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Super Smash Bros Mafia Signups


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This is replacing FE9 Mafia, as the topic Description says. Therefore, it will be starting in around 2-3 weeks.

As the name suggests, it's Mafia based on SSBM. This will be a standard game with PMs allowed, 1 Mafia vs. Town (with a few 3rd party roles), Role revealed on death (including miller type roles, if I use any). In addition, I will assign townie and mafia roles to each townie randomly, then choose the most appropriate character for each remaining role. This means you should be free to reveal your character without being assaulted as a likely mafioso (Bowser could be a townie while Mario is the Godfather with Ganon and Link, for example).

This is the list of roles in the game. This is now the final listing unless I decide not to use a separate forum.

[spoiler=All roles]


Mafioso: Standard powerless Mafia. Acts as tiebreaker for who gets killed.

Janitor: Hide one players body. Can be done only twice per game.

Stalker: Follow one player, finding out their role.

Disguiser: Disguises as another player.

Framer: Frames one person, making them appear guilty to investigators.

Hooker: Seduce one player, preventing them from performing their role.

Cop: Investigates someone. Finds out their alignment.

Doctor: Save one citizen from attacks.

Vigilante: Kill one citizen every night. Max twice.

Driver: Switch Two players places at night.

Tracker: Follow one player. Find out who they visit.

Motivator: Allows someone to perform their night action twice.

Amnesiac: Forgot his role. Can take the role of someone who has died.

Watcher: Watch one player. Find out who visits them.

Townie: A member of the town with no special abilities. (9 Townies)

Please bold you name if you sign up. If you signed up for FE9 Mafia, you're on this list already. Please post to confirm you still want to play. Thank you <img src='http://serenesforest.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />.

Signups so far:

Fayt Zelpher

General Spoon







The Dragonslayer







Sync the Tempest







Trompe Le Monde/Furetchen/other

Total so far: 22

Signups are now closed, but if you still want to play, you can join a reserve list.

EDIT: Game forum was here

Edited by Balcerzak
added link to actual game forum
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Arg!!! I wanna join so badly but I never come on here often enough! =(

I'm just ranting I'm not signing up XD Maybe I'd have more time after school's over...... Maybe

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