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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. I don't know. Even if we do end up killing the siblings, it sounds kind of early for one to be immediately following the decision.
  2. Anyway, all that aside, we know we're getting weekly updates until release. I imagine something regarding supports will come eventually.
  3. Exactly. That's what I've been saying on some other websites but people don't seem to want to believe it. But then again, I guess it's somewhat understandable. There was a time after Awakening came out that the romance was the only thing people talked about.
  4. I will say this though. Intelligent Systems has some major balls if they take out in-game marriage considering all the people who say "Awakening sold better because of the waifus!"
  5. No confirmation one way or another. The only thing people have pointed out so far is that the status screen doesn't have room for the partners like Awakening did. Doesn't really mean one way or the other, but it's something to point out. At the very least, there will likely be at least paired endings I would imagine since all recent FE games had those (except for Shadow Dragon but that was a remake).
  6. Maybe that's the case. I remembered that look from the first trailer so it was odd to me how drastically different it looked.
  7. By the way, is it just me or does Marx's sword look different in the official art compared to the in-game shots?
  8. You know, that plus the whole 2 games thing reminds me of something funny. It was something I read before Awakening was announced. It said that the Fire Emblem game on the 3DS would come in two versions, one being called "Blue Holy Sword" and the other "Red Demon Lance." Course, the article also said it would be in Elibe so that was totally bunk.
  9. I think we've pretty much dissected everything we'll get with this batch of information.
  10. Oh well. It's no worse than previous FE games where you would see their armor switching from side to side during portrait flipping.
  11. Well, I don't think they've shown many Nohr-exclusive route shots (if any, I don't know), so that might be why we haven't seen her on the map. They seem to be using Hoshido primarily for a lot of the promotion.
  12. The blue-haired maid hasn't been seen beyond a small scene with Felicia in the very first trailer. But then again, Hardin is right. She might be Nohr-exclusive and they have only discussed Hoshido-exclusive and both route characters so far. Guess it makes sense that she wouldn't defect as well. If you picked Hoshido, you'd already have Felicia and Sakura for healers. No need to crowd it up with another.
  13. Fair point. Perhaps that's next week.
  14. I'm still surprised that they haven't talked about the blue-haired maid from the box art. I think she's the only box art character that hasn't been talked about, which is weird since you'd think she would have been talked about in this issue with the other retainers.
  15. Considering the weapon, I would think you'd mention Nephenee or something. :)
  16. I wonder if there will be more hidden weapons besides just knives and shuriken.
  17. Honestly, now that I think of it, they talked about the retainers in this issue, but didn't being up the blue-haired maid. I think that's the last box art character that hasn't been featured at all yet.
  18. I think they might be special classes like Dancer. It wouldn't make sense for pre-promotes to have stats that bad. Besides, can't really think of anything that would promote to Maid/Butler.
  19. I think it's because Nintendo knows Xenoblade is more popular in the west and that Xenoblade X wasn't going to sell a lot in Japan anyway (console market is awful there after all).
  20. Not too surprising. Despite the inconsistent sales, Fire Emblem has always had some mainstream appeal in Japan.
  21. You know, I just noticed something. This week seemed to focus overall on Kamui's retainers, who are on the extended versions of the box art (after the siblings). Yet, they have yet to feature the blue-haired maid. I think she's the only box art character to not be discussed at all from Famitsu.
  22. I love the changes so far. At least it shows that Intelligent Systems isn't afraid to shake things up. Each new mechanic they're unveiled from the new types of weapons to the new mechanics has only made my hype grow.
  23. As some have said, Nohr seems to have a bit of a card theme motif. If that's the case, then Joker might be more fitting than some believe.
  24. Especially since many over on this side of the Pacific seem to view "Simulation" and "Strategy" as two different genres. Simulation being games like Harvest Moon or Persona, and strategy like Final Fantasy Tactics or whatever.
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