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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. _ O _ _ _ O _ _ _ _ _____________ Incorrect letters: M
  2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____________ Incorrect letters: M
  3. Despite I didn't know what I actually guessed... ... Checked it out: character from Sonic. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hint: cinema
  4. You got me here. >_< Originally wanted to ask for optimal pairings.
  5. D (apparently) I have no idea who or what it is.
  6. 11. How on earth can you give Noish a double relationship? 12. Favorite Kirby game? 13. An existing mechanic in FE which never should be introduced? 14. What do you expect from 2017? 15. How did you find your interview?
  7. 6. Favorite pairings in FE4? 7. Could you imagine to replay FE5 (despite your dislike towards it), if a good translation patch came out? 8. Any sights or interesting places in / close to the area you live? 9. Any language(s) you would like to learn? 10. Favorite map in FE?
  8. The only game I promote earlier than at level 20 is FE10, because several stats can be capped early by using bonus experience.
  9. Vantage + Wrath is a deadly combo... but keep in mind that Arthur wouldn't start with any inherited tomes iirc. Also only units with pursuit (Ayra, Erin) can really benefit from a pairing with Lex. Shoot... forgot this little important word. Also was referring to Tiltyu's tomes in the case of Arthur.
  10. Whoops... forgot about Beowulf's charge. This skill killed him in my previus run. In general I prefer charge on mages and bow users instead of melee units who take the risk to get attacked more without being able to counterattack. Also Larcei learns continue automatically when becomes a swordmaster.
  11. In my current run I do pretty much the same pairings as mentioned in the above post except that I'll go for Raquesis x Finn or Alec, because both have a second personal skill besides pursuit. Alec's nihil is very helpful because both children are mounted. Finn's prayer is also nice to get. I also prefer Lex or Dew for Ayra, because Lex gives paragon and nice strength and defense to his children while Dew gives sol. Jamke's charge isn't really good on an unit who mainly attacks from melee range like Ayra's children will do. Jamke's only good support options are Aideen or Briggid. However Midir x Aideen is the obvious choice because it'll give Lester a free brave bow.
  12. ^ Changed your vote in the table. Also I rethought some ratings. I changed a few of my votes: Aran: From 6 down to 5, because he's really not great in HM and it would be kinda unfair towards Laura to give him a higher ranking than her since healing is way more important than another "filler". Hard mode forces you to use only a very small number of first tier units. (Edward, Nolan, Jill, maybe Leonardo) In hard mode I'd rank Leo even better than him because range weapon users are very rare in part 3 and Lugnasadh makes him a lot better. However Aran is very decent in EM and NM. So I give Leonardo and Aran the exact same rating. Tauroneo: From 6 down to 5.5, simply because he's only really helpful in 3-13. In 3-12 he can't do all that much. BK: Removed my rating. Nealuchi: From 3.5 to 4, because he's available in one more chapter than Lethe who got a 3.5. This makes him a bit better than her. Mordecai: From 5.5 to 6, because he's at least as useful as Muarim. His base speed is slower than Muarim's, but therefore he has a better availibility and Soul's post convinced me to give both the same rating. Geoffrey: From 4 to 5, because Kieran's higher availibilty doesn't change all that much. When he joins GM's there's no place for him and he's only really usable in 4-2. One chapter difference of availibility makes a difference of 0.5 points for me. Makalov: From 5.5 to 5, because his base level isn't as good as Kieran's and Geoffrey's. However he still can oneround some cavaliers with the steel blade you can buy in the amory of 2-2. no, he's not
  13. I don't deny that Sanaki's bases are awful and her speed growth is bad (her strength isn't though). But by giving her paragon in part 4 she will reach the level in endgame to make it easier to fix her strength and speed. (in 95% of my runs I was successful to bring her speed to 31 by giving bexp.) If she wasn't forced in endgame, I'd rate Calill better than Sanaki. Since Sanaki is forced, I rate her higher than Calill.
  14. Female fire arch sages have only a speed cap of 32, same as Sanaki's. So Calill and Sanaki need Nasir to double the aura with rexfire. Also Sanaki can double the aura very well, if you can bring her speed to 31. She needs only one strength point to use rexfire without speed reduction, if Ena and Gareth stand next to her. 8 strength should be very possible to reach in the final map, so she normally should require only one red dragon. Best sage is technically Sanaki because she has the highest caps.
  15. You can earn new titles and artes by fulfilling certain sidequests in Berseria. I guess you also can learn them in battles. As for new skills it's like in Vesperia. If you use a weapon a certain number of times till its bar is full, you'll learn a new skill. As for artes, you have to use an arte a several times till its bar is full to learn a new one.
  16. Kieran Growthrates (%) HP: 75 Strength: 60 Magic: 15 Skill: 40 Speed: 30 Luck: 30 Defense: 60 Resistance: 25 Skill: gamble Affinity: wind Like Geoffrey, Kieran comes up with high base level and great bases. He's great in 2-2 and alright in 3-9. However when he joins the GM’s, you won’t have a free spot for him anymore most likely, because you have an amazing axe paladin with Titania already. His availibility is a bit better than Geoffrey’s, but nontheless Kieran is only one of many average axe users later on. Usable in 4-2 since his base speed is high enough not to get doubled by some enemies. Gamble is pointless on him untill you can forge an axe for him. 5.5 / 10 Astrid Growthrates: HP: 55 Strength: 40 Magic: 20 Skill: 45 Speed: 40 Luck: 70 Defense: 30 Resistance: 50 Skill: paragon Affinity: wind If you look at her growthrates, I guess you can make your own opinion very fast. A physical unit with a <=40% growth in str, skl, spd + def in FE10 just sucks. Combined with her awful bases she’ll become a walking target. If she doesn’t level speed, she’ll get doubled in 3-9. Even parablossom doesn’t help her. She’s good for bit chipping in 2-2 and 3-9 and that’s it! It’s a shame because she’s the only female character who can use the double bow. With transfer boosts she’s not as awful as she is without them, but still totally outclassed by Shinon and Rolf. Even Leonardo can shine more than her because he has somewhat decent bases at least. 2.5 / 10 Makalov Growthrates (%) HP: 55 Strength: 40 Magic: 15 Skill: 40 Speed: 75 Luck: 45 Defense: 50 Resistance: 25 Affinity: thunder Skill: - Makalov starts with a lower level than Geoffrey and Kieran and he’s not as great as them because he lacks on base speed to double all the enemies. However he has the biggest potential of all Crimean Knights, if you look at his growthrates. He has the highest speedgrowth in the game and 50% defense is pretty damn great too. Unfortunately he shares the problem with Kieran that he joins the GM’s with not so high level and bases and you’ll have much higher leveled units already. However if you give him several levels in 2-2 and 3-9, he can become really useful in part 4. Probably too late… 4.5 / 10 Danved Growthrates HP: 75 Strength: 40 Magic: 20 Skill: 30 Speed: 45 Luck: 60 Defense: 45 Resistance: 25 Affinity: fire Skill: - Seriously I don’t even know why Danved exists. First he’s a mix of Nephenee and Aran. He’s stronger than Neph, but not as strong and tanky as Aran. He’s faster than Aran, but not as fast as Neph. He has no real weaknesses but no real strengths either. And that’s his major weakness. Aran’s strength and bulkyness and Nephenee’s speed will outclass him. You want to go for one of these two. He's good in 2-2 and ok in 3-9. 4.5 / 10 Calill Growthrates HP: 35 Strength: 25 Magic: 45 Skill: 60 Speed: 55 Luck: 55 Defense: 15 Resistance: 50 Affinity: darkness Skill: - Calill also suffers on availibility problems. She only has two chapters to grow till she joins GM’s. She comes with not so great bases (worse than Tormod for being one level above him). Her growthrates are ok, but not amazing. Since you have Soren as your magic user and Sanaki as fire mage is forced in the endgame, there’s no real reason to hurt yourself and make her somehow usable in the endgame. Many people like to bless Rexfire for Calill because of Sanaki’s strength issue, but Ena and Gareth can fix this, so you don’t need to waste an endgame spot with someone you don’t really want to use for the endgame. She's ok, but never really needed unless in the chapters you can bring her. 5 / 10
  17. Fury is the only flying unit in Gen. 1, and flying units are absolute welcome for saving villages like in chapter 4. She's not very strong but the brave lance makes her really good. 8 / 10
  18. Oh, I overreed Tonton's post. I didn't know that this game is so old. Then it really should work on my laptop. I guess it's time for a Steam account. However I still have to wait till monday because I can only download in the uni thanks to my awful internet connectivity at home.
  19. My laptop isn't made for gaming. I have already issues to bring certain emulators to work. So I've to go for TocS or now, or buy a Vita sometime.
  20. Sry, if it was not clear. I meant a coalition government of three parties. Currently we have a coalition of two parties, but both parties lost agreement in the past years. Since the latest terror attacks in Europe (I live in Germany btw), the agreement for right populist parties rised extremly. A right populist party will enter the parlament for the first time for sure. A two-digit result is expected. If it comes really bad, this party will get so many votes that the absolute majority of the current government will get lost. And then we need a third party which will make things more complicated. Also, my displayed gender isn't true.
  21. Election takes place in my country next year... and I'm realistic enough to say... it won't become better than it is now. The currently politics are fine, but the balance of the party system is going to break if the right populist party will earn a serious result (>10%). Stable majorites are gone... and we might have a government of three parties... a novum! And I'm not delighted for it at all.
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