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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 3 - NOW IT'S REIN TIME (Game over)


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Ugh, ok, now I don't want to lynch Psych because he finally explained things. However, I would (of course) not like it if he shot me and as such am willing to actually claim if that would make him feel better about me. Unsure who I *would* want to lynch though, so I'll try and reread. I apologize for the lack of presence, but I've been busy packing up my entire life since I'm moving later this week and also dealing with brand new RP.

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No extension unless Paperblade says otherwise.


Psych (6): Manix, j00, kirsche, Ether, Rein, Shin

Shin (3): SB, Wombat, Psych

Helios (2): eclipse, Levity

Shinori (1): Snike

Rein (1): Helios

Not voting (1): scorri

1 hour, 34 minutes left.

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I am in no mental state to play mafia right now

if I tried I would be shouting and screaming and just being generally unpleasant and no one wants that

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I'm not voting people who won't be around to claim as that's gay and am still happy with the Psych lynch because he should've said all that 24-36 hours ago.

Not moving my vote.

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Unsure who I *would* want to lynch though, so I'll try and reread.

A last minute lynch is going to end badly and isn't going to give us as many associative reads as a Psych lynch.

AND there aren't enough people to push the lynch any other way right now.

"We can't lynch anyone else but I'm not voting the one person we can lynch" seriously eclipse, I love you and all but you know better. Would you rather Psych not get lynched than the game end in a UL?

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Alright I'm here. What are we doing people? I really would rather not claim this early (I mean really I only have two votes on me and only Eclipse and Levity find me even remotely scummy) but if Eclipse is gonna potentially waste her shot on me should I claim?

Eclipse your vote on me to begin with was based on your own misunderstanding and not anything I actually did. When I explained that you decided to vote me because I chose to vote Rein over Scorri and nitpicked at my tone. When I explained that, you decide to keep your vote on me because I called you for parking your vote on me (I mean that's what it's called when you vote someone and just keep trying to find reasons to keep your vote on them right?). If you're just gonna keep trying to find reasons to vote me after I explain why you're wrong, then I don't know what to tell you.

I'm willing to take Psych's claim since it's easily provable (though he's a big target for the roleblock now :/). I realize we don't have much time, but I'd prefer a Shin lynch to Psych if that's the case.


##Vote Shin

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Psych was lynched. He was:

Dear Psych,

an eskimo

what is

an eskimo

is it a man in a woolen coat

is it a man on tennis rackets for shoes

might it even be

a man who digs a hole in ice

and fishes from it

Or might it actually be

a woman

You are Excellen, Town Poet.

You're a poet, and you weren't even aware of it (I'm not). You subbed into SFMM2 by writing the greatest poem ever. Upon subbing in, you quickly proved your worth, killing an evil mafia in a ball of blazing glory. You also apparently hate Spanish, because the last time Psych tried to teach people about it, you derailed the thread with misogyny.

At night, and once per game, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - USER, I shall avenge thee!" You will write a beautiful poem about Eskimos, allowing you to take USER's role as your own, gaining all of his abilities. USER must be dead and town.

At night, and once per game, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - RVS SUCKS, USER." You will explain to USER why RVS is the worst and he should be totally ashamed for enjoying it, causing him to kill himself out of shame. Doing so will cause you to become so mad that you forget what role you had copied. You can only use this ability once you've already subbed in, since prior to that you aren't even playing.

Post Restriction: Complain about RVS.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.

He had taken Elieson's role.

It is now Night 3. Night ends in a bit over 24 hours on August 4th at 7PM GMT-7.

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