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Everything posted by Florete

  1. Haar's is the same as Sothe's. Rolf has a higher Str growth than Boyd. Laura has a lower Res growth than Leonardo, Meg, Jill, Tauroneo, and plenty of others. Tormod's Str growth is 55. Yeah.
  2. Pretty spot-on, goodperson707. I don't think I've seen a single post implying something like, "I'll take any kind of gay character, even a comically offensive stereotype." Someone even joked about how often the term "well-written" has been used.
  3. I think there's been a total of about 0 people in this topic who appear to think that any inclusion of an LGBT character is good, even if it's a blatant stereotype played for comedy. I think you misunderstood me slightly. I don't support just any attempt, I support a serious attempt. An attempt to write a good LGBT character, because I don't expect perfection, especially not on the first venture. A comical stereotype is not okay, but I also doubt IS would go there in the first place.
  4. Real talk: Awakening's character writing is far from amazing, but I think it's better than most people give it credit for. Maybe they'd do it poorly. I'm not saying otherwise. But if I can at least see that they tried, even that much is better than doing nothing at all. If they try and do poorly, that opens up the possibility of them learning from their mistakes and doing better. If they never try...they'll never do it well.
  5. What the hell are you talking about? My attitude is to at least let them seriously attempt it, because if they at least try, I don't think it can be that bad. Do you think any attempt they make will just be a stereotype? IS isn't perfect, no one is, but I don't know why there doesn't seem to be anyone who can have just a little faith. How are they ever supposed to do it well if they never attempt it? Your attitude is the annoying one. The attitude of just keeping the status quo because you're worried that any other attempt will be one big fuck-up. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. And even if FE were to include a poorly-written gay character, how would that be a "giant disservice?" It would be another to throw onto the pile and would ultimately be forgotten before too long. Certainly not the situation I want to see, but after weighing the possibilities, I want to see an attempt. A serious attempt. At least then I would know what they're capable of. But that's obvious. Does anyone actually think that anyone who supports LGBT inclusion will be happy with a stereotype? When someone says "only if they're well-written," it makes it sound like having poorly-written characters is fine so long as they're not a part of one of these "special" groups.
  6. Seriously this. No one wants a badly written character of any kind. No one wants a one-note character. This stuff should go without saying. It's annoying how whenever we get a topic asking if people would like some sort of different character, the responses are a ton of "only if they're well-written!" as though a poorly-written straight white male character is fine. This same thing happened with the topic asking how people would receive a Fire Emblem with two female lords. This is a blatant strawman. There's no call or need for better inclusion and representation of purple-haired characters in media, unlike LGBT characters.
  7. Yes, this. If they never attempt it, how can they get better at it? As long as it looks like they tried, then I'll at least applaud them for that and hope for better next time. If they were to just treat it as some dumb joke, obviously that would be a problem, but I think it should go without saying that supporting their inclusion is supporting a serious inclusion. Also, if IS were to include them and have them be romance candidates, I honestly doubt they'd treat the characters that poorly. And remember that it goes two ways in such a situation: if you have a gay character marriageable only by a Kamui of the same gender, then in the world where that romance happens, Kamui is also a gay character. This, too. One can certainly make the point that Heather isn't a very well-rounded character, but I don't really see where she's stereotypical. And while there haven't been any other cases of clearly gay/lesbian characters in FE to my knowledge, there have been potentially implied situations that, if you did take them to be gay, could be considered good examples, such as Legault and Ike/Soren. Neither of these characters are definitely gay, but I think it's undeniably possible, and if you look at it that way, clearly their (potential) homosexuality isn't their defining trait. I understand people being worried, but we can have at least a little faith in IS, right?
  8. Transfer Boyd can use a Speedwing and be pretty much awesome. And as far as comparing to Gatrie, transfer Boyd has the same base Speed, similar Strength, better movement, and better overall caps.
  9. While I don't necessarily disagree with the quote, how does it apply here? Who's getting offended, and over what?
  10. Around 9-10 on average, potentially higher if I'm using only her and Florina. I think my highest is 16, but that's a pretty rare situation. Her raw defense is comparatively bad, but enemies are so weak and inaccurate and her avoid is so good.
  11. Well, early game is the time when it's most relevant. That's when you'll need effective weaponry more, and Wolf Beil only has 30 uses. I'm not saying Lyn's a great unit to use against Generals. Well, Lance Generals, as those might be the most dangerous enemies for her to face. Axe Generals are fine for her.
  12. Yes, I support it. And I'd like to add for whomever it may apply to: you need not be personally interested in LGBT pairs to support their inclusion. Basically, if you think those options should exist for the people who do want them, then even if you don't personally care, it could be said that you support it.
  13. Well, if Wyvern Lords are so uncommon, I guess the issue is practically irrelevant anyway. Point about Mani Katti countered by what? Hector OHKOing with Wolf Beil? Iirc, that's really only true for Cavaliers, half of which wield swords, and he certainly doesn't OHKO forever, at which point Lyn is probably winning offensively because of doubling and criticals. People really need to stop using this whole "personal experience" point as a catch-all counter to just say "Your argument means nothing." "Personal experience means nothing" as a phrase exists for when people talk about specific RNG and try to use it as justification for a point, like one person's Dorcas capping Speed by 20/5 and using that result to say Dorcas is fast and awesome. This is not the kind of thing I was talking about. It's personal experience, yes, but it's in-game usage over multiple (20+, literally) runs of the game on various difficulties with various team set-ups, a couple of which were even under rank restraints. Theory-FE only gets you so far, at some point you actually do need to apply and see how things do or do not work, and that's all personal experience. I'm not here trying to say, "Lyn is so amazing and you all just don't understand." If I were, I wouldn't have been so general with what I said. I'm saying I think she deserves a bit more credit than she gets, and I find that the people who constantly talk crap about her don't seem to give her much of a chance.
  14. Almost nothing he mentioned is actually personal experience based: -Hector has a late promotion in Hector's mode. Not only is this the mode he stated he plays, it's the mode usually discussed. -Lyn doesn't necessarily always get the first Heaven Seal, but it's not a tough argument to make since Eliwood is an average unit at best and won't always be used. -The stat differences he mentioned line up pretty well with averages, not at 20/20, but particularly later on when Lyn has been promoted for a while and gained levels and Hector has only just promoted. Hector basically being a General movement-wise after promotion helps nothing. -The Mani Katti does indeed help kill enemy Generals, and I'd add that Killer Bows can help kill Wyvern Lords quite a bit. People talk about how oh-so-awful it is for Lyn to be a Sword user in a Lance heavy game, yet I've never had issues with her defensively, and I'm guessing it's because FE7 enemies are just that bad, and the assortment of promoted enemies isn't actually so Lance-heavy at all. She's been an MVP in my ranked runs (I specifically noted in my EHM S rank log how her loss counter at the end was 0) and never let me down otherwise. She seems like a unit who's bad on paper but works better in practice, so long as she comes out of her own mode with a boost, because level 4 Lyn at Ch 15/16 is indeed awful.
  15. 1. Yes. 2. No, only bosses require blessed weapons to be hit (they have to have Mantle, I believe). 3. Yes.
  16. The only FE games with such a system are Sacred Stones and Awakening...and I'm not actually sure if you can get infinite stat boosters in Sacred Stones, but you can grind. dondon151 has this great 0% growths run that you can probably refer to if you get stuck, though.
  17. Not with Titania around. And, I mean, he's not exactly a Greil Mercenary, but Haar is available after just two part 3 chapters. Boyd with transfers is also better than Gatrie.
  18. Nolan always feels worse than I expect him to be. He seems to have speed too low to double what he would kill, and strength too low to kill what he doubles. He's not the worst axe-fighter ever, though. Multiple GBA fighters are definitely worse. You getting poor growths with him (check his growths on the site) is just bad luck.
  19. I just noticed that the linked article calls it Ritual of the Knight, but the Kickstarter calls it Ritual of the Night. I'm going to take the latter as the likely correct one.
  20. I do find it funny how RD tends to do well in these polls, yet is also constantly criticized at the same time. I would say it's even more divisive than Awakening.
  21. 7, 10, 10, 10. Getting the ball rolling? I don't care what you like or dislike, but if this topic has any chance of staying civil, lines like this will not be acceptable.
  22. You weren't successful. So don't forge? I usually forget forging even exists in Awakening because it isn't that important. If you want to tackle Lunatic+ without any limitations, that's your own prerogative; suck it up and do what you need to do. You're complaining that you have chosen to do extra stuff in an entirely extra mode, a mode which probably isn't even available until you've already beaten the game once. I don't think you've paid attention to what either Arvilino or I said. Yes, My Castle grants bonuses. No shit, we're not denying it. This does not mean it is required. You called it "must-play content." That is wrong. It is only "must-play" if you want to use absolutely everything the game gives you, and that is a choice on you as the player. More options being available does not mean you need use them. Have you actually never played a game that you didn't use everything it had to offer, especially an RPG? You can dislike the feature and criticize it all you want, but calling it "must-play content" in any way is false. You're complaining about it being able to make an unlockable difficulty easier. That's ridiculous. If you're going to criticize it, at least leave it at how it panders to otaku and makes the game too easy rather than "Well, I'll need it to make the hardest difficulty as easy as possible." Because you will most likely be able to play through lower difficulties without it and not even notice. I must also ask: Are you against the entirety of My Castle, or just one or two specific aspects (like face rubbing)? Managing the castle, so long as it's simple and doesn't require a lot of investment, doesn't seem like something to complain about. The hot springs and face rubbing I can understand disliking, but you're going to have to explain a little more if you're against the whole thing and want me to take you seriously. For the record, I'm not getting on your case for being negative. There are many others who are negative about certain things and I don't say a word to them. I'm getting on your case for having poor logic and misguided complaints. In addition, I think it stands to reason that people with the same opinion won't argue with each other on said opinion.
  23. Got my Inkling Girl today (I don't even have Splatoon lol). A friend got a Marth for me and is still holding onto it for now, but I'll have it when I next see him. And the hunt for Lucina continues...
  24. Did you even read Arvilino's post? Can stuff in My Castle give you an edge? Yes. Does that mean you need to do it all? No. And I find it highly doubtful that choosing not to rub a character's face will make the game oh-so-much harder in the end. This kind of side content is usually easily skippable and doesn't ultimately impact the game much. It appears, so far, to be that way here. Do you think Pokemon Amie is must-play content? Or the multitude of other mini-game stuff in recent Pokemon games that I don't even remember the names of because I never bothered with them, like Super Training (oh, I remembered that name)? Dislike it all you want, and I'm sure there's an appropriate way to criticize it, but calling it must-play content is not the way.
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