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Code Geass Mafia - Game Over


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He edited votals. We were voting both Proto and Marth.

To be honest I'm getting a terrible feeling about the Proto wagon, but I'm not sure why.

OH. I'm smart, hurdur. (I guess I didn't see the unedited version of his post, bbm level reading skillz op.)

Personally I'm not liking the fact that majority of the priorities/wagons for today = inactive/people opting to sub out. Dunno if scum team's banking on "Nah, they wouldn't dare lynch an inactive/subbing out slot" ploy or something, but the lack of responses/posting from them isn't helping us at all. :/

Time's winding down though, so we just have to make a decision based on what we have in front of us.

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We could always lynch Marth for coming to the thread, lurking and leaving.

I mean, I checked his active times and he was definitely browsing, since they kept changing. And then he doesn't give a fuck about the game because people won't lynch him today either.

I guess he could have forgotten about the deadline but ugh

... I'm going to ISO Proto on other games

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Personally I'm not liking the fact that majority of the priorities/wagons for today = inactive/people opting to sub out. Dunno if scum team's banking on "Nah, they wouldn't dare lynch an inactive/subbing out slot" ploy or something, but the lack of responses/posting from them isn't helping us at all. :/

What even is your reasoning here.

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@Refa: In general, no, I don't think it's quite the same, but there's the same feeling of lots of filler and waffle-y ness

Fair enough. How strongly do you feel about it?

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We could always lynch Marth for coming to the thread, lurking and leaving.

I mean, I checked his active times and he was definitely browsing, since they kept changing. And then he doesn't give a fuck about the game because people won't lynch him today either.

Probably because he's on his phone?

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@Refa: he could have said something though

I'm ISOing Proto at Conspiracy Mafia and the feeling I get from him is completely different; he seems much more honest, calm and willing to talk than here (Link to his ISO, because you all want to ISO him there right?). I'm much more confident on this lynch now.

And his play in Anonymous Mafia, where he was scum (Here's his ISO), seems to match his defensive play here, altough it's from 3 years ago so no idea if he'd still be the same.

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Oh OK. Was going to just YOLO vote Eurykins and see where that led up, but if you're not that confident it's not really worth it (since I'm not scumreading her myself).

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I'm ISOing Proto at Conspiracy Mafia and the feeling I get from him is completely different; he seems much more honest, calm and willing to talk than here (Link to his ISO, because you all want to ISO him there right?). I'm much more confident on this lynch now.

Man, how could he think I was scum in a game where scum tunneled me early on and then flipped scum? He should be lynched just for that. The biggest difference I noticed begins with 1,000,000 and ends with more words. I suppose the less words could be taken as a sign of demotivation, although it could just be because his playstyle changed. What's more telling is that he put way more effort into casing "scum" than he's doing here.

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Screw it, let's just get this over with already. I can't think of a scumteam that doesn't include him, so he better flip scum for my sake.

##Vote: Proto

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What I find scummy is not his activity or motivation, it's his change of attitude towards the stuff directed to him. For example, Proto was also questioned for his RVS vote on Conspiracy Mafia, so you guys can compare his reaction there to his reaction here, part 1 and part 2.

cut, I'd rather wait for Blitz and Green Poet to get here, ##unvote

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1. RD Subbed out without even saying anything to us. It seemed more as a forced sub by SB, as opposed to "Busy, may not be able to contribute anything folks, sorry". And this occurred especially when RD was getting pressured more, and there were no responses given at all prior to him subbing out. So, to me, that looks pretty bad in itself.

2. Proto's just not saying anything, despite quite a bit having been said along D2 phase. Just vote sitting and otherwise not really giving us anything for the entirety of it, and is likewise gone for end phase timing. Also seems pretty bad.

3. Bluedoom is probably one of the few exceptions (of those being looked at for end-phase) that his leave doesn't strike me as terribly scummy (at least compared to the former two), and seems legitimate enough. Still not thrilled with his sub-par activity level/quality in D2 itself, but cannot fault him for IRL situations. So in this case, he's somewhat remedied from the comment I made earlier, though his slot is still subject to some opinions/judgement based on what he's already put forth when he so chose to in terms of content.

And certain other slots (IE. Kay and Poly, but moreso the former) just haven't been posting much at all, yet in lieu of that, they've also haven't been considered much at all for removal/lynches as a result (though I know some people are town-reading Poly, so there's that as well). But as a whole, there's actually quite a few in this game that have displayed heavy lapses of inactivity, and have yet to suffer from it. It also affects end-day lynching, as there's a general notion/bias of typically not picking an 'inactive/subbing-out' slot due to sheer inactivity/unresponsiveness of the slot. That is why scum can and often will lurk/resort to the realms of inactivity if it means floating under the radar amongst other players (townie or not) that may too be doing similar actions.

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@Refa: I don't think they are, the tone is completely different. Not sure on how to explain this, but I think he was affected by Eury's vote while in Conspiracy Mafia he didn't care, and just proceeded to explain what happened in a honest way.

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hold on i'm here

## Unvote

## Vote marth (we still have time right)

(posting why not proto in next post but don't want you guys to hammer before I even get a chance to say anything so posting this now)

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also i'm prepping to leave work so if deadline's in about an hour i won't be available because crazy rain in my area means traffic will be slooooooooooooow

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1. [2:28:11 PM] Sonic Boom: probably but i'd rather fill the spot that requested it first AKA not a forced sub.

2. I agree.

3. Have no qualms with this as well.

4. Kay's going to be modkilled, which I doubt SB would consider if she was scum (because that would fuck up the game). So she's probably town. Poly is town because he has lapses in activity as town as well. I mean, it's not like I WANT HIM to be inactive, but I'm not going to lynch him for it when he's done the same thing as town like every town game he's played recently.

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@eury; I'm not comfortable with what you are saying re: inactivity. D1 neither kirsche nor you even cross-voted, former is town and FYPOV you're town as well. I don't disagree with it, but I'm someone who makes it a point to be around at phase end unless I literally can't access SF at the time. I would think if you were town you would not find inactivity scummy.

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