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Everything posted by phoenixmiko

  1. Has anyone translated Female Kamui/Matoi yet?
  2. I would like to see Female Corrin/Caeldori.
  3. In Awakening, I married Lon'qu during my first playthrough. I married Chrom in my second save file. My male character married Say'ri in my third playthrough. When Fates is released in the UK, I plan to marry Subaki for my first playthrough in Birthright. I am considering Takumi and Kaze for other files. For Revelation, it will be Subaki again. I will have to look into who else I would like my female Avatar to marry for that route. My male Avatar will marry Azura, Caeldori and Anna in Revelation and Birthright; I shall think about what other characters he could wed.
  4. Would installing the Japanese VA and Amie restoration patches corrupt or compromise the game or certain features of it and would this likewise happen to the region lock and functionality of my 3Ds? What are the potential side effects which could occur?
  5. Parrhesia, I thought that user meant necrophilia when they said necro and that is why I said it was irrelevant to asexuality. I understand now that they meant something else so thank you for your polite correction. I was unaware that commenting on threads which had been inactive for a while was forbidden on this site, so please accept my deep gratitude for enlightening an ignorant new user such as myself. I thought people were saying nvm because they were ignoring and trivialising my post on asexual representation in Fire Emblem but alas, I misunderstood. Again, you have my sincerest thanks for informing me of the truth of the matter. IS' representation of characters with certain sexualities may be shaky or awkward at times but it is still representation nonetheless. They could have elected to keep having only straight characters and characters whose sexualities were ambiguous but they did not in Fates' case. It is precisely for that reason I am of the sentiment that asexuality needs to represented and that other sexual orientations require this as well and that IS could indeed choose to feature more diverse sexual and romantic orientations in Fire Emblem in future.
  6. Necro has nothing to do this.Anyway, ignoring the other unnecessary and meaningless assertions people have wasted posts on here by saying nvm, I say as an asexual myself that having overtly ace characters would be beneficial and add to the growing diversity of sexuality in the series. We have now had overt homosexual characters and implied biromantic/bisexual characters, so why not implied or overtly ace characters? Asexuality can be quite invisible compared to other orientations so representation would help aces and asexuality become known and accepted by more people.
  7. Asexuals can have sex and still be ace, fyi. So the fact that some characters have kids does not mean anything. They may well be ace for all we know because again, asexuals can father/mother children. Like another user said, the series does not focus on sexuality much so any number of characters could be ace. I agree that overt ace representation in Fire Emblem would be great. As for characters who could be ace, I reckon Lon'qu could be as I personally think sex may not interest him and might even repulse him. At any rate, he might not feel attracted to anyone in that way.
  8. For the game, I choose bloodline. Hoshido is the side I will fight on. Birthright is going to be my first playthrough once Fates is released in the UK. After that, Revelation will be my next one. As for what I would decide if I were to make a choice in real life, I would elect to go with neither faction. I do not like conflict or confrontation so I would attempt to settle the matter diplomatically and peacefully or at least try and get both sides to do so themselves. Failing that, I would bite the bullet in order to defend myself against Nohr and Hoshido, minimising causalities and bloodshed while trying to win people over from the two nations who could convince their respective allies to cease battle. As a very last resort, I would raise an army to battle and quell the kingdoms by force.
  9. Sakura marker card - $10.50 1 Hoshido Aqua promo card (assuming we can bid for this quantity if we only want one) - $5 How many Aqua promos are there and how many of each version (Hoshido and Nohr) are there? You did not specify. Do we have to bid for them as a set?
  10. Me too. It is likely that Europe will suffer the same fate (pun not intended) and I am not at all looking forward to it. It could be solely the Special Edition (SE) which has a lack of dual audio due to the fact it has all three games on one card and may not have enough space to include a Japanese option. It would make sense. I sincerely hope this is the case for America so the separate editions of Fates are not affected. Nintendo of America is unlikely to reverse their decision for the absence of dual audio in the SE after all. Should this happen in the EU, I hope it is the SE (sorry fans who bought it) which is only missing the Japanese.
  11. I wish Nintendo of America would comment on why they chose not to include dual audio for the US release. Although the possible reasons discussed here are plausible, we will not truly know why the American version just has the dub until they say something officially. As a UK fan, I can only hope Nintendo of Europe do not go down the same path. I hope they retain the Japanese audio when they release Fates over here or at least have it as DLC should they not include the original language in the game. As someone who speaks and learns Japanese, I prefer to play Fire Emblem with Japanese audio. I did give the dub a fair crack of the whip by watching English gameplay videos but found it left much to be desired and was severely lacking in quality and delivery compared to the other language version. If Nintendo of Europe do not include the original audio or release it as DLC, then I personally shall be playing Fates with the voices disabled. I will buy, play and like the routes I choose but I will not enjoy them nearly as much if the option to choose Japanese is not present.
  12. Hopefully the game in the stream was a review copy. It would explain a lot of the odd and disjointed parts as well as the missing Japanese audio option.
  13. These are who I will marry the female Avatar to. Birthright: Subaki, Takumi and Kaze. Maybe Silas. Revelation: Same three as above though might consider Leo, Xander and Silas. As for the male Avatar, I have only got Azura as a partner for him so far. There may be a few others I decide on for the female Avatar and the same goes for the male one. I intend to name the female Avatar after myself in my first playthrough of both games and marry Subaki as I fancy him. I may name the female Avatar likewise in a second playthrough but marry Takumi because I quite like him as well. With the other male characters, female Corrin will either retain her name and appearance or become a character of my own creation bearing another name alongside a different hair colour, style and face.
  14. By musical covers, I meant where someone plays a cover of a Fire Emblem song on an instrument. Good to know vocal covers are allowed. I take it fanart is permitted? Is traditional art okay, i.e. hand drawn on paper or canvas etc using paints, pencils and the like?
  15. Are music videos using footage from the games okay? And are vocal covers/fandubs of official songs alright? I was also wondering if musical covers of songs or soundtrack music would be eligible.
  16. Welcome! Lon'qu is one of my favourite characters as well.
  17. That makes sense. Thank you for the information, Kyokko. It seems Kozaki's work is spread across the art books. Iuyairis, I have done as you said and checked with Kyokko regarding orders. I have now PMed you seeing as she cannot obtain the items I requested.
  18. Sorry, Iuyairis. I didn't know you wanted it done that way. Thanks for telling me. I have a question about the Cipher art books. Do they each contain pictures done by a certain artist or images produced by several? If the former is the case, which book has Kozaki's work?
  19. Kyokko and Iuyairis, I have PMed you both. If either of you cannot get one thing but the other can, please do so.
  20. I had a rethink and I now reckon Virion could be 32 or a few years younger. He is at least in his late twenties. As for Validar, perhaps 50 was too much of a wild guess. I would say early to late fourties at the most for him, having reconsidered it.
  21. Ah, true. I forgot about that. Taking that into consideration, my headcanons would be... Brady - 16 Gerome - 16
  22. Happy Birthday, Lon'qu! Your wife, the Avatar, and your son Morgan are going to throw you a surprise family party with a cake they made between them. Hope you enjoy it. <3
  23. Here are my suggestions for their ages (before the two year timeskip). They are also my personal headcanons as well so feel free to disagree if you wish. Chrom - 21 Lissa - 16 Frederick - 29 Sumia - 20 Ricken - 14 Sully - 21 Stahl - 20 Virion - 35 Cordelia - 20 Miriel - 27 Donnel - 14 Maribelle - 16 Henry - 19 Libra - 25 Tharja - 19 Gaius - 23 Olivia - 18 Kellam - 18 Gregor - 46 Lon'qu - 22 Nowi - 1200 Cherche - 26 Panne - 25 Vaike - 23 Say'ri - 22 Tiki - 4000 Flavia - 38 Basilio - 43 Anna - 23 Aversa - 29 Validar - 50 Morgan - 15 Severa - 16 Laurent - 24 Lucina - 17 Brady - 23 Gerome - 25 Nah - 14 Inigo - 16 Cynthia - 15 Noire - 14 Owain - 16 Yarne - 15 Kjelle - 16
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