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Weapons's Mafia


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Start of Day 1: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=21664&view=findpost&p=1182145

Start of Day 2: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=21664&view=findpost&p=1195616

Start of Day 3: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=21664&view=findpost&p=1206537

Start of Day 4: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=21664&view=findpost&p=1222832

Start of Day 5: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=21664&view=findpost&p=1228513

I'll go ahead and open signups.

This will be a closed setup, and roles will be revealed upon death.

Also looking for a co-mod.

Preliminarily opening signups for 15 players.


1. There will be no set time limit for day phases. Day phases will end when a majority is reached for lynch. This is to discourage waiting and promote action.

2. No PMs, no talking after death except for one "BAWWW" post, no talking during night phase, and no cheating.

3. I will be performing vote totals to keep you all updated on how far people are from being lynched.

4. Night Phase will last 48 hours.

5. Activity is encouraged. If you don't post within 48 hours of your last post during the day, someone may request you be prodded, upon which you will receive a kind PM from me inform you of such. If you are prodded 3 times, you'll be replaced, or modkilled, if there is no one to replace you.

6. Enjoyment of this game is mandatory.

7. No displaying of role PMs.

8. Do not edit your posts for any reason, even to unvote. You do not have to say "unvote: person," voting someone else will do.

9. Post votes in bold.

More will be added later.

Player List:

1. Life Admiral

2. Snike

3. Lightning

4. I Eat Tables Ninji

5. Cocytus

6. Core

7. Kleine

8. Levity

9. Dracohon

10. Ninji

11. SlayerX

12. SSP

13. Keltik

14. Cassy

15. JB25

16. Drunk Goth Girl

17. Mikethfc

Replacement List

0. SlayerX

Edited by WeaponsofMassConstruction
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I'd like to co-mod once more before starting my Mind Screw mafia just to get a better feel of it.

If not, I'll play.

Also, rule 6 is awesome.

Edited by Lightning
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Since I just got ninja'd on the co-modding stuff, I'll sign-up since I quit the last game I was in. Sucks that there's no PMs and other stuff but I guess I need to brush up on my scum-hunting skills.

Life Admiral

Edited by Life Admiral
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1. There will be no set time limit for day phases. Day phases will end when a majority is reached for lynch. This is to discourage waiting and promote action.

oh crud, in the games i've played, this causes day phases to actually be less meaningful and be more based on random bandwagons <_< though i suppose if the rule exists, it should be for a good reason. so maybe intense deadlines here actually make people lazy.

either way, it won't matter, because I always personally see to it that NOBODY is lazy. ever.

Edited by SSP
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Hmmm, it's been a while. I do believe a refreshing game here would be positively ravishing!

Allow me to sign up. I'm SSP.

I remember you

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