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Etrian Odyssey Mafia - Game Over


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It’s been a disaster recently in the town of Etria. Recently, the Guildmaster had been found dead in the Guildhouse for no adequately explained reason. The loss of a respected member of the town has got people thinking about the worst. Subaltern Quinn has suggested that there might be rogues among us in the town, and calls a meeting every day in Verda Plaza to try to figure out what is going on. You are one of the twelve people that have been called to this daily meeting, and your task is to search for the rogues among you.

Hello game thread! This post will be updated regularly to reflect stuff.

[spoiler=Rules in here] 1. This game is No Outside Contact (NOC), meaning there will be no talk outside of the thread.

2. There will be no talking at night, unless your role allows you to. There is also no mafia daytalking in their PM. (ie: mafia can only talk at night in their PM)

3. No quoting role PM’s or anything in them (including communications with me) in any way, shape or form, which includes the character image I provide. Paraphrase if you must. Screenshotting is worse, and will result in a modkill the moment I see it. If you want to quote something that I’ve said, then please ask me first.

4. You can ask any question of me regarding the game. I reserve the right to not always give a straight answer if it pertains to information that you shouldn’t know.

5. The game will start on N0, with no kills on N0.

6. If you have more than one ability, you may only use one on any given night. No exceptions. If you don’t want to use your role on a given night, reply to your Role PM with Night X – Idle. Need to make sure you’re paying attention. Any players without on action submitted by deadline will automatically idle and will be warned.

7. Dead people are dead, but it is not necessarily the end. But, that still means no talking at all, in any way, shape or form if you are dead. Except for one last non-informative post. In addition; no communicating with other deceased players or other external people until the game is over (or until I give a clear to)

8. No requests for IO’s when you’re dead.

9. Vote using the ##Vote: (player) system. Makes it so much easier on everyone. (player) is the person's username, not their rolename (eg: ##Vote: Manix (my username) and not ##Vote: Tiara (my rolename))

10. Players with one half of the total possible votes rounded down and plus one (eg, if 11 people were alive, half rounded down is 5, and plus one is 6, so it would take 6 votes to hammer) will be lynched immediately. Maybe.

11. Current majority will determine who is lynched at deadline if the simple majority (as per rule 9 above) isn’t reached. Maybe.

12. Players must have a minimum of one third of the possible votes rounded down (eg, if 11 people were alive, one third of that is 3 2/3's, with rounds down to 3) to actually be lynched in the first place. Maybe.

a) If no one has one-third of all possible votes rounded down by deadline, there will be no lynch, no matter what.

13. Should there be a lynch tie, there will be a random lynch. Maybe.

14. I will not confirm in thread if the town has reached LYLO or a variant thereof.

15. Days will be roughly 72 hours, and nights roughly 24 hours. This is not barring extreme personal circumstances. Extensions may be granted if needed. THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO BE LAZY.

16. Players that are AWOL for a day and night phase will likely to auto-subbed or modkilled, depending.

17. Requests for subs need to either be in the game thread or role PM.

18. Priority list is already generated. There are no roles that mess with the priority list in any way.

19. No hidden players. Because fuck them.

20. Role PM’s beat these rules. Follow the role PM over these rules if there is a clash.

21. Some players may not know all parts of their role, however they will be made aware of the conditions that will reveal the hidden parts.

22. Please don’t be lame in general. Seriously, this has to be a rule.

23. Some things in these rules might be altered by some role PM’s that may not be your own. Keep your eyes peeled.

24. Any redirects you will be told about in the nightflavor. Specifically who you were redirected to, may not be revealed.

25. Similarly; any roleblocks will also be told through nightflavor.

26. Investigation results are not guaranteed to be accurate.

27. I have been a bit creative with character flavour (what little of it there is), because there really isn’t much to build on. (also not really a rule, but yeah)

28. No items in this game. Items are lame.

29. The town’s wincon is as follows: “You are aligned with The Guild. You win when all threats have been eliminated.” This exists to prevent some of the possible lame.

30. Role PM's will be flipped on death. Just in case someone else asks.

31. If your username appears in flavor, it's just for flavor. But if your rolename appears in flavor, then be worried.

a. and if your rolename is the same as your username (*cough*Shinori*cough*), I will note if it is your rolename instead of your username.

32. And if there is something I’ve missed, it will be placed above and posted in thread.

Dear Manix' date='


You are Tiara, the Gunner. You stand in the back line… hey wait a sec. You don’t even exist in this game! Are you lost or something? Get back to Etrian Odyssey II, you temporally displaced moron.

As the host, you hold complete power over how the game is run. Any time a rule is broken, you may post in thread “Using Riot Gun on <player>! That player will be stunned indefinitely (ie: killed), and can no longer win the game with their faction. Any phase in progress will continue after any given modkill is dealt with.

When a phase ends or a majority is reached (or anything important happens), you shall post in thread “Using Haltshot!. All players are not allowed to talk after Haltshot is used, and anyone who does may be liable to be shot by the Riot Gun, not including mistakes. (eg: lots of posting near a deadline, someone may accidently post after the call, which can be exempt)

These abilities have priority over all other actions in the game, bar none.

You are allied with yourself. You win if the game doesn’t fail miserably.

Other stuff goes here when relevant.

Phase links:

Night Zero

Day One

Day One Modkill ;/ (phase extended by 2 and a half hours)

Night One

Day Two

Night Two

Day Three

Night Three



Misc. setup notes

Day analysis and setup notes

Postgame player analysis

Midphase votal links:

Day One Votals (72 hours remaining)

Day One Votals (48 hours 45 minutes remaining)

Day One Votals (post modkill ;/)(42 hours 30 minutes remaining)

Day One Votals (28 hours 15 minutes remaining)

Day One Votals (4 hours 40 minutes remaining)

Day One Votals (2 hours remaining)

Day Two Votals (44 hours and 30 minutes remaining)

Day Two Votals (23 hours and 30 minutes remaining)

Day Three Votals were a mess, but Helios was ez lynched

Misc. flavor links

Day One Midphase-1

Day One Midphase-2

Day Two Midphase

Alive Players (click the name to ISO!):

1. Shinori (Shinori, Male) (Survived)

5. Delirium (Dirk, Male) (Survived)

8. Aere (Taeros, Male) (Survived)

11. Strider (Mercury, Female) (Survived)

Dead Players

6. Elieson (Halsh, Male) (Modkilled Day One)

3. eclipse (Konbu, Female) (Sliced in two Night One)

10. CT075 (Ren) (Lynched Day Two)

7. Rapier (Rine, Male) (Lynched Day One) (Revived Night One) (Disingrated Day Two)

12. Iris (Ulrich, Male) (Razed Night Two)

9. Helios (Visil) (Lynched Day Three)

4. scorri (Edana, Female) (Lost body function Night Three)

2. Paperblade (Tlachtga) (Endgamed by town Night Three)


Bluedoom (Aphrodite, Female)

Xin Li (Sangyul, Male)

BBM (Zarius, Male)




Le Levedad/Levity/Bizz


Cap'n Flint/Blitz

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And while writing the Night 0 flavor, I remembered something.

Added rule 31 which reads: If your username appears in flavor, it's just for flavor. But if your rolename appears in flavor, then be worried.

and also; N0 will start when I get 10 or 11 confirms (out of 12).

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You all meet at the Golden Deer Pub on the west side of town, to share a meal together. Because it’s good manners to dine with the people that you’re about to kill, right?

The group enters the pub, where their attention is drawn by the pub’s owner, Valerie. “Hey there. It looks like you all made it here. Now, if you’ll come this way, I have a table all set up for you.” She said to the group.

She leads them to a long wooden, rectangular table that would seat about 13 people. Aere eagerly takes the first seat near the center of the table, and Rapier complains that Aere is selfish for not letting the ladies take their seats first. What a gentleman Rapier is. They get into a bit of a verbal fight before Delirium steps in and breaks them up. Delirium sits next to Aere, while Rapier goes off to the other side of the table, away from those two.

After that little squabble, more people begin to take their seats around the table. scorri decides to a seat next to Paperblade and Cam. They exchange small talk while deliberating over what to eat.

Elieson finds himself sitting at the end of the table, next to Helios. Shinori is opposite him. Elieson and Shinori give each other a glare before taking up their menus. Helios looks confused after seeing them exchange glares.

Iris and eclipse find themselves at the other end of the table from Elieson and Shinori, and Strider is sitting next to Iris. Those three chat and have a good laugh between them.

Over at the bar, Valerie is cleaning up the collection of wine glasses. She looks over to the group, and smiles at seeing how well they get on. Little does she know.

After the group has their meal, and some people maybe having a bit too much to drink, the group disperses and returns to their homes. Everyone is going to need the rest before tomorrow…

It is now Night 0. Please send in your actions via your Role PM. Night 0 will last for 24 hours from now (5:30 PM GMT+10 or 7:30 AM GMT) (also I will put serious consideration into extending D1 so the phase end times are more convenient for most of you players (although assuming I’m actually awake at that time that you people want), otherwise I'll just stick to this phase end time (it works alright for me, considering))

Remember; no talking in the thread during the night!

(edit: added rule 31a because someone decided to point it out)

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You all get out of your beds after a well-earned night of rest, all at differing times. Some of you still feel the effects of the drinks from the previous night, but you’re just going to have to push through it.

As you all start to make your way to Verda Plaza, a light breeze passes through the town, its soft feel against your skin. You can also feel the sun’s heat against your skin as well as you walk.

As you all start arriving at the central monument in Verda Plaza, idle chatter begins amongst you while you wait for Subaltern Quinn to arrive. Inane chatter about who could have possibly done such a horrible thing to the Guildmaster, and other conspiracy related topics.

At ten o’clock in the morning, almost exactly, Subaltern Quinn arrives, as well as Tiara, who came from another land. Quinn takes a spot in front of the white, stone monument.

“Well then, it looks like you’re all here.” Quinn began. “I presume you all know why I called you here?”

The muttering and head nodding from the group indicated that they knew.

“Well, that saves me having to explain that part. So, Tiara and I will mediate discussions between you, and you need to come to a consensus as to who is responsible.” Quinn explained.

“Then, we will put the person that is likely responsible as decided by you to death.” Tiara said gruffly. She cocked her gun as if to say this wasn’t an idle threat.

“Well, with all that said, you may begin discussions now.” Quinn concluded.

It is now Day One. Phase end is in 72 hours from now (tentatively, given that almost no one is around at this time (ie: give me a better time and I’ll extend this phase so that it can be more convenient)), at 1730 GMT+10 (0730 GMT) 8/15.

There were no deaths last night, because it was Night Zero.

With 12 alive, it takes 7 votes to lynch outright.

Night results are also going out, but you can post anyway. gogogogo

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Do we have to vote for a player name or just player (like if someone wanted to vote for me, would they vote for cole or helios)?

Til I get an answer for that I'll

##Vote Shinori

Why you givin Elieson weird looks huh?

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Confirming: Just vote people normally (ie, if you wanted to vote for me (for example), you would go ##Vote: Manix, not ##Vote: Tiara).

updated rule 9 for clarity.

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Do we have to vote for a player name or just player (like if someone wanted to vote for me, would they vote for cole or helios)?

Til I get an answer for that I'll

##Vote Shinori

Why you givin Elieson weird looks huh?

Because he fails at .hack lore obviously.

Also requesting that no one visit me tonight.

And no, I am not a granny/PGO or any sort of variant of that.

Coming from you, that actually makes loads of sense! o:


##Vote: Camtech075

Start caring.

Because RVS makes people really care.

##Vote: Iris

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oh iris is voting someone with a vote on him already scumscumscum

Assuming you're not being serious here (sarcasm doesn't transfer well over the net, huh?), because that'd be hypocritical of you.

Because RVS makes people really care.

##Vote: Iris

Some people care, Shinori. If people didn't care, we'd never get out of RVS, and onto a real lynch. ;/ Not caring when you're town is anti-town behavior.

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