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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I just have noticed that I lost the electronical door opener to my office. Probably lost on the way shopping yesterday morning. I had it in my wallet besides the coin money. Probably fell without my notice when I paid. I'm paniced and paralyzed at the same time right now. I... I don't want to know how much a new chip will cost. Thanks, then I will skip them.
  2. Reached the final dungeon. Is it worth to do all the quests to strengthen the Monado since the hints for the obtainable goods are extremely vague? Also am I not able to check out all these quests?
  3. Nice, in the worst weekly revival I freepulled Karel (again). Was the second time already. Only went for red because of desperation. At least Wo Dao + has its uses too. Actually it's the second free 5* in the weekly revivals after Annette last week.
  4. Played chapter 4 of Super Thracia. I have to admit it was a fun chapter. Weapon disadvantage sucks, but at least dismounted units keep their weapons, so Brighton with axes was the lifesaver. Of course Leif got crit once more, but thankfully not fatally this time. In my former location I had people living above me who were night active. The worst was their dog which barked permanently during the night. Since I'm absolute no night person for not being resistent towards darkness, this almost killed me, ngl. It ruined me psychically. I don't know how many times I called the police to ask for silence. My landlord organized an other flat for me, but was unable to kick these people out because they severly disabled - pathetic!
  5. Idk what is worse: Fire works at late night or getting awake at 5 AM on a Sunday by techno beats? Well, at least I had more sleep than in past three nights together. Good morning btw!
  6. Tsunderes are the best. That's why I love Alisa, Airi and Mireille. Famous last words, good night!
  7. Sorry for removing tag, but yeah I found out it's a survival fight. It was uncertain for me because he was brought down to 1/2 HP in no matter of time. Fresh air came in, so I take the opportunity to sleep early to catch up some sleep I missed the past days. Tomorrow will bwe busy since I still have to rewrite the Tio x Lysithea supports.
  8. So that means I'm the old president here? PS: I don't know the age of most people here and I don't care for at the slightest. And even if I did, I treat everyone equally. Age doesn't matter at all.
  9. Nevermind, I figure it out. It's one of these battles I "must" not win. Seriously I thought it'd have been the final boss. So this gives me the certainty that 1's final boss is higher level than 2's.
  10. Ouch That's what I had the last three days. Thankfully wind came in which dropped the temperature a bit. Still warm outside (~ 25 °C), but cooler than my room currently is, so I can lift. Though no thunderstorm at all against like every forecast (again) and like no rain as well (maybe 1 l / m²)
  11. Nice hawl too, congrats! She's superfun to use in multiple ways. My favorite unit from this from this year. I wished she was as fantastic as in the game she comes from. Technically I pulled each 3H unit aside of Hubert and L!Edelgard, but I sacrificed my each two copies of Edelgard and Dimitri (everyone may hate me for this) because they had terrible nature.
  12. Well, I guess because Galzus is an enemy. the strongest one in Thracia 776. He still works as sellsword under Reydrik's command to fight Leif. I don't know if his relationship with Mareeta is so intact that he wouldn't attack her in chapter 24, if she was in his range. I never tried it out. Speaking of Mareeta, she'll be my pick.
  13. I think I'm pretty close to the end of Xenoblades, so I might be able to finish it today. BTW this game doesn't force the player to buy any DLCs to get the fanservice:
  14. Tbh I liked the music more than the gameplay, but as said several times before my skills in (action) platformers are non existent nowadays. She's cute and is a good singer. Can't say I'm too fond of this music, but this song described 100% accurately my situation today. Though 80s is best decade of music.
  15. Hey, Liz! Elizabeth was one of the very few memorable characters from Fate for me. Easily my favorite one. Same, except at the time window of ten minutes when I was out.
  16. I never used Marcus in my only FE7 HHM run because I had no need to, so I can't even give an answer to OP's suggestive question. My MVP was Raven. I promoted him so early that he could basically solo until the midgame maps.
  17. I got a tropical shower when I returned from early shopping. The raindrops were so huge that they almost hurt.
  18. He is indeed a good galeforce user. My 4* +10 Ross has deathblow 4, dull speed / defense 3 (I know will earn some hate for a sacrificing a Dimitri on him), galeforce and heavy blade seal. Though I want to use my feathers for pulled units, 4 and 5* copies of exist, like Lilina or Tate since they're faster to make become +10.
  19. Today's banner is really tempting. Annette is imo the best new hero from 2020 (maybe tied with Lyon), so she shall become my first 5* +10 unit. Mareeta needs a better boon. If I should pull a 5* Ross, then I wouldn't be upset either because I build up a 4* copy. For 85 orbs I got a +atk Mareeta. A satisfying result!
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