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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. I feel like there should be a OHKO gamma ray burst move, but other than that I'm totally on board with this type.
  2. Mega Rapidash=Flaming Pegasus seems like a pretty simple and potentially awesome mega to me. Could even be Fire/Fairy.
  3. A couple thoughts. If you just sit down and do it, it really can be that simple. Over my break, I've been teaching myself both piano and German, and mostly I just sit down and do it and that works. But I also didn't start until about a month into break. There really is something to be said for just not doing anything for a while. If you've had a particularly busy/difficult/whatever time leading up to break, just sitting back and recovering for a bit isn't bad.
  4. Rewjeo

    FE8 Promotions

    Those are the promotion bonuses going to that class, not promoting from the class.
  5. I've been to England, Ireland, and Honshu (the main island of Japan). I'd love to go back to all of those places, and also get to the other islands of Japan as well as Wales and Scotland sometime. I'd love to see mainland Europe, too. Basically any part of it, really.
  6. Wouldn't May be in active gear, on the grounds that she spends most of her time in the wilderness actively seeking out violent confrontation with supernatural creatures?
  7. I feel like they do a pretty good job of evoking a person who is going to be spending most of their time walking through forests on on mountains and whatnot, although I'm fairly indifferent when it comes to May's designs. On Brendan's, while I definitely don't like his new one aesthetically, it does look less like he's going to die of heatstroke if May's getting by wearing what she is. The biggest issue I have with the new character designs, though, is how skinny they are. It's not like May wasn't skinny to begin with.
  8. If we're going to be really technical, your post did mean more than all the other franchises, but I think it's pretty clear what was meant. Besides, Pokémon has a ton of representation when you consider Pokéballs, and you can't make very many Pokemon just using a pallet town swap, whereas you could do that with FE. Your Eliwood for instance, other than a couple colors being not *quite* there is pretty close to a perfect representation of Eliwood.
  9. My sense of curiosity. I feel like basically all of my strengths can be tied back to that.
  10. I'll echo the whole "female who is actually the star and also doesn't have blue hair" bit. And her femaleness is not a defining trait, or even important most of the time. When it is important, it shouldn't be because "this is how women act" but because "this is how a woman would be treated in this situation, as opposed to a man."
  11. There wasn't really bullying of any kind at my school. I mean, there were asshole boys whose sense of humor was "haha everyone look at how that person is dumber/less coordinated/whatever than me" and stuff like that, but nothing malicious enough to be bullying.
  12. Take your pick: Courtesy of my home state.
  13. Same age as death. But what do we do about their birthday? Do we calculate out a new one to determine their biological age exactly (for legal purposes and whatnot) or just not deal with that and leave their new dob as their original dob?
  14. However, I'm pretty sure that far, far more Sonic games have been on Nintendo consoles than MGS games recently, even if they aren't exclusive.
  15. Consistency. Gameplay is supposed to be part of the narrative, particularly in FE's case. Segregating the two isn't the best way to go about that.
  16. Proof? We now have official confirmation that the plane was definitely shot down (as opposed to exploding midair some other way) and the American government, while not stating for sure either way, has made it clear that the rebels are the most likely candidates, along with open claims that Russia has been giving the rebels the necessary supplies and training to carry out this attack. Multiple nations are calling for international investigations, and some have already started dispatching their own. Meanwhile, Russia and the west are pointing fingers at each other and saying "It's your fault for egging Ukraine/Donetsk on in this conflict!" (They're both kinda right, but, y'know, whatever)
  17. I've dealt with a close suicide, too, (the two-year anniversary was this week, in fact, so it has been on my mind) and while it certainly seems that the people in this case dealt with it much more healthily than with jiodi's friend, when I look at how it has affected everyone, I really cannot defend it. By the time you are old enough to have decided to kill yourself, you most certainly will have become important to enough people that suicide will cause more pain than it will stop. I don't think suicide is really selfish, but it is self-serving. You "help" yourself, and in exchange hurt others. I don't think most people who commit suicide see it that way. I don't think there's a "fuck them" attitude involved. But, regardless of intent, that is what it does.
  18. I would argue that in practice it's bad like 99.999% of the time. But is it really a bad thing that Hitler offed himself? (Sorry about the Godwin's Law, he was just the first example to come to mind of a "good" suicide.)
  19. I disagree. Tailoring a story specifically to fit some real world purpose tends to cheapen it - which is exactly the problem with so many sequels. It isn't about the story; the story is just the means to an end that doesn't even exist within the story... and I believe this to be true, so, when you put that with what I said above, I don't plan on seeing any new Star Wars stuff.
  20. I can confirm this. It basically says, "Lucina was originally going to be a 'chara-variation' for Marth, with a different appearance and voice, like the different WFTs and Robins. But then she was tweaked a little bit and made her own character." My Japanese skills are a little rusty right now, but that was the gist of it, and I saw nothing suggesting anyone was cut.
  21. I could see Anna being sort of like a party ball and tossing a bunch of items onto the stage. She has appeared as a shopkeeper on several occasions. What about a peg knight trio that does a triangle attack or something?
  22. Because Marth is sort of the face of Fire Emblem, and is an established Super Smash-er? Not to mention I would guess that Snake's position was determined by more than just roster slots... anyways, it's really only fitting that Lucina appears at first to be an "alt costume" for Marth before the community rapidly comes to the conclusion that she is not, even before the game comes out and it is officially revealed either way.
  23. In any case, RD's story is not bad. It's just poorly written and very few characters are developed at all.
  24. I'm inclined to agree with Elbert. I was more attached to him and he had been more significant within the game. Greil's just sort of in charge and then dead. Although FE9 is also my least-played FE, so I may be misremembering. Most other fathers are dead going into it, aren't they? I guess we have Uther's death (brother, I know) plus then Hector in FE6. Also FE4, where you've got Sigurd's dad pretty late and then... everyone's dad... Oh, and FE2's thingummy, but NES writing doesn't really qualify for saddest. Greil at one point could have beaten him, certainly, but by the time of the fight I think he had decided to quite fighting and had severed all the tendons in his arm or something so he had absolutely no chance of winning. Thus the BK not being satisfied with that fight.
  25. The comentators here were talking about how the Dutch goalie does not have a good record on PKs, and since the Dutch didn't have a substitution left to put in the other guy (sorry, don't recall their names exactly. Cele-something and Kruhl-ish?) they were at a definite disadvantage going into the shootout.
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