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you know what


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I'm really sorry

but if that's how you really think about me

i'm just not going to post anymore

And I'm being incredibly serious because I just want to be on good terms with everyone and let everyone know that I'm not out to seek attention, but I don't know how you all are willing to believe that

But if you aren't even going to tell me the truth to my face then I don't even know why I still even come here. I should've left this place months ago before I got too attached to it because I knew this would happen. I shouldn't even be posting this, but I'm pissed. I don't care anymore.

I'll still be here for Pokemon Mafia and I'm still here to host mine, but mafia is all now. That's it. I'm done.

so i apologize

for the trouble i've caused

i'm sorry

good night

And I'm hoping this doesn't cause a shitstorm

It's really more of an apology to all of you. I don't know what else to say or how to say it. About all of the silly antics that I just wanted to be fun, you know? But I'm losing everything both on this forum and on CARA. I still have friends I want to keep in contact with, but I can't stand the feeling of being talked about and picked at, or the feeling of losing all of the interest and feeling that I had because one person ragequit and another left the internet entirely.

I don't know where else to turn

I just

I really am sorry

I really, really know I shouldn't be posting this because I will come off as an attention whore

but i just don't know how else I'm supposed to let you all know how I really feel if I don't even know the one who's still talking shit about me

I thought maybe my recent attitude and behavior had changed. I've changed this summer, you know? And a certain someone told me that I should change for myself. And it's a good feeling, really. But lately the insecurity has been trying to come back.

So, I don't know.

I'm sorry.

Maybe when I know I've changed for the better, I'll start posting more again.

but until then... I just can't do it anymore.

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Goodbye, Bizz. I'll miss you.

I don't know if you'll read this, but I want to apologize for being mean to you recently. You deserve better, and I hope you can forgive me.

Edited by Cocytus
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Okay, I'll be honest. Recently, you've been pretty annoying, to me at least.

See, and here's another thing I meant to point out.

I'm only annoying to the females here, and all of the males are going to like me. I hate that. I hate it that everyone knows that I'm female and treat me based on that. I should have been smarter and did what my friend did and kept his gender a secret forever.

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looks more like you are annoying to the really young females who take this forum way too seriously, I wouldn't take it to heart. You're taking it way too seriously too though, and that is kind of annoying to me as one of the "older" ones.. :D.

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See, and here's another thing I meant to point out.

I'm only annoying to the females here, and all of the males are going to like me. I hate that. I hate it that everyone knows that I'm female and treat me based on that. I should have been smarter and did what my friend did and kept his gender a secret forever.

It's just your recent topics, really.

That wouldn't of been very wise, actually.

looks more like you are annoying to the really young females who take this forum way too seriously, I wouldn't take it to heart.


Edited by Cappuccino
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Rather justified comments on the somewhat dated look of her favourite coat, I guess.

I hate it when people assume things that aren't true, so I'm just going to say that this wasn't at all the reason why. <__<;

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Just stay here and ignore the shit. We don't have time to let opinions affect what we choose to do.

I had to wrestle with my diction a bit but I finally got my thought to come out.

Hey wait.

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I hate it when people assume things that aren't true, so I'm just going to say that this wasn't at all the reason why. <__<;

...Constant bad luck in mafia?

Hype Backlash?

Eh, could be anything.

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I think you should adopt more of a "yeah well fuck you" mindset. Still totally going to harass you on MSN anyways though, there is no escape. Plus you have to keep in mind the fact that a lot of people on SF has always really liked going out of their way to talk shit about people that they really have nothing to do with when that person doesn't just post in a standard manner.

And yeah, girl on the internet syndrome does suck, but for the record you could be a trannie for all I care and I'd still think you were fucking awesome, hahah.

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I think you should adopt more of a "yeah well fuck you" mindset. Still totally going to harass you on MSN anyways though, there is no escape. Plus you have to keep in mind the fact that a lot of people on SF has always really liked going out of their way to talk shit about people that they really have nothing to do with when that person doesn't just post in a standard manner.

That's huge truth there.

Yeah seriously Bizz if anyone says stuff about me I'm like "well I already knew I was stupid anyway" so it doesn't bug me quite as much. though I think I slipped a few times... My memory is not serving me well but for some reason it keeps telling me that this was not always so, so I'm just gonna say that I think it may have happened before.

But when people bug others...

People talking crap should talk crap to those who don't care as much or who also talk crap.

I'm a girl and you're my bestest freind!!! =] Us supposed poop-head girls should stick together. lol

Of course when I do end up making a fuss about what someone said about me usually I am just pretending. I is very sarcastical. =I

I could say "I'll miss you Bizz" but of course I could always talk with you on commenting and PM'ing

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So (would this work better if I wasn't the type that does not cuss?) those that are giving Bizz crap really should stop. I don't think that she has any bad intentions. I don't know what has offended you but I can tell no offense was meant towards you and so you should just either forget about it or just leave her topics/posts alone. What I really hate are the people who mess with others just to make themselves feel better (and forgive me or not if I'm wrong but so far it looks to me that that's what's going on by the "girls disliking her and all guys liking her" post. If I'm wrong sorry for making the quick conclusion because in the beginning I had no idea what was going on). Jealousy is stupid if she's not intending things to be that way unless the other person is really trying to take up all the guys. According to Bizz there's no reason at all for you to show your jealousy to her by insulting her. It just makes you look like a fool to me because saying things about her will not make things any better for you. It may only make you look more like a jerk and that makes people avoid you.

So tell me that's not what's going on but whatever it is Bizz was not meaning anything by it anyway.

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