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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I was hoping someone would mention Zeke, yay! I would have loved to mention Marty... my #3 most favorite guy for sure.
  2. Honestly I would be more confused by making the forest even thicker.
  3. Why not continuing the existing thread once the "girls round" is over?
  4. Funnily Lys wouldn't have been listed, if I had brought up Kasumi instead. If I had been further in P5R when this competition was brought up, I'd have nominated her instead of Lys.
  5. Also forgot to say it, but I cancelled the order of the Ryza figure since I was told it would have unknown delay.
  6. I'm playing on my PC with nox emulator. Tbf gacha don't have to be bad entirely, if your region doesn't allow to make transactions as it was the case in FGO for me. I would love to play the Trails gacha so badly....... but it's only out in JP.
  7. Since today I have the certainty gacha is making fun again. Seriously don't buy me one single word, gacha is bad!
  8. Jeez, even got Claude before the 40 pulls. Three brave units, two new other 5* and some Shannas and moonbow fodder for 135 orbs is sick. Honestly this has been the best banner of this year for me so far. The spark summon went to Dimitri and the free pick to Lysithea to erase her speed flaw. Each brave unit has a workable nature at worst now.
  9. Haven't even come to the first spark yet (30 pulls so far), but I've got B!Lysithea (with my very first red orb), Ewan, L!Edelgard and Sirius. Ewan and Sirius are new, so amazing results so far. Edelgard has good IVs (+atk) whilst Lysithea has terrible IVs (but I just heared they can be fixed now, so). Actually I can even stop after the first spark since I can pick the two guys with my 40 summons and default free pick. I just have saved 160 orbs by that which is just fantastic!
  10. Lysithea totally deserves to win because I got her brave version with my very first red orb.
  11. Haru has unquestionable best Persona outfit for sure. Maybe she's S, she was on the border between A and S.
  12. I dunno if this will be enough to bring all the Falcom peope back here, but nice try though!
  13. Have been productive so early: Anyways since there's a tie I had to use the random generator. The winner is: Kasumi Yoshizawa PS: I'm the random generator myself.
  14. Thanks, this explains a lot! Currently having level four at both which should mean I should start it somehow. Haru was my favorite playable girl by far (only because Futaba was just a support). I think it has been changed thanks to Kasumi's appearance. Anyways Haru, Futaba, Chihaya and Hifumi were my favorite female supports for Joker in default P5 though I wanted to pair him up with Chihaya.
  15. Seeing someone voted for Makoto gives me the question how to trigger her support? In my P5 run I never could start this one.
  16. So the worst part of the game is up to come, the beach. Perfect time to stop right now not to get depressed in bed later. BTW some people already noticed, I made a poll who to pair Joker with. I'd appreciate some recommendation. In my regular Persona 5 run I missed getting a pairing for Joker unfortuantely, so everyone would be new to me.
  17. Looks like if it's old news. Snooker is not only the most complicated sports I have watched yet, but also has the most complicated controls of all sports games I have played yet (tbf I hardly have played sports games in my life yet). In this regard this game seems to be authentic. I already would have played real Snooker (because I'm fascinated by this sports) if a table wouldn't cost a five digit number... I also wouldn't have enough room for this.
  18. Nah, I'm not. Actually my wording was not quite precise. Poetic would have been more accurate instead of wise. Town themes always return in a sequel. Applies to complete Sky triology, Crossbell and Cold Steel II. In Cold Steel III they changed the theme of Edit: Yesterday evening I became witness of one of the most beautiful thunderstorms I've seen the past decade. This one had an organisation, was pretty close of becoming a supercell. It offloaded some wind and heavy rain, but after ten minutes the event was over. After that I could see some great lightning in the sky. This was a thunderstorm I want to see: aesthetic but not destructive. And the rain was enough for now. Looks like as if we might not have a Xenoblade winner...
  19. ...This is new to me. Anyways FE9 is probably the easiest game in western hard mode because enemies have low stats. Earlygame, especially chapters 4-6, has some challenge though. Everyone is usable without many issues, even the weaker ones (= low level late joinments).
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