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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. What did I miss yesterday? Only watched a little bit of FE Warriors which still couldn't convince me. Edit: I looked up. Still no F-Zero game so nothing really interesting for me. Well, I have to admit Nintendo doesn't really cover my interests aside of FE and Xenoblade. Kirby can be quite fun for a short time and I had very good memories with F-Zero in childhood (rather not with GX). I'm not into platformes nowadays aside of Kirby because of its nostalgy.
  2. http://safebooru.donmai.us/posts/2201056 http://safebooru.donmai.us/posts/1869159 Emma Milstein
  3. You can't delete posts, only moderators can. Just click on report of your duplicate and ask for letting delete. Also this double post glitch is quite common, caused by an update which happened a few months ago, so you won't get into trouble with this.
  4. Conquest had at least good map design and different mission objectives. Well, Birthright = Awakening II In Revelations was at least everyone playable... even if not usable. That says everything about this game...
  5. Awakening isn't the best FE game in term of map design, balance and plot to warn you in advance. It's still the black sheep for me.
  6. Awakening isn't the best FE game in term of map design, balance and plot to warn you in advance. It's still the black sheep for me.
  7. If you prefer platformers and party games, then go for Nintendo consoles. If you prefer RPGs, then go for PS2 or 3. PS3 is a bit more expensive than the 2, but most of the games are really favorable except for the very few newer ones like Persona 5.
  8. Yeah, the plot in Neptunia is shit, but Idc for it that much as long the gameplay is fine. For example Project X Zone is also focussed on fanservice instead of a real story, but the gameplay, especially in 2, is good. In case of Neptunia neither was the case unfortunately.
  9. Yeah, the plot in Neptunia is shit, but Idc for it that much as long the gameplay is fine. For example Project X Zone is also focussed on fanservice instead of a real story, but the gameplay, especially in 2, is good. In case of Neptunia neither was the case unfortunately.
  10. The only games I play on harder difficulties are Tales games. Could beat the final boss in Xillia 2 and Berseria in highest mode. (well, these are no real classic round based RPGs) I think the ToCS parts are games I could play through even on nightmare without much grinding if I give the appropirate orbs to my units and use the right strategy (delaying so much that opponent can't even act once in the entire fight and CP-spam) In general I'm a lazy gamer. Mainly play RPGs to have fun with the story and not to become frustrated.
  11. If you count defeating several enemies for fulfilling requests as grinding, then do it. If not, then not. No, if I don't like one thing in RPGs, then grinding. The reason why I prefer to play on lower difficulties (normal at highest).
  12. Yeah, I found this out. Have played neither so this explains my lacking of knowing him.
  13. MK2 was a pain in the ass to play for me. Especially some bullshit bosses who oneshotted me. Still have the characters in my memories till the rest of my life.
  14. MK2 was a pain in the ass to play for me. Especially some bullshit bosses who oneshotted me. Still have the characters in my memories till the rest of my life.
  15. Tbh I like neither the Touhou nor the Neptunia gameplay, BUT I like their characters.
  16. Tbh I like neither the Touhou nor the Neptunia gameplay, BUT I like their characters.
  17. I have no clue of any characters's backstory. Just playing TPDP right now and I like Futo, so.
  18. I have no clue of any characters's backstory. Just playing TPDP right now and I like Futo, so.
  19. Nah, it's not really an insult. Touhou and Nep characters are both adorable in the same way.
  20. So must I feel stupid now if I say no? Even after checking out this person I never ever heared of this guy... till now.
  21. https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62883663 Crow Armbrust
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