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Posts posted by Pokechu

  1. 1 minute ago, Water Mage said:

    It’s in the notifications on the Home screen in the game.

    Those standings aren't for this current round. That's how the standings were last round, where we chose the top four. Ike was first last round, Hector second, Tharja third and Azura fourth. I don't think the standings for this round are going to be revealed.

  2. 55 minutes ago, ThatOneGalAutumn said:

    Out of curiosity, does anyone think we'll get another stone user to go along with Tiki? I'm not sure who would be important enough to add besides her though. It could be possible with Corrin, but do we even know if characters will be able to use different weapons like in Hyrule Warriors?

    I think that they confirmed characters will only use one weapon. And I don't think she's too likely but I think Panne would be an amazing addition. No one's really expecting her and she'd have a really cool moveset; for a second stone user my money's on her. W/ Kaden and Keaton they'd have to add both, not just one or the other.

    Though it is entirely possible we get Nowi as a clone of Tiki.

  3. 1 minute ago, TrueDarkAce said:

    That roster actually looks pretty good. Personally I would have chosen Walhart over Gangrel just for the Lu Bu vibe he has going for him. But that's just me. Garron would be cool, maybe transform into his Ivan Ooze liquid form in one of his Musou moves or just use that liquid in some of his attacks.

    yeah I was indecisive on Gangrel and Walhart but Freddy is already a horse axe character so I leaned towards Gangrel. That plus how Walhart comes up towards the end of Awakening. It wouldn't surprise me if Walhart got in over Gangrel though, but they're both good choices imo.

    It'd be so cool to see what they could do with Garon! Transforming into his slime blob self would be interesting :lol:

  4. if there's more awakening slots it'll be a crime if Panne doesn't make it.



    Here's my roster. It's 26 w/o villains and gender swaps but oh well lol



    Merric: it's either him or Linde and he's more important lol

    Minerva: Plot relevant, gets us another wyvern rider.

    Lorenz: A bit more plot relevant than Draug. I hope he gets in because he'd add more flavor than Draug. It's one or the other though.

    Tiki: This goes without saying.

    Camus: Lance cavalier, villain, Medeus is probably a boss. Plot important.

    Tharja: She's in. More popular than Cordelia and she'd have a more unique moveset, that being dark magic.

    Panne: I really don't expect to see her but she'd have an amazing moveset and give us a second beast character.

    Gangrel: Awakening villain, could be some sort of a spellblade.

    Azura: Lance, dancer, water powers, plot important, relations to all other royals, she's a shoo-in.

    Garon: Fates villain, uses an axe, plot important I guess he doesn't do much in rev though lol. He's the big bad of the other two though


  5. 1 minute ago, The DanMan said:

    With the way the poster is laid out, unless the new character(s) are on the very end, the only place to slot someone in is right above Frederick. And who would fit in with Chrom and co.? 

    Why would they place a unique character above a different unique character, thus preventing the former from having their own nametag? Tharja's not going to be right above Frederick because she's not a clone or an alt of him.

    They're either going to announce two more Awakening characters or just leave Tharja off the poster but have her still in the game.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Sbuscoz said:

    Damaged the series? Seriously? How exactly have awakening and fates damaged the series? And what overexploitation, having three characters in an idol game?

    What did you want, all the games being portrayed or to be completely based on the GBA games? Because in the first case you'd have 3 characters from each game at max and no one would be happy, and in the second case, you should realise that those games have more than ten years and using the recent ones makes more sense.

    Obviuosly, disliking the game is fine, and saying it is too, but if you want to make this kind of comment, you're better in youtube's comment section.

    Your comment isn't much better. Let's look at the roster we have now. Chrom. Lucina, Lissa, Robin, Frederick, Cordelia, 10 Fates royals, am I missing someone? I don't think so. oh yeah my bad just Marth. Marth was our second FE character to be revealed for this game (after Chrom) and yet we still don't have anyone else from SD.

    Even though I joined FE with Awakening and Fates, I have to agree with him. He doesn't mean damaged as in "lol wow these games SUCK" but rather FE has taken a different direction, for better or worse. Awakening and Fates did really good and that's amazing, but they're everywhere. It's really tiresome if you're a fan of the older games because they aren't thrown any bones at all. Everything is all about Awakening and Fates, while the older games are just forgotten about. With games like this where there's a limited roster, it makes the most sense to choose Awakening and Fates as two of the three games represented. The most popular, the newest. But don't treat the third one like garbage. We're 25 days away from release and Marth is still our only SD character. When they revealed Tiki's amiibo at E3, they could have revealed her then, it was the perfect opportunity. But instead we have to wait months and months to see if she's actually in. We have to wait until the last month to see more than Marth for Shadow Dragon.

    At this point I won't be surprised if SD only has 6 characters while Awakening and Fates are hitting the double digits.

  7. I think it could be one card for every character on the poster? Assuming all the royals from Fates are on the poster (besides Azura for some odd reason) and they have 6 SD characters, each above one of the 6 Awakening characters, then it's 9 + 6 + 6 which would be 21. Add the two OC's and that's 23. Then the last two could go to Male Corrin and Female Robin maybe? Or one card with both gender swaps and the second goes to Azura?

  8. Just now, Tactician_Iris said:

    I didn't rule them out once I saw the poster for the LE - those empty spaces were far too suspicious.
    And now that Sakura's pretty much been confirmed at this point - I wonder if M!Corrin will be revealed alongside her.

    I think Sakura could be revealed by herself like Elise was, and they could reveal Azura and Male Corrin at one time since they kind of go together. It's really strange how we haven't gotten Azura yet.

  9. 15 minutes ago, Tactician_Iris said:

    Ngl, the first thing that popped into my head after seeing Elise and going "Aw she's in!" was "A certain someone on SF is going to very happy about Elise showing up." XD

    I won't lie, I was almost convinced that they wouldn't be in :lol: but then this came and showed me that they are!

  10. omg omg omg omg omg omg


    this was EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED oh m y god

    so many people were against these cutie pies



    everyone was saying no they won't be in, no they'll have retainers in those spots, no they'll be npc's


    i feel blessed I have been worried about these two for a long while now, now I'm preordering the special edition with NO hesitation

    they just have to show Sakura to really get me to cry :'^)))))))) who else ready to have a team of Sakura, Elise, and Lissa? Such purity and innocence!!!!

    now i feel SO vindicated

  11. 2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    If Team A’s score is at least 10% higher than Team B’s, Team B has all their scores for battles multiplied for an hour. The multiplier is the higher, the less time it is left in the round, from ×3.1 after the first hour to ×7.5 in the last hour.

    You don’t want to set the hero you represent as your leader (the leftmost unit in your leftmost team, the one standing atop the stairs in your castle), and you don’t want your leader to be a healer.


    5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    If your team is down by more than 10% at the top of the hour, your team gets a scoring bonus multiplier for the duration of the hour. The bonus is 3 + 0.1 × [current hour number], so 3.1 during the first hour of the round and 7.5 during the last hour of the round.

    This bonus counts towards your ranking score (both in your team and cumulative) and towards your team's score.

    Ohh, okay! Makes sense, thank you both!

    I thought I read somewhere though that if your leader is the hero you represent, you get a voting boost? For me, since I chose Tharja, why would it be bad to have Tharja as my team leader (or a green unit as my team leader as @Tenzen12 also pointed out)?

    And you wouldn't want a healer to be your leader because other people are using your unit and a healer would be useless, right?

  12. 12 minutes ago, Folt said:

    Yet, the base roster of Hyrule Warriors was and continues to be 13 characters (or "20" if we count the alternate movesets). If you're that set on having DLC be counted, you should also take the potential factor of Fire Emblem Warriors DLC into the account.

    Except alternate movesets require almost the same amount of effort as a new character. The only difference is that there's no new model or voice clips. There's not really a reason to consider HW's base roster to be just 13 when it was really 23 due to the multiple movesets for some characters and the villains. Cia, Volga and Wizzro count because those movesets were unique and already done when HW was released. Regardless it'd be pretty silly to say "wow this roster is BIGLY it's HUGE the BIGGEST first collaboration in warriors history" when it only has 2 more characters than what Hyrule Warriors had. It'd actually be pretty sad, considering how the clones would be counted in that 25 and we know Male Corrin is inevitable so it'd really only be 21 characters (Lucina, Hinoka, Male Corrin and Female Robin). It's like bragging about how many pencils/dollars, etc. you have and your friend takes a look and it's just 15 pencils, dollars, w/e snapped in half yet you still claim it's 30.

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