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It's Time To Duel!!!! Mafia [Game Over]


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Honestly, I'm going to re-read, but I admit that Kirsche's case against Scorri had its merits. That being said, if you hadn't already stated your claim/flavor/etc, would you mind doing so? (I know what you did last night phase, since that screwed up my action, but I need to know what you did other night phases n' whatnot).

So for now, yes, Scorri is a higher priority than you. Currently, I'd vote her over you but I need/want to make sure that's the most solid choice.

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Hmm. Flavor/character/role? I also want Scorri to post as well to see if she has anything to say before votes go out.

[And still slightly offended that you thought that I was scummier than Scumnori, SRSLY? T_T]

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So in summary,

I'm Joey Wheeler, town vanilla. I started off with three vanillas and two Warp Portals. Drew from the Reborn deck yesterday and so I got a doc which I used on Kirsche due to confirmed town, got redirected to Eury.

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I asked about that, since it didn't seem to match very well. But Eli gave some explanation about how Joey relies on luck a lot and needs protection since he's always landing himself in scrapes but basically summarized it as sometimes the hands only have minimal connection to their players.

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[spoiler=Oh yea, Pictures for Deaths]Tea_Gardner_Forever_Iced_by_Duel_MonsterO

Looks like she couldn't keep her cool.


This guy was my everlasting pet. Now what will I do?



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Scorri if you believed Kirsche was conf town wouldn't that make me conf town as well?

I find it hilarious that I ended up redirecting all the stuff on Kirsche except the kill btw. I rock

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I mean, kill could've been strongarm, there could've been a kill directed at kirsche and eury, etc.

And no, it doesn't. Just because you cleared someone doesn't make you town. It makes me lean a bit more towards you being town but not a certain thing.

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So last night phase:

Bear used the redirect card (and with scum double-player already dead, I doubt the ITP/SK would also be able to do so), so there's his night action.

Anything that could target me hit Kirsche instead. And vice versa.

So Kirsche was supposedly targeted with Doc, and my bomb. (Can confirm the latter from the fact that I ended up casting it on myself.)

And apparently I was doc'd.

Poly blew himself up to kill Shinori.

Which meant that Shinori was probably the one who killed Kirsche via strongarm.

The only other exception I can see is/was:

- I was the actual NK target of one of them (thus it targeted/hit Kirsche instead).

- If that's the case, Scorri could be telling the truth or lying about her actions, and Poly could've had easily used the strongarm modifier himself to ensure that his suicidal bomb would result in a guaranteed kill on Shinori.

BLAAAAAAAAAH. Why must this be so needlessly complicated to pull out between 3 people left? T_T

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**Rereading over some of Kirsche's posts...

Since people are clearly not seeing how 2*commute 3*vanilla card idling vanillager is clearly BS this is the best I can do. Consolidation needed. TBH I think the "vanilla check" card in my hand might be used to find scum, as maybe scum are the only ones with vanilla cards in their hand? If someone is town who started with a vanilla card can you claim please?

This post is making me wonder if Scorri is the SK, and figured that Kirsche had to be removed ASAP (if she hasn't been completely honest regarding her hand. If her claims had been inaccurate from what she stated in-thread earlier (with 3+ vanilla cards), then that could've just as easily sold her down river as the logical choice for next lynch. ;/

If that's the case, and there was another warp portal in the graveyard from this night phase, I wouldn't put it past her to have commuted again last night, to protect herself from any sort of scans/reads being drawn on her.

- Shinori's/Poly deaths could've occurred just the same way, and Shinori could've either aimed at me and hit Kirsche instead, or just strong-armed said kill.

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The suicidal bomb was a card so Poly couldn't have strongarmed.



Shinori strongarms Kirsche

Scorri Docs Kirsche, gets Eury

Eury attempts to kill Kirsche attacks herself and is docced.


Shinori strongarms Kirsche

Scorri kills shinori/Eury and either joins poly on killing shinori or joins shinori on killing kirsche.

Scorri Docs Kirsche (maybe)

SK!Scorri could also have Kirsche using the doc but I doubt it.

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So Eury, are you saying that I used two cards last night by commuting and making my kill strong? Or that I commuted, targeted kirsche and he died... somehow? And you didn't die there because.... ?

I just don't really see how your theory adds up is all.

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His bomb card was a 'sacrificial vig shot'. The Strong arm is a card modifier. I'm pretty sure, if poly wanted to, he could've used both to ensure that a killing shot ran through. But I figure it's more likely that Shinori/the SK used it moreso than Poly.

And cut by Scorri:

My point is. Everything that happened last night phase could've occurred without you needed to have done anything.

Poly kills himself on Shinori.

Shinori himself can conduct the kill on Kirsche. (Whether it was by mistake or otherwise, the kill still went through).

I know the fact that Bearclaw's redirects actually happened as the result of my bomb card falling onto me.


You, Scorri, could've used the doc card. Or maybe not. You're the only one whose actions can't really be confirmed and can thus be said that you could've done anything last night phase, or you could've done nothing at all. Unless your kill also sat on top of Shinori's target/you two aimed at the same person.

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