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[FE11+FE12]Archanea Tag Team RNG draft


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Rules specific to this draft:

*10 players will join.

*Once we have 10 players, everyone will be selected a teammate at random.

* Then the teams will decide which of the 2 games they will tackle. One player will play FE11 to completion and the other will do FE12 to completion.

* Best combined Turncount wins.

* Please finish or you will face...



The victims:



SB FE11 only

CR-S01 FE11 only

Lucina FE11 only

Baldrick FE11 only





RNG team results:












[spoiler=FE11 rules]


1. This draft is for 5 players.

2. Marth, Jagen and Nagi/Gotoh are free for all to use.

3. The game will be played on H2.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, meatshield, and shop.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors.

3. Gaiden chapters do not count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken.

4. You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want.

5. Marth may not Seize the throne in Chapter 19 before Turn 5.


1. Forging, Wi-Fi Shop, and usage of the Warp staff are strictly prohibited.

2. You may not use loaner units.


1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.

[spoiler=Units Remaining]







Baldrick: Caeda, Sedgar, Athena, Lena, Jake, Matthis, Horace, Est, Macellan,

Shin: Cain, Draug, Vyland, Darros, Wrys, Roger, Tomas, Rickard, Lorenz,

SB: Abel, Navarre, Wendell, Cord, Roshea, Xane, Boah, Astram, Palla, Jeorge,

CR: Barst, Wolf, Gordin, Castor, Julian, Caesar, Etzel, Elice, Catria, Linde,

Lucina: Ogma, Hardin, Bord, Merric, Radd, Midia, Ymir, Dolph, Beck, Minerva,

[spoiler=FE12 rules]


1. This draft is for 5 players

2. Marth, Arran, Xane, Feena, and Rickard are free for all. Avatar is free for all, but is restricted to Female Mage, Cleric, Myrmidon, Archer, and their promoted counterparts.

3. The game will be played on Hard 1.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, and shop.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors and having Level 3 base conversations.

3. All characters are free for Prologue chapters.

4. You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want.

5. All Gaiden chapters must be visited.

6. The game must be played out to the True Ending.


1. Lunatic Statboosters, Rainbow Potion, Forging, Bond Drop and use of Wi-fi features is strictly prohibited.

2. Male Class Set Combination is allowed.

3. Warp may not be used on Marth. Rescue may not be used on Marth by a unit who has been Warped or rescued earlier in the chapter. Hammerne may not be used on Rescue or Warp.

4. Use of the Drill Grounds is allowed.

5. Use of the Clock Bonus is strictly prohibited.

6. Maturity Drop can only be used on units that are not Marth, Arran and Avatar.


1. Undrafted units have a 4-turn penalty, per unit per chapter.


1. Palla is free for Chapter 3.

2. Yubello, Yumina, Ogma and Sirius are free for Chapter 4.

3. Navarre is free for Chapter 7.

4. Merric is free for Chapter 10.

5. Nyna, Maria, Lena and Elice are free for Final.

[spoiler=Units Remaining]




Eclipse: Luke, Gordin, Yumina, Caesar, Jeorge, Wendell, Cord, Malicia, Darros, Julian, Astram, Castor, Tiki

Horace: Palla, Cecille, Ogma, Barst, Wrys, Dice, Norne, Katarina, Samto, Ymir, Sheema, Samson, Wolf

PKL: Ryan, Caeda, Frey, Linde, Roger, Est, Leiden, Yubello, Frost, Nagi, Dolph, Vyland, Beck

Jedi: Rody, Sirius, Cain, Minerva, Elrean, Maris, Horace, Belf, Radd, Michalis, Abel, Roshea, Sedgar

Xinnidy: Draug, Catria,Navarre, Merric, Warren, Athena, Jake, Etzel, Robert, Macellan, Tomas, Midia, Matthis

Edited by CordeliaxFrederick
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You roped me into this I hope your happy

I hope you're happy

I hope you're happy, too

I hope you're proud how you

Would grovel in submission

To feed your own ambition

/also FE11 only

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1. If you're gonna allow Maturity Drop/Rainbow Potion, I don't see why Maturity Drop is banned (unless it's banned on any unit that's free for everyone the entire game).

2. Are prologues counted/free to a certain point/free for all, in terms of turns?

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.... ah screw it, I'll join! I just want to know what that wrath is.

/and FE12 plz

Don;t join if you have every intention of disappearing, then later unloading the draft. Confirm to me that you will finish and I will sign you up.

I return from my apathy-induced exile!

Also, I can only play FE11.


i can do whatever

i'd rather h1 for fe12 though

B-but H2 is so fuuun. Fiiine, if more people want H1, speak up. No guarantees though

Hard 2 FE12? Whatever, I'm in for either game.



That means I'm not sure I'll join.

Probably only if you really need another person to

Umm, sure...we all know you will eventually join

1. If you're gonna allow Maturity Drop/Rainbow Potion, I don't see why Maturity Drop is banned (unless it's banned on any unit that's free for everyone the entire game).

2. Are prologues counted/free to a certain point/free for all, in terms of turns?

1. Did I leave maturity drop banned in the rules? that would be silly >_>. Anyways, it is allowed on any unit. Unless you guys want to ban it on Free-for-all units? It'd be kinda interesting to give it to someone other than Marth/Avatar for once...

2. Prologues count for turns atm.

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- Maturity Drop on anyone

- Prologues free, period (because screw that)


- Maturity Drop banned on free for the entire game units

- Prologues count (or make them free for the first five turns; whichever one floats your boat)

I prefer H1, because more units are viable.

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- Maturity Drop on anyone

- Prologues free, period (because screw that)


- Maturity Drop banned on free for the entire game units

- Prologues count (or make them free for the first five turns; whichever one floats your boat)

I prefer H1, because more units are viable.

Rainbow Pot and forging would also be banned in H1. Let's see who else thinks it should be H1. I'm only partially convinced atm

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Rainbow Pot and forging would also be banned in H1. Let's see who else thinks it should be H1. I'm only partially convinced atm

No problems with that. I'm interested in other opinions~!

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Don;t join if you have every intention of disappearing, then later unloading the draft. Confirm to me that you will finish and I will sign you up.

Yeah, don't sign me up. Not because I'll disappear again, but I have no time for drafts. Also I fought this was something else that me and Jedi talked about. :P

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[spoiler=Utter Confusion leading to the team RNG][10:15:33 AM] CR: SHIN JOIN

[10:15:38 AM] Adam³: JOIN WHAT

[10:15:39 AM] SB: I just cant get myself to finish

[10:15:39 AM] Rapha: ENM is worse

[10:15:48 AM] Anthon: defeat the horac

[10:15:50 AM] Anthon: http://serenesforest...0

[10:15:59 AM] SB: on battle before dawn

[10:16:14 AM] Adam³: no

[10:16:16 AM] CR: i just cant bring myself to into chapter 8

[10:16:23 AM] Adam³: the DS FE's are two of my least favourite

[10:16:35 AM] Adam³: but sure

[10:16:46 AM] SB: you're joining?

[10:16:48 AM] Anthon: no, but sure?

[10:16:52 AM] Anthon: what is that haha

[10:17:07 AM] Adam³: I am bishinning

[10:17:08 AM] Adam³: it's fine

[10:17:11 AM] Rapha: Shin's existence is a contradictory one.

[10:17:14 AM] SB: uh shin

[10:17:16 AM] SB: 11 or 12

[10:17:21 AM] Adam³: I don't care

[10:17:22 AM] SB: horace is in 12 most likely

[10:17:27 AM] Adam³: i prefer 11

[10:17:35 AM] SB: whatever works

[10:17:37 AM] Anthon: lets see what RNG says

[10:17:49 AM] SB: wait no PKL

[10:17:52 AM] SB: rapha rng teams

[10:18:03 AM] Anthon: too late

[10:18:10 AM] Anthon: Shin _ Baldrick is first team

[10:18:13 AM] Adam³: NO

[10:18:22 AM] Adam³: I must be Blackadder


[10:18:33 AM] SB: shin got stuck in 12 then

[10:18:34 AM] SB: lol

[10:18:36 AM] Anthon: welp

[10:18:41 AM] Adam³: rage

[10:18:46 AM] SB: if he wants to do 11

[10:18:47 AM] Adam³: I hate FE12

[10:18:48 AM] SB: rerng

[10:18:48 AM] Anthon: NO

[10:18:50 AM] Adam³: it's da wurst fe

[10:18:51 AM] Anthon: RE RNG

[10:18:51 AM] CR: ya rerng

[10:18:52 AM] SB: yeah rerng

[10:18:56 AM] Rapha: OK

[10:18:57 AM] Anthon: I got paired with CR

[10:18:58 AM] Rapha: but let me do it

[10:19:00 AM] Anthon: NOWAI

[10:19:01 AM] Adam³: OTP

[10:19:04 AM] Rapha: haha

[10:19:06 AM] Adam³: also, Horace so lazy

[10:19:10 AM] CR: NO RERNG

[10:19:12 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: gg

[10:19:12 AM] Anthon: refa u do it

[10:19:14 AM] CR: RAYFAY

[10:19:15 AM] Rapha: OK

[10:19:21 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: ROOFA

[10:19:24 AM] Anthon: lol

[10:19:30 AM] SB: it'd be like

[10:19:43 AM] SB: PKL/eclipse/Horace/Jedi/Xinn for FE12

[10:19:59 AM] Anthon: yeah, do it like that

[10:20:00 AM] SB: and Shin/Baldrick/Lucina/CR/SB for FE11

[10:20:18 AM] Adam³: I demand my team's first pick is Biraku

[10:20:19 AM] Anthon: wow, everyone is competent in this draft lol

[10:20:23 AM] Anthon: i dont mind any teammate

[10:20:31 AM] Anthon: except CR of course

[10:20:33 AM] Adam³: I've played FE11 4 times

[10:20:34 AM] Anthon: :P

[10:20:39 AM] Adam³: 2 of them being drafts

[10:20:39 AM] CR: oh please

[10:20:42 AM] SB: must not be on PKL's team

[10:20:44 AM] Rapha: SB and Eclipse

[10:20:46 AM] SB: must beat him for once

[10:21:00 AM] Rapha: hehehehe...Shin and Baldrick MUST BE DESTINY

[10:21:07 AM] Anthon: lol

[10:21:08 AM] Adam³: RAGE

[10:21:09 AM] SB: BLACKADDER

[10:21:11 AM] Rapha: Horace PKL

[10:21:17 AM] Anthon: loool

[10:21:21 AM] Rapha: Xinny Lucina and uh

[10:21:26 AM] Rapha: Jedi whoever is left

[10:21:31 AM] Rapha: CR

[10:21:32 AM] SB: Jedi/CR


[10:21:35 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: welp I'm with DOOFINA

[10:21:36 AM] CR: ROOFA

[10:21:39 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: lol

[10:21:41 AM] Rapha: NO I DIDNT FORGET YOU

[10:21:46 AM] SB: ok Roofa MORE WORK FOR YOU

[10:21:49 AM] Anthon: wait, but did u take into account the games?

[10:21:50 AM] SB: DA ORDER

[10:21:53 AM] Rapha: yeah

[10:21:56 AM] SB: yes

[10:22:03 AM] Rapha: OK sure

[10:22:09 AM] SB: uh how are we doing the order

[10:22:11 AM] Rapha: How does picking work?

[10:22:16 AM] SB: I'd say like

[10:22:17 AM] SB: rng it once

[10:22:17 AM] Anthon: ok, lemme think

[10:22:21 AM] Rapha: Also can you put the teams on the main page

[10:22:21 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: rng the teams?

[10:22:23 AM] Adam³: I think we should pick in order of most british

[10:22:25 AM] Rapha: So people don't forget

[10:22:25 AM] SB: and reverse picking order for FE11

[10:22:30 AM] Anthon: hear me out

[10:22:34 AM] Rapha: I did Xinny, you're with uh

[10:22:41 AM] Jedi: did I pop on at the right time

[10:22:42 AM] Rapha: your fellow trap

[10:22:45 AM] Adam³: wait

[10:22:47 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: no I mean in picking order

[10:22:49 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: haha

[10:22:50 AM] SB: Jedi you are with CR

[10:22:52 AM] Adam³: I've only played FE12 once

[10:22:53 AM] Anthon: rng the teams together then reverse order

[10:22:56 AM] Anthon: for the other

[10:22:57 AM] Jedi: oh ok

[10:23:00 AM] Jedi: hi CR!

[10:23:03 AM] Rapha: uh ok

[10:23:04 AM] SB: oh

[10:23:06 AM] CR: hi

[10:23:08 AM] SB: uh

[10:23:10 AM] Anthon: hey jed

[10:23:12 AM] Adam³: and how did I get FE12

[10:23:16 AM] CR: lol

[10:23:20 AM] Jedi: Hope I don't drag you down haha

[10:23:20 AM] SB: I thought that Shin was in 11

[10:23:28 AM] CR: uh

[10:23:31 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: wait shin is 11 yeah

[10:23:42 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: and baldrick is also 11 only

[10:23:42 AM] CR: wat is going on

[10:23:43 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: uh

[10:23:47 AM] SB: Team Horace PKL is impossible

[10:23:52 AM] SB: too many people wanting FE11

[10:23:59 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: ya lol

[10:24:02 AM] Jedi: welp

[10:24:13 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: SO OKAY

[10:24:14 AM] CR: sb/cr/lucy/baldrick/shin fe11

[10:24:19 AM] CR: everyone else fe12

[10:24:25 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: out of 10

[10:24:29 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: 6 want fe 11

[10:24:34 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: oh wait

[10:24:34 AM] Adam³: if I get Baldrick again, I'm raging

[10:24:36 AM] SB: wait what?

[10:24:40 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: I cannot into count

[10:24:46 AM] Anthon: another rng?

[10:24:49 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: yeah

[10:24:52 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: shin isn't fe12

[10:24:55 AM] CR: (facepalm)

[10:24:59 AM] Anthon: ^

[10:25:07 AM] Anthon: we dont have enough 12 then

[10:25:11 AM] Anthon: dont we

[10:25:13 AM] SB: we do

[10:25:15 AM] Rapha: Did you RERNG again haha

[10:25:16 AM] CR: we do

[10:25:20 AM] Rapha: might as well just make it not RNG

[10:25:20 AM] CR: we can't into count

[10:25:25 AM] SB: Xinn/PKL/Jedi/Horace/eclipse

[10:25:28 AM] Rapha: if you're doing that and just pick who you want

[10:25:30 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: SO sb/cr/lucy/baldrick/shin fe 11

Jedi/pkl/horace/Xin/clipsey fe12

[10:25:35 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: are we ok with this

[10:25:37 AM] Anthon: fine rerng'ing

[10:25:39 AM] SB: yes

[10:25:51 AM] Rapha: pkl will be with horace anyways

[10:25:56 AM] Jedi: also CR, while PKL forgets you somehow I dooon't

[10:26:01 AM] Rapha: Uh

[10:26:02 AM] Jedi: xD

[10:26:07 AM] Rapha: That wasn't for PKL

[10:26:37 AM] Anthon: rng says this time

[10:26:39 AM] Anthon: eclipse sb

[10:26:46 AM] Anthon: Horace pkl again o_O

[10:26:49 AM] Rapha: Ha

[10:26:49 AM] Adam³: how

[10:26:51 AM] Rapha: I'm psychic

[10:26:53 AM] Rapha: Refa wwins

[10:26:53 AM] Adam³: that's impossible

[10:26:54 AM] SB: PKL you cant RNG

[10:26:56 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: PKL

[10:27:00 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: you are stoopid

[10:27:00 AM] Anthon: Xin lucy

[10:27:05 AM] Rapha: PKL don't reRNG

[10:27:06 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: you're both for fe12

[10:27:09 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: PKL

[10:27:09 AM] Anthon: Jedi Baldrick

[10:27:11 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: JUST

[10:27:12 AM] Rapha: it is everyone else who is the stupid

[10:27:12 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: LEMME RNG

[10:27:18 AM] Rapha: nowai

[10:27:21 AM] Adam³: yarly

[10:27:21 AM] Rapha: 3 times too much

[10:27:30 AM] CR: Facepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gif

[10:27:41 AM] Anthon: another? geez

[10:27:46 AM] Rapha: Don't do it

[10:27:49 AM] Anthon: we're cheating the draft

[10:27:51 AM] Rapha: Just let people pick teams

[10:27:52 AM] SB: http://gyazo.com/c8c...fe7533be87dbf55

[10:27:53 AM] Anthon: deal with the rng

[10:27:56 AM] Rapha: or keep the ones now

[10:27:57 AM] SB: http://gyazo.com/060...e35cdafbbaa8b4e

[10:28:08 AM] SB: that actually works

[10:28:12 AM] Anthon: wait

[10:28:15 AM] Anthon: i made a mistake

[10:28:20 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: okay

[10:28:21 AM] Anthon: horace and me are 12

[10:28:25 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: SB did it right

[10:28:25 AM] SB: yeah PKL

[10:28:26 AM] Rapha: uh

[10:28:28 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: FINALLY

[10:28:30 AM] Rapha: horace can do anything

[10:28:33 AM] Anthon: lol

[10:28:34 AM] SB: we've been saying it

[10:28:42 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: we have too many people that want fe11 roofa

[10:28:44 AM] SB: there are 5 FE11ers though refa

[10:28:47 AM] Rapha: 4 people

[10:28:51 AM] Rapha: for FE11 i thought

[10:28:53 AM] CR: uh wynaut just go with sb's

[10:28:53 AM] Rapha: Unless Shin changed

[10:28:56 AM] Adam³: I thought there were 11

[10:29:02 AM] Anthon: where is sb's?

[10:29:06 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: it's a team draft shin

[10:29:09 AM] Anthon: what are the results of that

[10:29:15 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: it's the gyazo pkl

[10:29:15 AM] Adam³: yes, with 11 people

[10:29:19 AM] Adam³: are you stoopid or wut

[10:29:19 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: :P

[10:29:31 AM] Anthon: link

[10:29:32 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: 11 is a prime number *shot*

[10:29:44 AM] Rapha: so it's perfect

[10:29:44 AM] SB: Horace/CR





[10:29:45 AM] CR: http://gyazo.com/060...dafbbaa8b4e.png

[10:29:45 AM] Adam³: it's a fine number indeed

[10:29:50 AM] CR: http://gyazo.com/c8c...33be87dbf55.png

[10:29:51 AM] Anthon: wow, SB again

[10:29:53 AM] Anthon: RERNG

[10:29:55 AM] Anthon: lol

[10:29:59 AM] Adam³: Jedi, we're picking Biraku

[10:30:00 AM] SB: that was my list PKL

[10:30:02 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: lol

[10:30:02 AM] Jedi: [10:29 AM] SB:

<<< Horace/CR




clipsey/LucyFolgore Reds unite..?

[10:30:06 AM] Jedi: lol

[10:30:06 AM] SB: just combined

[10:30:07 AM] SB: yeah haha

[10:30:12 AM] SB: WAIT DAMNIT


[10:30:19 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: haha

[10:30:20 AM] CR: HAHAHAHA

[10:30:25 AM] Anthon: >_>

[10:30:26 AM] CR: TUBA'D

[10:30:30 AM] Anthon: you wouldnt anyway huehuehue

[10:30:30 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: guys

[10:30:33 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: can we just

[10:30:35 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: not rng

[10:30:39 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: and choose partners

[10:30:41 AM] SB: I'll settle with SFDDT2 payback :P

[10:30:41 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: then


[10:30:47 AM] CR: OR SOMETHING

[10:30:52 AM] Adam³: I don't mind

[10:30:54 AM] Anthon: reRNG

[10:30:55 AM] Jedi: can't we just stick marshmellows


[10:31:01 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: I don't mind either

[10:31:02 AM] SB: why are we re rnging again

[10:31:04 AM] Rapha: Man, I'm glad I'm not in this draft too confusing

[10:31:08 AM] CR: Facepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gif

[10:31:11 AM] SB: when the list is actually functional

[10:31:12 AM] Adam³: do we share units for the games?

[10:31:15 AM] Rapha: no

[10:31:15 AM] SB: no Shin

[10:31:16 AM] Jedi: no

[10:31:18 AM] Adam³: why not

[10:31:19 AM] Rapha: it's like two seperate drafts

[10:31:21 AM] Adam³: that would be amazing

[10:31:22 AM] Rapha: i don't know

[10:31:23 AM] Jedi: lol

[10:31:25 AM] Jedi: PKL wills it

[10:31:25 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: lol

[10:31:30 AM] Adam³: PKL is chump

[10:31:31 AM] Anthon: Caeda stupidity

[10:31:33 AM] Jedi: he wants to avoid double Caeda

[10:31:35 AM] Jedi: and such

[10:31:38 AM] Adam³: ban her then

[10:31:54 AM] SB: then there aren't enough good first rounders

[10:31:55 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: and people, SB's list has no contradictions

[10:31:57 AM] SB: in 11

[10:32:00 AM] Xenah Jaguaribe: it's his list or no RNG

[10:32:05 AM] Adam³: well, I'm firstpicking Biraku regardless

[10:32:07 AM] Jedi: I think we should paste all this confusion for Eclipses amusement

So our teams by the looks of it are






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RNG team results:
























To clear up any confusion, basically, first in FE11 becomes last in 12. Drafting a unit in one game does not mean your teammate gets that unit. This is to avoid lolCaeda picks.

Also, we will draft at the same time.

Edited by CordeliaxFrederick
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