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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Apparently dislikes a game without haven't tried out at least.
  2. I normally support Edward with Leonardo (I see a storm of comments for using Leonardo) and the A-support is normally established in 1-7. I find this support good enough for part 1 for letting Edward take two hits except by magic and axes. Nolan with a forged axe doesn't do more damage than two attacks by Edward. He can't oneshot anything except - maybe - a priest and mage 1-5. It's pretty much as luckbased as Edward can take two steel bows. Also Zihark is only an experience eater in part 1-7, and he has adept, so I don't see any point in using him unless you're desperate. He's only really needed from 1-8 because first tier Edward can't double everything anymore (unless you prepromote him). His perfomance in part 3 is not as great as people might think. Sure, he is a dodgetank, but in combat he's not really better than Edward because of his lower offensive power. Wrath-Edward with stormsword can easier oneround a tiger than Zihark. Also even resolve on him can be treacherous as I mentioned in previous comments. In 3-6 it works because you can estimate the enemy well due to their limited movement, but in 3-6 and 3-12 Zihark will become the same as Edward: a safety risk.
  3. Honestly I find Edward is one of the units who need the less effort except for a few levels in the earlygame. He doesn't need any status items. With his support he can get +3 defense which allow him to take two steel lances and maybe even steel bows if his defense grows a bit over average. In 1-7 he can get free kills with the brave sword... pretty nice I'd say. Also you want to have as much fire power as possible for the DB unless you want to rush with Sothe and Volug through part 1. Zihark doesn't need any investment in part 1... sure... but in part 3 he's basically just Edward II with a better affinity and worse physical growths. Nolan and especially Aran need more babying. Sure, Nolan is great in 1-1, but in 1-2 he starts to struggle already. You need to forge an iron axe for him to prevent speed penalty and have higher accuracy. Furthermore he will have a harder time in leveling because he can't one oneround enemies in HM unlike Edward. Maybe he can double a priest, but that's it. He needs 16-17 speed in E-1 to double mages. That's what he normally has when he's level 20. As for Aran you have to keep an eye on his speed the entire time. With his low speed growth you must be worried that he'll get doubled. Then even his high defense won't help him anymore. In HM Edward is the easiest to train of these mentioned people in part 1... at least for me.
  4. Alec never manages something Oifey doesn't need anymore... the promotion. I don't quite understand why Blume was brought up. There are still have two chapters left to train your units. Most units will be able survive a shot. He's breakfast for Holsety Arthur, Aless and Brave Sword Larcei / Ulster. Armorslayer Oifey is a rather bad choice because of the low accuracy of the armorslayer. Even the supports (Seliph, Nanna, Delmud) can't bring his accuracy not higher than 50%.
  5. Has a (surprisingly) low opinion of this game.
  6. Also if my reply was too general... well then... I try to become a bit more detailed. Anyways I don't play Persona because of its anime and fanservice part, but just because of its gameplay. I love the battle system of the Shin Megami Tensei series and spin-offs as I love the aspect of day organisation which reminds me on simulations à la The Sims. If this would be kept, I'm absolute happy. Persona 4 had actual better gameplay than Persona 3 because healing outside of the battles in the dungeons became more flexible and you could command each party member (also existed in P3P but even not in the PS2 version). In general I'm not very focussed on story, but I felt the ending of Persona 4 was rushed. The final dungeon came out of nowhere for me (after rethinking... it became a bit logical... but still very vague overall). Also the endgame felt less atmospheric than the one in Persona 3. The music was very lame: for the dungeon as for the boss. Never really was hyped for the final boss... and unlike Persona 3's final boss (Nyx is one of my absolute favorite designed final bosses with an unbelievable great theme) I never felt like to replay the final boss. It felt too empty for me. The game was pretty much over for me after defeating Adachi and the afterboss. Also if the endgame becomes better than Persona 4's and everything else will keep more or less, Persona 5 can't really screw up for me. Favorite theme of the Persona series?
  7. Apparently shares my opinion it's a pretty tough game.
  8. Favors the only Pokémon games I've played yet. If you meant SMT IV, then you're correct!
  9. That's usual for me each summer for living on second floor. Temperatures over 25°C at night aren't rare when the sun shines into my room. It'll make the night become a day. ... But it's NOT NOT SMT either. ... I guess I'm just unlucky. Have demon recruitments a certain pattern? I mean, if a certain race prefers sth. (for example: a fairy demon prefers healing items over maccca)?
  10. I knew... by seeing your comment about this video.
  11. Made me want to replay Sim City 3000 and 4. Also the song is nice, very fitting.
  12. My cousin became daddy last year. I became godfather of his daughter. She's so incredibly adorable. Always smiling whenever I look at her and play with her and she's so calm when I hold her. Wanted to post a photo with her and me but my mobile phone crushed. :( Guess it has to wait till the next visit... Still I don't want to have any kids... but if the baby was like her... I might do an exception.
  13. Onerounding is only bad in enemy phase. Edward is a player phase unit. Of course you want to let him out of any attack ranges if he's hurt. With correct positioning a / o overrunning the enemy it's really not hard to keep him safe. In general part 1 doesn't have huge enemy phases except for the cavalier batallion in 1-6-2. I agree with his earlygame, but for comparison: Nolan's is not better either. Even if Edward is below average, 1-4 is an excellent chapter to let him catch up... because in 1-5 he'll start to show his usefulness by onerouning some enemies on the ledge.
  14. A videogame theme you'd like to play on an instrument if you could? Honestly I haven't watched anything aside of the intro (lol), so I don't really know what to expect. Will do it very soon, though. I just hope it'll have a better story than Persona 4 and comes closer to the niveau of Persona 3.
  15. Indeed, that why I didn't come up with that. But in this case you don't lose anything. Is Capture the Black Samurai still earlygame? My main issue right now is that I can't fuse any demons because I'm lacking on them. (have like five) The failed demon recruitments make things a lot harder than me. :/ How is Apocalypse's gameplay better?
  16. In MM the prisoners also have to escape. http://serenesforest.net/path-of-radiance/characters/recruitment/
  17. I have to admit I always give paragon to Tanith in 3-12 to reach the speed quickly which allows her to double. After the promotion her stats are already better than Sigrun's after her classchange. Changed Zihark's vote from 7.5 to 7 because Edward (7.5) does more for the DB in total for me. How do you mean that? You still can. Or you meant too late for arguing? Edward's only problem is the early game. That's the reason why to powerlevel up him in the first chapters. Later on he'll be the only first tier unit besides Jill who can double and oneround enemies without a crit. Unlike in NM he's great against soldiers. They still do the same damage to him and Edward with support can take two steel lance soldiers. Not bad at all for a myrmidon. Edward is always the first or second unit who reaches level 20 besides Jill in my runs. In part 3 he's the better offensive unit than Zihark because of his higher strength growth and better accuracy thanks to light-affinity. With storm sword wrath-crits he can oneround each Laguz. Of course his hitrate won't be the best. Sure, Zihark is the better front unit than Edward but in combat he's not really better than Edward. He has adept - ok - but his attackpower. Also his biorhythm is annoying. He gets all his credits for being a dodgetank, that's it. In lategame he'll be outclassed by Mia and Edward statwise. And seriously Zihark is harder to use than Edward in part 3 because not each hit will bring him down to resolve zone automatically. In 3-6 a cat normally doesn't do enough damage, same goes for some enemies in 3-12 (a really bad chapter for Zihark anyways). In 3-13 he needs definitely an A-support in earth because the enemies compensate an entire support rank by benefiting from Ike's authority stars. The only chapters Zihark is really much better than Edward are 1-8 (because of some brigands with >16 speed) and 3-6. Otherwise Edward is equal or even better. Since Edward brings more earnings than Zihark for me in total I rank him even higher now. Seriously Nolan is suffering way more by the difficulty jump between normal and hard mode in total than Edward. Nolan's base speed and equipment give him already problems in 1-2. Some enemies double him with the steel axe equipped, and with the hand axe he has a shitty accuracy. Same problem in 1-3. Furthermore he can't even take two steel axes and tigers in HM unless he could get at least two defense points (by wasting a dracoshield). Edward can gets level much faster than Nolan by onerounding, so it's way harder to earlypromote Nolan. Will take your vote for Meg and Volug, because otherwise the poll isn't matching anymore because then would be a difference of votes for Volug and Meg. Also I second your suggestion. I'll make the submitted votings via PM public. The submitted voting is shown in post #577.
  18. In Persona 3 and some shuffles in Persona 4 you can pick up the right demon card by memorizing with your eyes. It's not always luckbased at all. (Well, the chance that a demon is among the cards in Persona 3's card shuffle is luckbased. I give you that.)
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