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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. I wonder if Gunter might end up a bit like Taureneo. He defected because he thought Daein had lost its way. Could Gunter believe that Nohr has lost its way?
  2. I think's the same on both legs. The armor on the right thigh just covers it from the angle of how she's posed.
  3. I was just about to say that to me he looked like something out of a wannabe super hero comic.
  4. Don't think so. Elfie seems to be a knight and if the in-game model is anything to do by, it looks vastly improved from Awakening.
  5. It'll be interesting to see for sure. If class swapping was not to return, I'd be curious to see how skills would be done.
  6. I guess it doesn't matter to me. If they do it and the content is interesting, then sure. If it's not interesting, then I won't buy it. Plain and simple.
  7. Are you saying Cyrus also defects if Kamui joins Hoshido?
  8. I'm honestly starting to wonder about if any Hoshido-style characters will defect besides Suzukaze. Already we got Felicia, Joker, and Gunther. 3 Nohrian characters that will be with Kamui no matter what.
  9. Perhaps they thought Swords and Magic should go together because of how Robin's basic class in Awakening used Swords and Magic.
  10. I personally think they made Henry better.
  11. Well....I think that was only because Chrom was the most popular character overall, so the Avatar that got to romance him (Female Robin) got more votes.
  12. I think it's just because they consider them more marketable. It was the same thing with Robin. Heck, in the demo, you couldn't even select the female gender.
  13. Well, the characters from the Spotpass chapters are pretty much only there for fanservice, given that they don't even have supports outside of the Avatar, so I guess they didn't care.
  14. I say it might depend partially on what we see at E3. If they actually have some localized English footage, then I can see perhaps a very early 2016 release or outside of chance of being moved up to 2015. If there is no footage, then we're not getting it anytime soon.
  15. Technically, they didn't retcon Yen'fey's death. It's established that the playable one is from another realm where Say'ri got killed instead of him.
  16. Would it make it much different if they went back to the GBA style of C-A supports but kept the idea of getting as many non-A supports as possible? Personally, I wonder if S-supports stretch things out too much in terms of writing.
  17. I've already spoiled myself with Xenoblade Chronicles X and Bravely Second. I'm resolving myself to not repeat that with this game.
  18. I didn't say there wouldn't be shipping. That will always be there and I don't mind that at all. My problem was how Awakening's version of it seemed to be more important to people than the actual strategy aspect of the game.
  19. Hopefully it's more closer to how the GBA games did it and it's not an in-game mechanic like Awakening did it. As much as I like Awakening, I'm sick and tired of the "waifu simulator" term being tied to the series. I think the Awakening fans who blew that mechanic well out of proportion need a lesson that that's not supposed to be what the series is about.
  20. Aside from Camilla, a huge improvement from Awakening in my opinion. Heck, looking at that screenshot of Elfie, the Knight design looks to be greatly improved, as are the Cavaliers so far.
  21. I will admit that the idealistic side of me wants a happy-ish ending.
  22. I'll definitely be curious to see if this is the case. I mean, we're talking about what our encounters with the siblings you don't side with will be like, yet what if the revolution in a way takes place in both stories? It'll be interesting to see.
  23. As others have said, I doubt they're going to be recruitable outside of Sakura/Elise possibly. It mostly just depends on whether or not they can be spared along the way. Just because a sibling doesn't get killed doesn't automatically mean they'll become recruitable during that route. There are also story events to take into consideration. We know the Nohr path involved revolutionizing Nohr from within, which makes me wonder how much of the time you'll be fighting Hoshido. There's also whether or not the Nohr revolution takes place even when you pick Hoshido.
  24. I'd personally like to see some examples of more Nohrian characters. I think the large majority of characters we have names for are from Hoshido.
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