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Status Updates posted by Draco

  1. ayyy happy birthday glac, have a good one!

  2. ayy happy birthday

  3. Hey Carminebro, have you been following Re:Zero? One of the best animu this season, I think you'd probably enjoy it.

  4. Your avatars are always super good ;-;

    1. Magical Glace

      Magical Glace

      I have a trove of random fanart that I use.

      There's a lot.

  5. yo happy birthday

  6. happy birthday, have a good one.

    1. Freohr Datia

      Freohr Datia

      thank you draco!!

  7. I went on your profile and it was at /exactly/ 24000 views. Probably more by the time anyone else sees it but I thought it was funny.

  8. Draco

    Happy (late) birthday, hope you had a good one.

    1. Esme


      I sure did! Thanks.

  9. yo happy birthday

  10. ayyy mokou, I approve. I really like the avatar in particular.

    1. Magical Glace

      Magical Glace

      Thanks~ Mokou is cool, I agree!

      I'm pretty sure I originally got it off danbooru, but the pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=49799161

  11. yo happy birthday

    1. Raven


      Hey cheers!

  12. yo happy birthday

  13. i dont even like fire emblem

    1. Draco


      that's not even why honestly. maybe FE was just a phase for me idk.

    2. Relick
  14. Happy birthday!

  15. how am I getting so many profile views, I'm never even active on here

    1. Magical Glace

      Magical Glace

      I was like "Who's this guy" for a minute then was like "Oh it's Draco"

      And you get so many views because you're a cool calm guy

    2. sylveonzoroark


      your charisma draws everyone to you

    3. HK Motendra

      HK Motendra

      Name changes do that, yo

  16. look at all you nerds with your animu avatars

    1. solrocknroll


      I have a beautiful Professor Layton avatar u take that back baka

    2. Jester Capri

      Jester Capri

      Look at this nerd with his diabetus avatar

  17. Happy birthday!

    1. Irony


      Thank you! :)

    2. Irony


      Thank you! :)

  18. I actually drink coffee now. Six year old me would be disappointed.

  19. Happy birthday!

  20. Thanks for all the birthday wishes, guys!

  21. HAPPY MAGE GIRL DAY, have a good one!

  22. Draco

    Valentine is worst waifu.

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