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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Okay, I swear Garon sounds familiar.
  2. Well, it could be interesting if Fire Emblem could detect an Awakening save file, and give you something based on that. I think Tales of Symphonia 2 had a little something where you got some early items if you had a save file from the first Symphonia.
  3. I get the feeling that, as some said, the endings might depend on how many major characters you're able to spare. I've seen quite a few other games do something like that.
  4. Zero and Orochi are the only ones who can capture units, but it looks like you can use anyone to persuade them. I don't know the exact words, but others have said that Hinoka is talking about showing them that their side is just.
  5. Looks like a combination of Sonic the Werehog and a Yeti.
  6. That trailer is just increasing my hype all the more. Especially that triumphant sounding music at the end.
  7. English always. Hard to really care about the Japanese acting when I can't understand what they say. Besides, I can't stand listening to the majority of girls in Japanese. Most of them sound like 1st-graders.
  8. I hope we get the official name at least so they can stop calling it "New Fire Emblem" over here.
  9. Honestly, I'm in the camp with no problems with durability being taken out. Basically all it did was cause any powerful weapons you got early on to just sit in your inventory since you knew that it would be hard to get any others like it until you got late enough into the game to use them. But here, you're allowed some more freedom to use the weapons you want to use, so long as you consider the pros and cons.
  10. To be fully honest, I think this has the chance to have the player and enemy on a very even playing field. I mean, durability pretty much meant nothing to the enemy unless you wanted to steal a powerful one before they used it all up, but there's one thing. I've heard a lot people, especially on Gamefaqs, claim that the penalities of the Silver Sword and Brave Sword were negligible at best. Well, guess what, the enemy is going to have access to those same "negligible penalties" which puts an even bigger emphasis on watching out for what the enemy has. Not to mention that they have access to the same Pair Up abilities. I think this opens up many possibilities for strategy and challenge.
  11. Here's something that's come to mind for me over the past few days. My Castle is essentially the first time we're being given something in Fire Emblem to do outside of it's linear "chapter to chapter" style. I honestly wonder if a lot of older fans are scared for some reason that focusing on one will dumb down the other instead of the two coexisting side by side. Honestly, after thinking about it, I think My Castle is an evolution of the fact that FE has continued to put more emphasis on the bonds between characters. FE4 started it with the marriage system, FE6 then introduced support conversations, and almost every game after continued to expand the support system. In a way, My Castle seems to further that Intelligent Systems has been doing for many games now. Of course, even I'm not on board on every single thing like the Amie scenes, but I chalk that up to culture differences. But overall, this was made me all the more optimistic for the final version of the game.
  12. That would make sense. It would be pretty difficult to do skills exactly like Awakening did without the level reset.
  13. Also, on a minor note, I'd like to know who is doing the music for this game, since there has been no confirmation of who's doing it.
  14. I don't think that's the case. Might be if they happened to use the same place for the castle in both routes, but it's already been established that the settings are different.
  15. Hopefully at least they confirm a title since they keep calling it "New Fire Emblem". Makes me wonder if they'll even keep the If name. At least, it would be nice to have some things. If translation was well underway, it would at least bode well for an Early 2016 release.
  16. Blue. Haired. Maid. PLEASE! Honestly, how can a character apparently be enough to make the boxart, yet doesn't even have a name? Come on! Other than that, more character or class info would be nice.
  17. I never believed for a second that this could be the same Severa we got in Awakening. If there is any connection, it would likely be Cordelia's present daughter and not the one from the future. If not that, then likely just a reference.
  18. I don't see why it wouldn't be possible. How do you think Atlus gets it's text-heavy games out just a couple months after JPN release? Unfortunately, Nintendo doesn't seem to be that proactive, but it's possible.
  19. It pretty much all depends on when they started translation.
  20. Boy....Xenoblade Chronicles X and Fire Emblem If at the same time. Two games where the scripts probably feel like they're never ending.
  21. From what I've heard, there are no plans for another "Director's Cut" this time.
  22. At the very least, I think the latest we'll get it is February 2016, since that seems to be a popular slot for 3DS games of late.
  23. Well, I guess that I don't know about that. I wouldn't be surprised if they were like Awakening's Spotpass characters and only converse with the Avatar.
  24. I'd say minimal chance. That said, if we have any kind of English footage for If at E3, it''ll be a welcome sight.
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