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Everything posted by CyberNinja

  1. Marriage due to presumed suicide. i agree on Dorothea, she really likes Edelgard and dislikes the church and nobility. She's pretty much one to one in line with Edelgards idealogy. The only issue is her dislike of fighting but she'd have to fight regardless unless she refused to get involved at all.
  2. Why do people keep pretending it doesn't already exist ingame? It's the Mortal Savant, and it's garbage, trash, worthless. I'd much rather some more purist classes, like others have mentioned. Maybe have the vanguard as a merging of the Hero/Fortress knight lines having the ultimate power of a high defense unit not speed screwed.
  3. Ingrid got lost on the way to the Faerghus recruitment center and joined the Imperial army by mistake, she didn't figure it out until her third foray into Faerghus territory and tenth skirmish with church soldiers. Afterwards she was too embarrassed to admit her mistake and hastily came up with an excuse to save face.
  4. I made Bernadetta a warrior, the critiest, most accurate warrior in the history of warriors and still one of the higher strength units I had. Ironically I could have kept her far speedier if I went the thief assassin route before going warrior since she actually started in the class at class base stat and didn't get blessed until after. The HP blessing made for some nice vengeance hits.
  5. There's an android app and a google doc. If you want to make a website one, I'd greatly appreciate it as the android app is unavailable to me and the google one can be cumbersome.
  6. Description for them states absorption of magic. doesn't seem to specify crest though.
  7. Eh, all deaths (if players didn't just reset/divine pulse) don't actually happen when the unit dies, they canonically die a horrific death when Edelgard storms the monastery. So play Silver Snow, recruit all the Blue Lions, church troops, and Golden Deer, then have them all killed before the chapter "To War." They'll still be around in the Monastery and they'll show up in the Epilogue having died a horrific death to the Flame Emperor.
  8. I assumed the giant wolves and birds were natural phenomena of magical beasts and that by there very nature, they had crests (being magical beasts) I simply assumed they were non-sapient/a lower form compared to say, dragons.
  9. As a contrarian I actually like Silver Snow, more than Verdant wind to be honest. I still quite like Crimson Flower as well, since it was my first route and I developed a strong fondness for the Black Eagle students.
  10. I went out of my way to kill her with Byleth for them unique dialogues, turns out that spares her, who knew? I figured she was completely killable and checked with Petra and divine pulse.
  11. It triggers when the game recognizes the location as "overrun." Petra will rush to save Bernadetta if you get wyverns there in turn one, although usually I score a dead Bernie by turn one. Once Petra charges the ballista and dies "retreats" Edelgard will set the whole thing on fire as an asset denial strategy, something that has been done in war for thousands of years. If you instead rush Edelgard before any of the previous triggers happen, the game will recognize her position as "completely overrun" and the platform will be set on fire but the trigger is generally set up so that once the Golden Deer/Blue lions have completely swarmed the platform, they'll be wiped out unless your units got to it first. Since a living Bernadetta has no dialogue for the platform going up in flames (to my knowledge) its likely a dev oversight that people come off as intentional. Bernadetta is the Black Eagles Sniper, she's armed to the teeth and has the assassin sneak skill, she's the best unit to put on the ballista and making preparations for losing the ballista as she did in the battle of the eagle and lion is just good tactics.
  12. If it is, I'm happy. I will admit a sense of bias towards whatever I heard first though.
  13. Tell you what? I'll get around to doing Black Eagles Edelgard again, I'll recruit everyone, and let you know?
  14. They all apparently have crest stones or some dark variant embedded in their bodies plus the high tech environment suggests they're living in their own toxic runoff, I'd be surprised if their bodies didn't look ravaged.
  15. That's because the agrthans are dark mages with 1000+ years to refine their centuries head start in magic and technology over other humans. They are literally Fire Emblem Enclave, post nuclear war and all.
  16. So if we were to fit the Holy Blood of Genealogy of the Holy war into the Crest system of Three Houses. What would be the powers of each crest(holy blood)? Baldo Odo Hezul Noba Dain Neir Ulir Blagi Fala Tordo Holsety Narga Loputousu If we were to put the Fodlan Crests into the Holy Blood system, what stat growths would the crests affect?
  17. You know what they would never do but could have been interesting? Give you control of the two lords and unrecruited GD/BL students and let you play out Gronder from their perspective. Divine Pulse disabled for the map. Problem with Black Eagles in general. Kinda hurts the "next we meet, one of us will die" though, wouldn't mind encountering Hubert more, maybe have the Agarthan removal mission take place before the finale with Edelgard since Church route has the empire essentially win (GD are routed, BL as well.) but then lose to a surprise attack by the knights. It'd fit to have Hubert/Edelgard use Byleth to remove the last of their foes while they "cleaned up." I don't mind more Hubert exposure, but he gets criticized enough for "I can't fall here and must retreat" so this is probably for the best. I mean, it's no more random than it was in Gold Deer, at least it fits thematically here, them being the ancient enemy of the church rather than the quirky bad guys to "le upside down man." I'd have dropped Rhea being saved form Enbarr and either had her captured by TWISTD or have her appear after the rest of the chapters have been completed. The inability to find Rhea would have the characters doing the standard "you should take over speech" and then her sudden arrival, the berserking of the Seiros knights, and final battle happens. You'd lose the explanation but it could be adding in elsewhere or given by Rhea after the end cutscene as a more standard cutscene with her on her deathbed, before the Godddess tower S rank cutscene with whomever you chose. Her death wll still be determinant on whether she's S ranked.
  18. Honestly, you can argue the entire golden deer if you hold off using them until after you beat Claude.
  19. You can fix the route by having Golden Deer actually run on some kind of logic. Claude is the leader of the alliance, him leading a resistance group against the empire is an act of war so it makes no sense he didn't just martial his forces against Edelgard in the beginning. It should have been the Golden deer early game actually being fighting other Alliance factions until you unified, then you're strong enough to fight an exhausted empire that's overstretched in Faerghus. The church route as it stands, actually makes sense. you use subterfuge because you lack the numbers of an actual kingdom, even Claude sieges Enbarr while the knights sneak in as saboteurs and assassins. The knights of Seiros are lacking in numbers but still pack the punch as the other heavy hitters since all their senior leadership are major crest bearing nigh ageless centuries old warriors and sages that also are imbued with a crest stone ala Byleth. Some people say it doesn't make sense to request secret soldiers form Daphnel and use it as evidence that its more a golden deer route than church route, but again, House Riegen leads the alliance and Daphnel is their major supporter, them having those troops should be a given and Claude fighting is an act of war so the alliance should be mustering all troops and invading conventionally by that point. In the Church route, its mentioned the Hero of Daphnel is devotedly religious like many Alliance lords and Faerghus is effectively eliminated as a faction, getting secret support form her makes sense as Claude doesn't want to engage the empire yet, and openly backing the resistance would be an act of war, but subtly supporting them fits Claude's personality and strategy to a T. Furthermore the knights of Seiros drop the Seiros banners and take up the Crest of flames, adopting Byleth as their new modern "saint" and christ-like figure. It makes sense that the organization would make this change given the organization as a whole used the Seiros crest under Rhea as a way to play homage to the saint. That Byleth takes her place in this route (becoming essentially god-king unless you S rank her) then this continues the themes present in this route, the changing of the guard. Furthermore, Edelgard's relationship actually make sense in the cutscenes with Byleth, because they actually have a relationship, having Byleth as her teacher turned foe. Furthermore, the role reversal with Byleth as Nemesis taking the role of Seiros and Edelgard the Seiros proxy acting out the part of Nemesis the pawn of TWISTD. Someone did a comparison of Byleth's and Edelgard's fight in the goddess tower and how it mirrors the fight between Nemesis and Seiros. Point being, the Church route actually has the proper build up for the events and fits better thematically for what happens while the Golden Deer route only offers a slightly differing lore expansion and is basically carried by Claude's Charisma.
  20. That he is living proof that Edelgard would still be popular as a man?
  21. Honestly, you can oppose Rhea on the grounds that she truly has little regard for humanity and simply collects devoted followers because they are useful agents for her. You can consider any illegitimate guide for humanity for that very reason even if you disagree with the logic Edelgard used to come to it. It was actually the supports with her, and the utter lack of her having supports with anyone else that tipped the scales on my opinion of her my first run.
  22. I generally see Felix's turn towards the Empire as a very specific circumstance, one where he becomes not unlike Punished!Dimitri in that he's absolutely lost nearly all of his humanity, its telling that his endings all have him either finding a reason to live beyond killing or end up abandoning everything, even dear friends (Sylvain paired ending) Felix is harsh and caustic but its all defense and lashing out while he's desperately afraid of losing anyone else, even his supports with Dimitri are filled with a sense of betrayal and hurt on his part with what he perceives his dear friend had become. Something would have had to happen between Felix and Dimitri that would have him completely cut ties and the constant fighting against his own people has changed/hardened him greatly where he's as close to the outward persona he puts off as he can get. For Felix's transformation to go the way it had, for him to reach the point of murdering his childhood friends, his father, I don't see it existing in any situation where a single one of his classmates are on his side, the isolation and war trauma bringing him to this breaking point. His fight with Ingrid puts all his doubts and regrets on the table, Rodrigue shows his love turned to hatred, and Sylvain shows how far gone Felix really is. By the time he reaches Dimitri, he really is little more than an animal needing to be put down, exactly the same as the boar. I can certainly see Felix joining the empire, but the reality of that action is that he doesn't cope with it well, at all. He's desperate for evidence that he made the right choice, to have some meaning for betraying himself.
  23. I'd say he was rather successful with Randolph, don't you think?
  24. If Byleth died at any point before the timeskip, Edelgard wins. In every one where she isn't the main lord, she enables a civil war in both the Alliance (subtle) and Kingdom (open) only in Crimson Flower when she doesn't make use of her more questionable resources does she struggle to take the continent, but in that case she has the avatar of the goddess on her side and is guaranteed a win anyway.
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