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Everything posted by Zkirsche

  1. Digital learnt that analog was better the hard way. Clarinets the ResidentSleeper has been lynched. At least he got to wake up and do stuff before he died. Cherry found that impersonating the host doesn't usually end well. Einto the JudoMaster couldn't move her butt fast enough to dodge those bullets. Bibimbap was trapped in Ice, despite their character being much too strong for that. Jiac the Reality Warper decided winning was too much of a pain so gave up and went somewhere else. Then they died. Hah. ~Night 7 Has begun. Bets are closed because the winners are almost certainly decided. Phase end 2AM GMT 28/02/2017.~
  2. Once again only two people have died because it was a no lynch. Votals are Pisces: Sylveon, Jiac, Zeonth Cherry: Einto, Kinumi Sadly Steele didn't make it through this near deathless night. Paperblade the Lynch Controller couldn't keep begging for his life any longer. #PoorSaul Lilliput Wrym finally got what was coming to them, poor thing. Faerie Knight the Loved Hider, could hide no more. #WaifuIsDead another exciting night filled with death and destruction, clearly. To add insult to injury on this lack of death, a new alias has appeared on the scene! It is the one and only Rasputin! Will his/her dick be big enough to lead them to victory? ~It Is now Night 6, which will end 2 AM GMT 27/02/2017.~
  3. 3 votes for pisces, 1 vote for Cherry, 1 for Lilliput Wryn. Walrein's vote doesn't count.
  4. ~End of Night Votals Because It Actually Mattered Here~ Charlotte: honq, Random Player, Faerie Knight, Walrein Lilliput Wrym: Makaze, Elieson, Tuvy, Gaius, Zeonth Pisces: Jiac Hence there was a tie and so noone was lynched! You're supposed to kill each other not come to peaceful resolutions damnit. The first death of the night is Lucky who was pretty lucky to have made it this far honestly. Makaze the Bringer of Happiness died. Rip. Shaneika was not nearly as lucky as the one before them. Bandidos Banderas the Fame Seeker died, his top tier role not enough to get them through to the end. Much like in the show, Seto Kaiba went out like a Buster: Elieson the Master Duelist found that children's card games can't stop mafia thugs. Who knew? Mr Potato Head followed Cabbage into the vegetable-named grave. A Random Player the Sneakman chose the wrong moment to blow thier cover (as usual if watching these let's players has taught me anything). The Otter learnt that there are far outclassed by these predators of the night. Tuvy the Strongman Delayer couldn't delay his own death. Now THAT would have been a broken self-target. Additionally you all learn that Pisces is now dead, although no information about them seems to have survived! What a terrible night this has been. Or fantastic depending on your perspective. ~Night 5 has begun, and ends 2AM 26/02/2017 (just under 23 hours).~
  5. ~Votals~ Charlotte: honq, Random Player, Faerie Knight, Zeonth The Otter: Walrein Pisces: Jiac Lilliput Wrym: Makaze, Elieson, Tuvy
  6. It's a sad day for memesters everywehere. Despite having a vote strength of 7, Particle Bomb was unable to stop their own lynch. Magnificence Incarnate the Reflexive Meme has been lynched. Also on the chopping block apparently was Mr Plinkett DLE the Shy Doubleshooter was killed, despite having a terrible, terrible role. I am sorry. L failed to stop kira once again it seems. Rssp the Predator failed to win another survivor-esque game. Cabbage really should've picked a nicer vegetable. j00 the Manliest wasn't Manly enough. Maybe it's time to let go of masculine and feminine conventions? Nah you'll be the same in the next movie I'm sure of it. Finally Heath aka Hulk Hogan was killed and with him, all hopes of Reinfleche winning. So sad. Night 4 Has begun, and finishes 2AM GMT 25/02/2017
  7. ~Phase End~ My time is up, your time is now; you can't see me but your time is now. It's the franchise, boy I'm dying now: My time is up, your time is now!
  8. Votals Particle Bomb: Makaze, Tuvy, Jiac, Einto, Zeonth, Sylveon, Walrein Shaneika: Magnificence Incarnate, Lord Gaius. 7 Hours Remain
  9. As night ends, you draw the noose around :AH:'s neck. This was met by a resounding "meh" by :AH: who has been lynched! SB the safeguard is no more. To add to this you receive a message on the same hologram projector that you did before: Interesting... After this, you find some dead bodies. The first is the mangled and stitched up body of Epoch: Blitz the BPV Reconstructor has been killed. Thankfully (well, not for them), there were more bodies this time. One belonged to The Commanders who forgot to command everyone to let them win. Whoops. Prims the Bus Driver Manipulator couldn't smile his way out of an early grave. There is probably a Proverb to describe the story of this one. Reinfleche the Empowering Shotblocker has fallen. OHHH NOOOO. In addition to this, the MI6 building in the UK lies in ruins, and in them lies the corpses of qt3.14 and MY MOM who were Q and M from the James Bond franchise respectively. What could they have been doing in this game? N3 Has begun, and ends in just over 24 hours 23:59 23/02/2017. This may be extended if people wish
  10. 18 hours left in the phase. Chop chop everyone (literally). I'd do votals but basically everyone is voting :AH: sans BB/Sylveon who're voting Pisces, j00 who's voting cherry and DLE voting MY MOM. The :AH: votes are easily counted above.
  11. By the way, the image in Shubaka's role is broken and couldn't be fixed. I blame SF.
  12. A figure appears in a hologram to greet you all with a message: Afterwards, you get down to business. First of all, you string the noose around McCoy's neck, ignoring his pleas to be your friends. Once the lever was pulled and his life slipepd away, his role pm was read aloud: Thus, Shubaka the FriendZoner died. The pidgeon still didn't care. Puppy laments being the only nightkilled player and the fact that people would actually shoot a Puppy! You monsters. What a sad day for acidphoenix the Controversial Commentator. Turns out making anti-semitic comments leads you to an early grave. Take care, Pewdiepie. With that, Night 2 has begun, and ends in just under 48 hours, 9:30pm GMT 22/02/2017. If you have not received a night result contact me ASAP. Have at it!
  13. Looks like you're gonna die silently. Actions are now locked in! Please refrain from discussing the game until results have been sent.
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