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Anime Catgirl Guile

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Everything posted by Anime Catgirl Guile

  1. One more pairing I completely forgot about: -Chrom/Anacybele: Come on, we all know she wants to get in his pants.
  2. Oh finally, a thread involving pairings that I can actually take part in! Let's see, my favorite pairings that no one seems to talk about are... -Chrom/Grima!MU (Female): Since for once a girl isn't on the submissive side of a relationship. -Gangrel/Emmeryn: Nothing defines love like someone jumping off a cliff for you. -Marth/Lyssa: I haven't gone very far in Awakening, but I can tell from what interactions they've had that they'll make a great couple. ; ]
  3. -Chrom/Olivia: I can't see people on here shut up about it compared to the likes of Chrom/FeMU or Chrom/Sumia. This pairing is probably supported by most of the board. -Virion/Cherche: It's NO GOOD for Gerome's classes! *plays Sonic's theme music while wagging his finger* What are you talking about? I've only seen a few people at most even talk about it. Unless your rationale here is "It isn't Chrom/Olivia!"
  4. -Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes is a great remake and a perfect substitute for the original one. -God Hand is a shit Crapcom game and Gene is low tier. -Castlevania was never good until Lords of Shadow. come at me, brah
  5. Pega-Pony Princess is the lamest shit ever, it made my eyes roll to the back of my head, I don't see what's the big deal about it.
  6. So I just got an email from my Grandma that said "FWD:FWD:FWD:FWD:FWD:White people are now the most oppressed group in America". I just find it annoying how minorities (and homosexuals) keep spouting nonsense of how persecuted they are. I hope the GOP gets it's act together and creates a bill that segregates these individuals in selected cities. At least I'm safe knowing these filthy sub-humans won't be able to vote for much longer in the great state of Texas thanks to Voter ID coming in soon.
  7. I hope Zimmerman walks off. I'm so sick of minorities throwing the book at the White Man. Where the heck are Caucasians Rights when we need them?
  8. Action 52 Deus Ex: Invisible War (2) Manhunt 2 Devil May Cry 2 Heart of the Alien (aka Another World 2)
  9. In no particular order... -Resident Evil (Gamecube) -Heart Gold/Soul Silver (DS) -River City Ransom EX (GBA) -Metroid: Zero Mission (GBA) -Final Fantasy IV (DS)
  10. Oh boy, another one of these awesome threads! 1.) Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero 2.) Mission Impossible 3.) Carmageddon 64 4.) Clayfighter 63 1/3 5.) Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker
  11. Just letting you all know that i'm reporting you all to the mods for spam.
  12. Nightmarre, stop. This is a crisis, stop. rehab has disappeared from the face of #serenes_forest, stop. I need you to find out what he's been doing all this time while we are coping without him, stop.
  13. I read your message...

    You should be ashamed of yourself! >:(

  14. 5.) Metroid: Other M 4.) Rygar: The Battle of Argus 3.) Far Cry Vengeance 2.) My Aquarium 1.) Ninjabread Man
  15. 5.) Gex 64 4.) Clayfighter 63 1/3 3.) Aero Gauge 2.) Mission: Impossible 1.) Superman 64
  16. Serenes Furfest, HOES!

  17. I hate things. I'm not too fond of stuff either. I also hate it when people stuff a large number of things to hate.
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