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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Wise words on an early Sunday morning. Anyways the poll has become rough for me. Aside of second duel it was more or less a conflip for me.
  2. Finished chapter 8x in Super Thracia. I can be glad it was no escape mission because otherwise Osian and Marty would have been in jail. It was basically Leif against the rest of the world. Glad that he had enough con to grab some goodies. Anyways needing a break now...
  3. I read it and got it now. Thanks for the clarification! As for the GHB and TT units I will use these traits on Xander (+spd) and HalloweenDorcas (+atk) first.
  4. I see on the skillset that the #1 units were treated better than the #2. Honestly I hate to say it, but I was disappointed. I mean it makes sense to give the (optimized) final class to these units, but I would like have to seen a bit variation. Lysithea and Edelgard gave their class and weapon type as in their default / legendary version. Mage Knight Lysithea would be refreshing since this class is lacking on good units (Eirika is already shafted nowadays). I wouldn't even say that Brave Lysithea is any better than her regular version aside of having an effective tome against cavaliers. Btw I don't even understand why her weapon gives her brave effect (from my understanding) despite having very high speed. All her ABC skills aren't new / exclusive in any way. Claude also has a "generic" skillset, but is in a rare class. Statwise he'll be the best flying archer for sure. As for the class type the best unit imo. Edelgard seems to be more enemy phase likish than her brave version and doesn't seem to have permanent movement restrictions either. Still she's a green armor knight after all. A class I don't need. Dimitri is truely the winner in this banner. Amazing enemy phase set up, though I think Thrasir or any other green mage with null follow up will shred him (thankfully). A good enemy phase lance user is extremely rare. Lukas or maybe Nephenee are the only ones who come in my mind, but both have bad resistance and Lukas is very slow. I hope that at least Dimitri's resistance will be about 30 or at least very close to this area. As for skill set and role Dimitri is very good, honestly the only outstanding unit. Claude as flying archer has some uses too for sure. I have 240 orbs and I will use two sparks at max. (on Dimitri, Claude, Lysithea).
  5. Needed almost an hour to beat the boss in Futaba's palace (including cutscenes). That was a proof of a long as boring bossfight because the attacks of the boss were just repetitive. Even the cutscene with Futaba's introdction and the ballista didn't really help. It was tedious, and I know later bosses will become even more. Though I have to admit the bosses in the former games were even less exciting aside of Nyx Avatar who has been my most favorite boss in videogames ironically. The robot with these blocks in Persona 4 defintitely gets the award for being the least pleasant boss in Persona for me.
  6. Seeing Mythra vs. Pyra reminds me that I have to fix their figure, or rather to be fixed since I'm not a handcrafter and I would just destroy them. Wished a Pneuma figure exists to have the triumvirate together. Edit: Pneuma is NOT a spoiler, so.
  7. Thanks to some people who had a party till 4 AM my night has been ruined. Whatever... It's not that I haven't been used on short sleep lately. Though it's still disappointing since my room cooled down enough to allow me to sleep (more).
  8. People don't know Wetten, dass... (anymore). That's what my bet was based on. However I think I screwed myself since think people vote the opposite to want disgracing me. Anyways I retreated.
  9. Honestly I'm thinking now Tio will win this entire thing because there are lots of exclusive Trails fans here.
  10. Maybe Tio will put glasses on the opponent. Well, a set is missing, but still. Tbf I never heared her opponent before, so I guess it would not even a big surprise, if this really happens. @Shrimperor FE10 is probably is the hardest FE game to ironman because of all its game over conditions. Still hard mode is not that hard. Though some DB chapters can turn out really badly like 1-3, 1-F, 3-6 and 3-13.
  11. Fiona is phenomenal in endgame. She can become invisible with an earth support. Astrid's wind affinity (30% evasion) was already enough to make her become a dodgetank. And her caps allow her to double the auras. Her starting perfomance is terrible of course. 1-7 is literally the only chance to let her catch up. A forging iron lance is usually enough for her. Fiona is easily mymost favorite low level join in Fire Emblem.
  12. Why was it done after all if these units can't have a boon and bane?
  13. Tbf it was an Ike and lowtier run, but still. Also Fiona x Astrid 🥰 Can dodge everything aside of Ashera maybe who also has issues to hit them (~65-85% hitrate).
  14. still proud But I do not want to mention who #1 is.
  15. FE10 in a nutshell. Having a walking target as lord is one of the reasons I adore this game.
  16. Today has been the first day after more than a week I was able to play (serious) videogames. Completed Futaba's dungeon in Persona 5 Royal and completed chapter 4 in Tokyo Xanadu. Having that many long brakes in latter is really bad because I forgot the controls all the time. Must relearn this game over and over again. McBurn has a hidden twin.
  17. Freepulled Ephraim, the third free focus unit in this week, but the first good one tbh. I have him already, but it's nice to have a merge for him.
  18. After three years I know now why GHB and TT units have a superboon and superbane. +spd Xander sounds interesting for me since he's lacking on this stat a bit. With hone cavalry buffs around him he should be able double pretty much everything.
  19. To be fair Musse has the worst possible opponent. In my case the best possible friend.
  20. DIdn't expect CYL to have a spark system at all. With the free pick and (I suspect four tickets from forging bonds) it's possible to get everyone within 455 orbs. I definitely will reach the amount of orbs to use two sparks, means three free 5*. Edelgard and Dimitri won't be an exciting class for me unless Edelgard has no movement restriction. Claude on the other hand has only Hinoka as competition, so I can already see most people will pick him. Mageknight Lysithea would be more creative since there aren't many (good) red mage cavaliers in this game.
  21. Despite it's still humid, it feels like refreshement having a day below 30 °C after more than a week again. Actually cool enough now to play on a home console again which means I can finally continue Persona 5 Royal.
  22. ...interesting I mainly use Kachelmannwetter or Unwetterzentrale, so maybe you should go with these from now on.
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