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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Asking family or friends for help. Shall I take this question for this?
  2. Played IV for a little bit but got bored by this fast. same question
  3. Coffee or tea? PS2, PS3, Wii, 3DS and a GameBoy somewhere
  4. Pretty much. In my run I used holy bottles (buffed in this game) through all the dungeons because the generic battles give ridiculous experience for some reason (except for the final dungeon). But I highly recommend you to do all optional dungeons to get the exp. by the elite monsters.
  5. Zestiria had a good battle system but the dungeons disappointed me a bit. They don't have many monsters which isn't a bad thing since generic monsters don't give you much experience at all. Only the elite monsters and bosses give you serious exp. [spoiler=The variety of the dungeons is rather low.]mainly caves and ruins Only the shrines had interesting mechanics. It was ok for me but not a Tales of part which could impress me. However it had an amazing soundtrack (opening excluded!!!). If you want to have good battle system and good dungeons, then I recommend Graces or the Xillia parts (but as for Xillia their dungeons aren't too spectacular either). I'd start with Abyss right now because story, gameplay and dungeons are almost perfect. Definitely my favorite part of this series!
  6. It was used in a topic title. (tbh Idk this rule) However it was my pure intention to word the title in this provoking way. BTW I don't even think shit on is an appropiate term in the given context. Even if I was a mod, I couldn't give you a ban for this... because I'm way too kind... and tbh I love emotions. (that's how I define these terms) It was used in a topic title as a question. => What would you do if people shit on sth. you actually like? I didn't know that these terms aren't allowed in topic titles. However I'm not the opinion that this word was even inpropirate in the context, just a way to express the question.
  7. I learned sth. today I may not use the verb to shit on in this forum. I don't want to know how many people were banned already because of using this word? But using other words like the word with f*** is legal... Of course it is!
  8. Nala's strength was awful so I decided to use the other myrm who joined with good base strength.
  9. Robin dies in the first map!? (well it didn't happen barely) Ha... memories come back... when I touched FE2 and Robin died in the very first map. After this had happend I quitted this game at once. ... And I still need LOTS of conviction to start replaying this game sometime.
  10. The game is so easy that everyone can be used. Rolf might be the worst unit in the game for joining late at level 1 but he's far away from being awful. The enemies in this game have so crappy stats that his bases don't matter much. Also all the important things like bringing Janaff / Ulkie and Reyson to chapter 19 and promoting Mist to a valkyrie are already mentioned. One mentionable thing is that you want to max out the level and a few stats to get transfer boosts for FE10.
  11. close tie between viola and piano Favorite movie theme?
  12. Has listed more videogame ladies in his signature spoilers than countries exist on earth.
  13. Favorite musical instrument to listen to? Trying to learn playing piano atm.
  14. I don't understand why so many people say that Henning is so hard. Rutger with maxed speed can double him because of his AS penalty. Attack him if he has equipped the hand axe then rescue + take + drop Rutger so Henning doesn't change to the steel blade. In 3-4 turns he is usually taken down. (with a crit even earlier) The swordmaster boss in Sacae is hard because no one can double him. He can be oneshotted by a crit but he can do the same to you. Also why complaining about Lilina? Sure her magic growth is surprisingly bad so far but possible double attacks can equal it. If you go to Sacae you'll appreciate her speed. I prefer speed mages in this game, especially in this difficulty.
  15. Do you play / have you ever played a musical instrument? afternoon
  16. What lunch would you make happy? Sry, if it was too personal. curiousity Honestly I don't eat steak; don't eat much meat at all. I prefer chicken meat and fish.
  17. Cooking. Tbh it's not because of the lack of time but rather the lack of ressources to do it right now. Which attitudes does a good person require for you?
  18. A hobby you'd like to do more if you had the time? university library: each day when I have to go to uni public library: never
  19. Which videogame character would you like to meet irl if you could? Neither played nor watched a LP of a spinoff, so I can't judge.
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