back from work to find people already produced 4 pages, what the hell. I'll do reads later (or if eclipse gets to it before I do, you get hers instead), so for now answering questions:

Refa: The end of D1 came at a shitty time for me. I literally logged on after coming back home from my brother's high school after about 4 hours of observation, after <4 hours of sleep, without eating anything all day. You guys produced over six pages of near-deadline crap. I had a hard time even remembering when the deadline was, even with SB constantly keeping the votals and the phase end time updated, much less how many votes GP/Mitsuki had relative to the other popular lynch candidates. I don't think I would've been able to push ANYTHING at that time, and honestly just be happy (or not) that I even showed up.

As for Eury, I was just not reading her as scum. I'm sorry, but I'm not. Her early and mid-D1 content didn't strike me as being any different than what town!Eury is usually like, and I can't say I was coherent enough to notice her "disappearing act" near the end of D1 myself. Since my other half does not seem nearly as convinced about Eury as I am I'll discuss things with eclipse and reread Eury again … when I feel less shit.

The amount of time left in the phase wasn't enough for me to read kirsche's posts, actually comprehend what he was saying, and form an opinion on him. As for him being "forgettable," I literally just forgot he was playing in the game. I also thought Kay was just a sub at first.

(Also, Refa, don't post your own original content in a giant quote box that's fucking horrible because I can't even quote it.)

Baldrick: See above explanation.

If anyone has any questions, ask me. But my comprehension is at an all-time low right now so I'm not giving any new reads until one of us has the time to sit down and actually understand what is going on.

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Not happy with RD's eury read. IDK it's hard to explain but I feel like his vote feels "to easy" since it doesn't really seem to address much of eury's content at all. Nothing about her reads or anything. I also feel that it misreps her because eury made like only two posts on PB hydra stuff. Also what makes me worse than elie considering his vote was pretty much just " I feel more confident in this"?

Pretty sure I don't have a vote down right now? If you're talking about my vote on Eury at the end of yesterday it was solely to try and consolidate and she looked worse than Kirsche. Trying to analyze Eury's posts isn't very fun for someone who is still behind the eight ball so forgive me if my reads aren't very detailed. They're really just gut feelings I've gotten from giving the thread a brief once-over. I already explained my (not very strong) reasoning on Elie.

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Pretty sure I don't have a vote down right now? If you're talking about my vote on Eury at the end of yesterday it was solely to try and consolidate and she looked worse than Kirsche. Trying to analyze Eury's posts isn't very fun for someone who is still behind the eight ball so forgive me if my reads aren't very detailed. They're really just gut feelings I've gotten from giving the thread a brief once-over. I already explained my (not very strong) reasoning on Elie.

Not talking about your vote from yesterday talking about your read on eury currently. Fair enough on the elieson part but I have another question. I missed the top part of your post so what's you conclusion on the whole elie-mitsuki thing because i'm kinda confused (yeah this probably sounds stupid to you sorry) but i'm getting that you think elie didn't reaction test mitsuki?... so are you thinking mitsuki is scum?

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Speaking of easy reads, I'm still just as confused before, but just going to go with my gut on this one (so basically voting Elieson, since he hasn't really explained anything and I feel like he just disappeared after the heat was off of him. I'm just...not really as sure about any of my other scumreads (I'll get to replying to your posts soon...ish Eury)). Sorry about the quotebox, Boron, didn't really think of that when I did it. Fair enough regarding your reply, my completely lazy reply is that it seems too genuine to come from scum. Would like everyone else to give reads on Elieson or at least comment on what I said about "at least one scum is on kirsche's wagon" because I still feel like that's the case.

##Vote: Elieson

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RD, why did you disappear at the end of yesterday? It just seems weird that you're scumreading Eurykins partly because of that when you did it yourself (and presumably, you'd be townreading yourself).

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I'd honestly say more "responsive/reactive" than defensive with my posts, but that's just from my PoV.

Eye-balling over the ISO's and giving my thoughts: (Trying not to massively copy-pasta massive amounts of links to hopefully keep things shorter.)

> RD: Four posts (likely contributed to not being online as he stated here), so not strictly looking at quantity of content here. However, I can't say I like the vibes of the latter 2-3 posts (wrt the end of D1) as posted above, and the last post seemed... weird. Outwardly it seemed to hold a decent mix of reads (myself, Elie, Poly, Junk, Mitsuki), but somehow the reads seem.. a bit shallow? The town read on Poly seems mostly based on flavor and doesn't expand much on Poly's actual content; Elie read seems based on his reaction to situations being different than in Quickhammer (which I suppose can be a semi-valid meta-esque read), but again, doesn't really say much about what Elie's said/done as a whole.

((I realize that yeah, I got tied onto gameplay means/concepts as opposed to direct gameplay/posts (with the hydra thing- I've also done similar matters wrt ITP hunting n' shit in other games), so I can sorta see where that notion came from.))

- Overall: From what I can see, I'm not too thrilled by what's been posted so far. More in-depth content will hopefully be heard from RD, but I feel more effort/thoughts could have been put into the reads before offering them (Especially from early D2 post). Leaning a bit skeptical/wary on this slot.

> Baldrick/PB Slot: Not sure what to make of Baldrick's post here wrt NL'ing; I'm actually surprised mildly by the vote swap here by PB- it was made right after a set of votals was posted (with me at 5 votes and Kirsche at 3) and it seemed to have little to no information as to why it was being made. What caused this vote swap, as you made it unclear that both you and Baldrick were displeased with how I viewed your guys' slot prior (and I saw this post wrt doubting Kirsche's slot)? And what put him at a higher priority over myself near the end of D1?

- Overall: Kinda getting a lot of ???'s in this slot wrt late D1 posting/vote swapping. I was kinda weirded out by a fairly casual NL notion (generally prefer lynches over NL's to at least confirm/get some information of sorts on reads, unless there's a good reason to do so), and a bit confused on PB's posts/ends. Moreso null leaning minor red flags, because my head hurts in trying to comprehend some of what I was reading.

> Refa: I'm actually rolling pretty cool atm with his slot- nothing terrible/confusing to me stuck out near the end of D1 and his reactions/posting seems more townie-esque reactions. Overall reading him as fairly town (....which, now that I think about it- seems really odd, given all the times I generally read him as scum, lol...).

> Elieson: Sifting through his posts/content is giving off mixed vibes to me currently: He asks here for a recap on GP, but his own notion (as to why he doesn't understand why people read her as scum) seems lackluster at best. Vote on Refa here feels odd to me (probably due to me not having much issue with Refa myself? Not sure though), and multiple long posts breaking down what Blitz had in terms of thoughts on me = ???. Not really necessary imo, so feels wonky to me (but one could say that I did similar issues with the hydra shit, so I can't say that I'm guiltless in that aspect).

[spoiler=Wrt FE11 thing mentioned]However, I will say that using FE11 here, I feel, is not a fully accurate account of meta usage on myself for several reasons: It was an OC game (ergo different approach), and the main reason that I actually ended up getting caught in the end was the fact that I was refusing to fabricate logs to yourself and Dan (and honestly, I failed to kill someone I should've a few night phases ago in that game, which was the real nail in the coffin for me n' the scum team imo), and because of that, I had to cut communication down. There was also the trouble of me filtering what was being said between me and a certain scum buddy of mine, which also was garbling up the log transfers.

- Overall: Response/personality wise, I'm not sensing Elie not being Elie, but content-wise I'm having some pings going off. I sorta feel like he's waving his arms around like he's trying to be useful/helpful (but not really doing so effectively/with the intent to progress things?)- this can possibly be applied to the notion towards Mitsuki, if it is moreso a reaction test than actual/legit fact/NA that occurred. (Reaction testing to garner information/reactions from Mitsuki, but was he hoping/fishing for a claim from Mitsuki for a defense? Or something else?) I'm moreso confused than outright feeling that Elie is scummy, so leaning "wary" currently.

- Polydeuces: For the most part, I covered this in my other wall post tonight. Overall, I feel as though Poly really hasn't contributed a whole lot with his reads- they're shallow at best, and seems to be more concerned about adjusting his PR/posting style than expanding more on his reads/thoughts on the player base (and he seems to be half-coasting about due to whatever Orange flavor shinanegans is floating around on his slot). Either lazy town or coasting scum- either way, not great vibes from this slot as a whole.

- Bluedoom: Reading his content since the first wallpost in D1, I can say now that I'm actually getting better vibes from his slot. Though his posts are still fewer than others, I'm at least reading/seeing somewhat meaningful content, though I don't necessarily agree with all of it (but I can see the logic/mentality behind them). Still don't like his early gameplay, but his later posts are at least of much better quality.

- Overall: Not a fully cleared slot for me (more in the line of "null leaning somewhat townie"), but definitely in a better light than in D1 for me.

- Blitz: I think... sporadic would be the best way for me to describe his mid-late D1 posts. He gets hung up on me (for a poor and inaccurate reason, but that was covered above/in the last wall posts), and due to said negative interactions with Proto, he insists this, which makes me highly skeptical, in the sense of "No matter what Eury rolls, Proto's probably not town". The fact alone that he townreads Proto isn't necessarily the main issue in itself, but it makes me question this notion that "lynching Eury will help him solidify a lot of reads" (when the only person he's listed wrt myself and my interactions = with Proto). The "gut read" on Kay is also making me curious, as there was little to no explanation- what makes you feel like she's not scum?

- Overall: Not really thrilled with this slot as a whole. Buddying factors with Proto, logic I really don't agree with on multiple levels, and doesn't seem to have many in-depth reads/thoughts on people. Seems more spam-happy than quality-posting, and the lack of content (for the quantity of posts he has) bothers me quite a bit. Leaning scummy on this slot.

- Proto: Not much new for me to look through since the last time I looked through his posts (he seemed to have been gone though, as RD had, so not holding that against him). Nothing odd about any ED2 posts either, so this slot still seems okay to me currently (and I like the quality of the posts since D1 better than earlier in D1).

- Junko: This... is admittedly an odd slot for me to put a finger on. ED1 posts seemed to revolve a lot around Blitz, and seem a bit unfocused. Reads do get a little easier to follow come later in D1, but I'm mildly surprised of his defense of me (for only being a slight/leaning townread, as opposed to a super solid one), but I'm not sure if that's at a buddying attempt or just legitimate support (IE. non-scum intent in defending me) with me.

- Overall: Seems a bit crazy with semi-spam posting (sometimes it seems like he posts, then realizes something after he posts, and then has to post again to double-back/confirm something he said), which is fairly normal coming from Junko from what I've seen/recall; and I'm not sensing any real scum intent therein. Null, leaning townish- maybe just take a bit more time in checking/thinking your posts out through? (May keep from making some of the easy mindderps/errors that occurred in some of your earlier posts).

- Boron/Eclipse Slot: Concerning Boron's posts, I still have no issues with them. Reasonable logic, decent tone, and nothing terrible/off sticks out to me. Nothing terrible jumped out at me from Eclipse's last post, but I'd also like to hear from her again if/when possible. Overall, probably the most solid town read for me this game.

- Green Poet/Mitsuki Slot: Concerning GP's posts, I can follow most of them pretty well- or can at least see semi-reasonable logic within them. Also, yes, I am town, thank you. :3 Realtalk (wrt that link): Though I understand my lack of presence in late D1/end phase, I wonder what cases/notions against me you're considering that contributes to the vote on myself? Elaboration would be wonderful, if you don't mind. Mitsuki's take on myself is also surprising (but I appreciate the support/notions), but late D1 content/posting was not bad- end phase time also seemed to be prompted well by Mitsuki, so feels more townie there than anything.

- Overall: I understand that difference in PoVs in hydras exist (and this is probably the best example in this game, in some ways, lol). Regardless, I'm not finding anything suspicious or super scummy with this slot currently, so null leaning townish. (Would like to hear more from GP when possible, please.)

- Kay: Uh.... though I don't disagree with her Bluedoom vote (quite the opposite), there's still not much going on with this slot. Not sure if lurking or busy, but I'd like to hear more from her when possible? (Null read until more posting/information comes to light).

So I suppose (wrt reads/thoughts/priorities atm):

Blitz > RD = Poly

##Vote: Blitz

I swear I meant for this post to be smaller... ._.

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Except, at the time you swapped, it was me: 5, Kirsche: 3. There was easily the support/vote count at that point to keep with my lynch- I guess the timing just seemed quirky is all?

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- In your teal deer post, your PB suspicion was based on his hydraspeccing, and using it for poor reads
(specifically, you said his GP "weasel" read wasn't logical, but later call her post non-committal?)
You said Proto was talking about PB's hydraspec logic too much, and using it for a poor vote. Why was one scummy and the other wasn't?

- In your (PEDIT: second) latest post, what was the purpose of disagreeing with refa's town read on proto? It doesn't seem to have affected your read on either of them.

- Look at the context of my post. Refa had voted GP despite townreading her and then seemed to disappear, and no other wagon had any momentum.
- PB's vote switch is called consolidation. It's what we do at phase end in order to secure a lynch. I'm not surprised you're unfamiliar with it.
Also what PB said. There was resistance to your lynch, so more people were around to switch to kirsche.

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This is literally the fourth time I am typing the same post due to backspacing the browser or something idk good lord it's extremely annoying

Refa, how does Elie's reaction test contribute to your read/vote on him, if at all

Junko, what's caused your Eury read to go from late D1's "slightly slightly town leaning" to the currently much stronger (paraphrased) "Eury is town and some of the cases on Eury are insubstantial"?

I do agree that RD's vote is questionable but not for the same reason - RD voted Eury last phase, not this phase, so asking him to justify his current (nonexistent) vote is moot

So RD's lack of a vote is questionable because something's made him no longer willing to vote Eury. RD, did you only vote Eury because of deadline pressure? What are your other reads?

RD has expressed no reads today other than a shy Paper townread which doesn't mean much. Junko, pressure RD with me pls

Bluedoom's Eury vote is scummy because it is not consistent with any previous Eury reads, in fact, he'd yet to talk about Eury at all prior to the vote. The willingnes to vote Eury is not previously explained, and very out of the blue (ha)

He votes Eury to ask her what her reads are:

But for now, ##Vote:eurykins

Who do you suspect and what do you make of d1?
You've been defensive for a while now.

and avoids stating whether or not he actually thinks she's scummy. The vote is there, a unique reason for it is not. This is probably an easy hop to the Eury wagon


##Vote: Bluedoom

I have something to say about Poly's role but it's going to have to wait until I hear back from SB.

But it will be good. If I get the answer I'm hoping to get. Hopefully.

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- Ah, I interpret "weaseling out" more like someone who voluntarily jumped into something, but then was fighting to get out (like someone/something caught in a sticky situation). I saw more of what GP did as general, "I don't want to touch/take part in this statement so I won't" in terms of glazing over/avoiding the topic by not committing a solid read/take on the situation. (So perhaps that was my misinterpretation/misunderstanding on that notion.)

- I disagreed with Refa's notions because I felt that those were lines of logic that I actually had issues/disagreed with. It may not have been enough to warrant me scum reading him, but on a re-read of the past few pages, it stood out to me well enough to warrant me noting down a few things.

- I know, and have seen enough consolidation votes (and have made my own in the past) to know what they are, thank you.

PEDIT: Okay, I realize only now (I must have BBM level reading skills, go me) that there was "16 minutes" posted in the Votals two posts behind (I'd assumed it was earlier/had more time than that come the end phase), so I stand corrected in that front. I'd thought there had been more time before deadline when the vote was swapped.

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- Green Poet/Mitsuki Slot:

Though I understand my lack of presence in late D1/end phase, I wonder what cases/notions against me you're considering that contributes to the vote on myself? Elaboration would be wonderful

two non-committal statements that I'd found scummy in your posts

(1) artificial-feeling reply to Proto:

"(At this point) It isn't necessarily an indicator either way imo, but I chose to ask anyways to see if anything could be gained as a whole from your response. (As I said in the "Tl;dr", I wanted to hear more thoughts, which you provided, so thank you for that.)"

reads like you actually gleaned nothing from Proto's response ("it isn't ... an indicator either way" - so his response was non-indicative of alignment, or what you were originally looking for; "anything could be gained as a whole" - so nothing actually specific enough to quote in words?).

due to implying that the questioning was successful in some way, despite not feeling like you actually gleaned anything, the questioning felt unnecessary + meant to appear contributory, thus scummy

(2) the post containing the two-lane alley/head analogy

"Clearly one person/head is working to help you, which is fine, but the other is clearly there to mess with you, or potentially get you killed. And the other one certainly isn't helping you by trying to lead you down the death pit, so it's by simple logic that he's thus antagonizing the situation. But how does the person who's relying on their information know who's telling the truth, and who is lying to them?

This and the rest of the post that it was in felt like padding via discussion of hydras and what they represent in mafia rather than anything related to this particular game or its hydras. Yes, hydras have two people reading the game and thinking. Yes, hydras are less effective when their members disagree (eheheh mitsuki >.>). Yes, sure... a literal hydra whose heads are trying to mislead one another is bad. But this relates to the game obscurely at best, esp. when the question this was responding to was "How am I (Paper) scummy to you?"

Also, I remember the two-lane situation as an analogy meant to model a particular type of game theory where one chooses a lane to run through based on the psychology of someone chasing them, not based on whether the lane is safe... so I was like "wat, I don't understand how is this analogy relevant to hydras, it looks more like it references a commonly known analogy so that it's not questioned and/or accepted as insightful"

tbh your replies still haven't changed my opinions on these instances but I realize that they are comparatively small samples of your total text posted, and that I would need to read more of your walls in order to hold a most updated and inclusive opinion, which is why I'm more comfortable with voting Bluedoom now for his easy vote on you (and b/c the Mistuki whispering in my ear is telling me that you're obvtown but ehhhh)

Also if I were scum!Eury during near-deadline D1 (approx. when you showed up and lurked the thread for a few mins) I would have voted the competing wagon on kirsche, since at least he wouldn't be the same alignment as scum!Eury. So while it's very scummy by policy that you didn't post during that crucial period, it's retrospectively actually an indication that you didn't take a scum-motivated opportunity

tl;dr - here are my reasons for why I voted Eury, now I must regretfully inform y'all that I don't have a scumread on Eury anymore, I blame mistuki

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Now that I'm actually thinking about it, the fact that RD still lacks reads is very scummy

As in, if you're consolidating a vote against someone in late D1 and then are not willing to vote them again immediately in D2 (esp. when they're a popular wagon and it looks like late D1 all over again except w/o the person who was actually lynched) there should be a very good reason for it

No such reason presented + no other new reads presented = scum incapable of coming up with scumreads

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I noted that RD's reaction to junk attacking his Eury read is "I'm not voting her"? He called her scummy so even if it's technically correct, that's an odd defense.


You've haven't answered this point.

In your teal deer post, your PB suspicion was based on his hydraspeccing, and using it for poor reads... You said Proto was talking about PB's hydraspec logic too much, and using it for a poor vote. Why was one scummy and the other wasn't?

Now the GP mentioned it, I don't believe you ever pointed out where Paper and I were antagonising each other?

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This is where I disappear for good, so that Eury has one less wall-brick to write about me. :P:

Boron wanted to run this by me first. . .and since I'm cool with it, here goes. Thanks to whoever gave us that one-shot ability last night~! Unfortunately, the results were somewhat inconclusive, and probably won't drive a lynch.

Refa - this game started on a Friday, and spilled into the weekend, when I'm extremely busy. By the time I got home on Sunday, my brain was fried. Hence, the lack of hard analysis. Whether I do better this week depends on how quickly I finish my cooking tomorrow.

Poly - that shade of orange is awful with the default skin. . .and I'm not changing my skin to suit a mafia game.

So is this the part where I claim that I hooked Mitsuki, or should I wait until later

From my many experiences with Elieson in SF Mafia, I have concluded that this is most likely a reaction test. . .albeit a lame one.

also in terms of context I feel like scum probably consolidated on the kirsche wagon and if there was anybody worth hooking, it'd be mitsuki for that push for kirsche at the end of the phase.

If your theory is "Mitsuki is scum", then wouldn't it imply that the other wagon (Eurykins) is also scum? Unless you think Mitsuki intentionally tried to keep Eurykins alive and push kirsche because he had less associative reads. Either way, statements like these, with no vote to back it, led me to think that your initial statement was a reaction test.

PROTO. LAY OF THE FLAVORSPECCING. Pretty sure that any game that can be broken via "which character is what" wouldn't have made it past Manix (or any other checker worth their salt).

How to deal with a Eurypost. This post has. . .a lot less content than I thought, but given the state of Eury's head, I'll let it slide.

What eli is doing would be bad as scum but the scum team in qh Mafia did stiff I never thought they'd do so idk if he'd go for a fucked up gambit here.

Eli, are you claiming hooker or is this a one shot thing or something?

If what eli says is true, well it doesn't confirm poetmitsuki as scum because scum couldn't also hit a protected target but I think they're still a good lynch considering their d1 shenanigans.

But for now, ##Vote:eurykins

Who do you suspect and what do you make of d1?

You've been defensive for a while now.

I'm on my phone so I can't read the thread fully and make a good post ATM but I will make one once I get time to her on my PC sometime today.

-> still interested in lynching GP/Mistuki

-> votes Eurykins right after her wallpost

Given his final D1 content post here, which I wasn't happy about, I can't figure out why he's voting for Eurykins. If he's still happy with lynching Green Poet/Mitsuki, why is there nothing about their recent content?

Eury the Second. Here have a list.

- Refa did do something weird - this. However, this could be because he'd gotten "Mitsuki" ingrained in his fingers, or because it's some sort of weird subconscious scumslip where he's buddying with Mitsuki. As the rest of his content doesn't scream scum, I think it's the first one (hence my lack of vote on him).

- Elieson kinda failed his reaction test, as Mitsuki brushed it off. The logic behind it was pretty shaky, and I'm a bit more wary about his slot because of it.

- Marth is all over the place with his reads, and I don't like it one bit.

- The fact that Proto continued softspeccing into D2 bugs me. He pulls it D1, but by D2 he usually has something more to contribute.

- The strongest reason for Green Poet/Mitsuki to be town, IMO, is that I have very conflicting reads on the individual players (didn't mind having Boron vote for GP during D1 because of her Paperblade/Baldrick voting reasons, and Mitsuki's late-D1 posts read town).

- As for Eury. . .a bunch of her content seems to be attempting to explain her own logic, but it comes out in too many words. Since I like it when people expound their reasoning (and I've come to then tentative conclusion that the bite in her tone is due to frustration, which is null), I don't feel like lynching her right now.

- The rest of you aren't really interesting enough to vote ATM. Sorry.

##Vote: Marth

Worst logic out of everyone, IMO. Tie for second is Elieson for that reaction test, and Proto for his continued host/flavorspeccing.

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Votals 2.1

Elieson (2): Refa

Eurykins (2): Baldrick/Paperblade, Bluedoom

Bluedoom (2): Green Poet/Mitsuki, Boron/eclipse

Blitz (1): Eurykins

Not Voting (7): Radiant Dragon, Elieson, Polydeuces, Blitz, Proto, Junko, Kay

With 13 alive, it takes 7 votes to lynch. There are 64 hours left in the phase.

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But for now, ##Vote:eurykins

Who do you suspect and what do you make of d1?

You've been defensive for a while now.

I'm on my phone so I can't read the thread fully and make a good post ATM but I will make one once I get time to her on my PC sometime today.

I really don't like this vote, like at all. If it's a prod for reads, well, there are a bunch of other players that haven't been very active (such as myself, RD, Kay, etc). Why vote for Eury specifically?

Speaking of which, I have a hard time understanding the Eury bandwagon on Day 1. Yes, I'll admit, I did find it weird that she was questioning my reaction to Poly's Miller claim, but it seemed to me that she genuinely just wanted me to elaborate more on my thought process regarding my response. I understand Blitzy's point about how him reading Eury's post made him think I was scummy, but I highly doubt Eury was intending to make me look scummy.

Also, if Elieson didn't actually roleblock Mitsuki, then I find his fakeclaim of doing so as being really weird. Reaction test or not, falsely claiming that he roleblocked Mitsuki sounds like a really stupid move. I hope he can elaborate on that once he's online.

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yay! a no-death night, so, I more or less read the thread after the start of the day, anyways,

@Elie, the moment I saw the no death, the first impression I got was the doc hit Paperblade, who was very likely shot and I do not think it was the work of a roleblocker because way too many options and I think scum shoots with the least scummy person, or at least a person who has less reason to be hooked/tracked or a vanilla, but they would rather not shoot with a person who is scummy. If you were roleblocking Mitsuki/GP, I would think it didn't yield anything out of it, because of my townread on Mitsuki. BUT, if Mitsuki/GP was scum, Eury would be much less likely to be scum (like almost not scum at all) so, I doubt Mitsuki/GP is scum yet again. IF (and that a pretty big IF) the slot was scum, I would say their buddies would be with in Marth, Boron/eclipse, you(if you are fakeclaiming roleblocking only), RD and Junko. But, I am sure I saw someone asking this already, but why would you target Mitsuki/GP with a roleblock?

@Refa, could you elaborate on the Junko obvtown read? also, I can come up with a very good reason as to why Eury should not show up as scum late phase, but I would rather RD answered first

@Proto, Kay, RD and Poly, what do you think of D1 and especially the end of D1?


why is that all your reads lack conviction?

you blame me for not having reads (yes, I have less reads this game than most of my other games) but, when I looked at your post, all I see is you pointing out a lot of null reads, a few tonreads, two supposedly scumreads (Poly and RD) who even you are convinced are likely not scum. A guy who you don't like (Elie) and a guy who you consider scummy (me).

Do you think making a list post filled with nullreads mean you have a lot of reads yourself?


when you made the post #496, why not place that vote on me?

is it because when you made your list post, you realized how lacking reads were that you had no other option but to vote me?

other than this, it is also very clear that you only bothered ISO'ing players and just picked everything that could be considered bothersome and placed them all onto that listpost#508. You didn't even bother checking what was going on at that time in thread. So, why is it that you think making a listpost would be more important that reading the thread?

also, if you wanted to hear more from Proto, why not go for more follow up, you pretty much stuck to those points (in your first list wall post) instead of asking for anything that could be even considered a follow up. As for your first follow up, it didn't actually force him to answer anything, you more or less just left a comment.

##Vote: Eury

your entire play has been anti-town, in my opinion

however, I should make a contingency in the odd case that I am wrong (will basically post some thoughts on what might be the distribution if Eury turns up town)

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eclipse pls. Scum!me would never dream of contradicting myself so blatantly in the same post for no reason. Anyway...

Eurykins vote was a pressure vote because I thought her play last phase was fishy. She spent most of her posts defending her viewpoints and trying to drive the scum!paperrick theory across while never really saying much about me even though she was voting me. In fact it felt like she had more reasons to vote Paperrick yet she didn't and that bugged me. I didn't vote her earlier because I thought she needed more time to update her reads and answer whichever questions were directed at her. Then, since I read that she just peeped in at end phase and then poofed, I decided to pressure.

Regarding GP/Mitsuki: Actually, I didn't read Mitsuki's posts fully, but now that I have, I'd say that I like Mitsuki's posts better because you'd think as scum she'd just tack a vote on whoever and be happy with it. You could argue that the vote shift from Eury-->kirsche could be because they're buddies but then she wouldn't even bring up Eury as a lynch candidate in the first place. My problem though is that GP spent an entire post dedicated to Eury where in the end she just had an undecided read on her. Also most of GP's play well, was scummy in my eyes, but Mitsuki's play was much better in comparison. This slot is a low priority I think, right now, unless Elieson is actually serious about his hook thing(and in that case, I wouldn't be opposed to this lynch, but I myself am having problems with Elieson's play. I'm having my doubts on him too.)

I like that Proto has spent his entire time D2 so far just rolespeccing and ...not voting anyone? Or maybe call people out but not vote them ever. That's some great, pro-town play, right there!

....Nah, I'm just kidding myself. That's active lurking at its best!

I read Junko and ngl, at first I didn't suspect anything of him and understood why he was on Blitz's case, even though I'm aware that Blitz's playstyle this game is like how he usually plays as town, and its easy to mistake for it as scum. But today its like Junko completely dropped his Blitz case, and I don't even know who he's scumreading now. That's quite suspicious IMO.

Yeah I agree with someone(I think Elieson?) who said that Refa has been mostly prodding and asking questions throughout the game, and I feel like a lot of his votes lacked some conviction, but Refa's not really in my priority now mostly because mayor should be easily alignment provable at MYLO/LYLO, I believe, which is why I haven't really talked about him until now. (Well currently I'm not seeing scum!mayor in the setup ITP is plausible though but we haven't had any signs of that yet).

Kay/Poly/RD just get vigged already 8).

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Also eclipse did you just compare me to Eurykins? I'll have you know that my posts are much superior to her wallposts.

Well except the last one. Fuck.

I'm getting influenced. >.<

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I'm not up to date with thre thread, but

Would like everyone else to give reads on Elieson or at least comment on what I said about "at least one scum is on kirsche's wagon" because I still feel like that's the case.

I think assuming that there was at least one scum on Kirsche's wagon is wrong. Sure, statistically speaking it's likely, but I think we have no reason to assume that was the case and taking that as a startpoint to get reads may just lead to bias.

On Elie: I think he's town on gut. Similar to what Paperblade say, he seems too easy going to be scum and his conviction feels real and townie. He seemed super obvtown to me during deadline shenanigans D1, and this in particular seems like something only town would say (and I was thinking exactly the same):

Blitz can you explain your Eury case like i'm 5. ELI5 (Explain Like I'm 5)? All I grasp is that you're defending proto and eury's scummy because proto's your bro, and that reads more like bias than actual casing

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