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Everything posted by nflchamp

  1. 17/1 Aran, depending on his luck with his speed growth, can be ORKO'd by 41 MT Tigers. Oh, 17/1 Aran also needs a 16 MT weapon (which he can't have) to OHKO the weakest Tigers with beastfoe, if anybody cares. EDIT: In 3-6.
  2. No, she's not. She has no free chapters. Doing dumb shit in a chapter (anything) requires her to kick out someone else who can do it better. She is a net negative no matter how you try to spin it.
  3. Why do I care that Lyre can shovebot? Don't we have people that are better at combat if the need arises and can play shovebot? EDIT: Hence why she's above them. The fact of the matter is her performance isn't any better than theirs even if she's "easier to train".
  4. Volug is declining by 1-8 (or rather Wildheart is finally catching up to him), so it's not odd you feel that way Narga. 1-6 goes both ways, Sothe can deal with ranged threats better in 1-6-1, Volug is better at saving Fiona in 1-6-2. @Kirsche: Nothing Lyre does is worth a deployment slot. She has no free chapters.
  5. Dumping loads of BEXP on Mist will never be efficient. We might not be able to tell exactly what team is around or what their stats are, but we should at least be able to section off who is a bad unit to give BEXP to and who is more likely to get BEXP.
  6. I don't know why either would be getting attacked. And do the Magic and more powerful tomes actually matter? Is Bastian's extra chip/range really important at all? I don't care that Bastian has better stats, he's not doing anything Oliver isn't. For that matter, I hardly care that Soren/Ilyana/Calill have better stats if all they're doing is healing. I wouldn't mind as much if Bastian dropped too, I suppose. It doesn't change the fact that the value of Endgame healing hasn't changed and there's no reason for Oliver/Bastian to drop. Unless units below them have been seen to improve, there is no reason to drop Oliver/Bastian. Which is fine and all, but the italicized stuff is still unimportant. It was telling us stuff we already knew along with part 3 stuff. And I still don't buy your argument for Oliver dropping.
  7. If Bastian was the only available extra healer (aka Micaiah still existed), then, well, yes. But Bastian doesn't actually have any important statistically leads in Endgame. He's not superior to Oliver at all. I'll disagree vehemently. Bastian and Oliver will do the exact same thing if they go to Endgame: heal, maybe siege-tome. Any situation Bastian is in can be done by Oliver. Which is the point I'm trying to make. If the two are no different, why is Oliver getting the raw end of the deal? To the next point. I'm not seeing it. Their performance hasn't changed (other than some competition may be gone because they're not worth it anymore) and our opinion on Endgame healing hasn't changed, why does the fact part 3 healing is less useful mean Bastian and/or Oliver are worth less now?
  8. I'm sorry, but no, he wouldn't. Oliver's commonly knocked because Bastian is basically the same thing he is in Endgame, an RNG-proof healer. However Bastian is never considered worse because Oliver exists. Bastian's position wouldn't change if Oliver magically didn't exist. Oliver's would if Bastian didn't. In all honesty, that italic stuff doesn't matter. We're only now starting to think healing in part 3 isn't worth as much. We've know nearly forever that extra healing in Endgame isn't worth much.
  9. Bastian has better stats, etc., but does nothing different. So why is Oliver the one who is penalized?
  10. I'm ignoring Ilyana (T) vs. Leo. Sorry. I don't like Oliver down. I know he's always worse than Bastian because Bastian has 4-5, but he and Bastian are no different in Endgame. Heal, maybe spam some long-range tome. There really isn't much of a difference between them. EDIT: Oh yeah, the other reason I wanted to post. Recruitment isn't a negative. Rafiel's going to be there anyways. But, seriously, throw out this recruiting someone is difficult means someone is a negative idea.
  11. Why? 34ish MT sucks against Ike's 50/25 HP/DEF. Ike equips Ragnell and you're screwed.
  12. Why don't we make a topic to discuss where resources (namely stat boosters) are likely to go? Then we can just order the units that are likely to get the item in the OP or something. Rather than continue to bring up the same arguments in the tier list every time a stat booster is brought, all the arguments will be in a nice location.
  13. No one is going to be better than him in the long run if we're playing efficiently. Not enough time.
  14. If it's not worth restarting, then they aren't doing anything positive. And if they've died, they've probably just slowed me down. I don't see how they aren't negative even if deployment is free.
  15. This is not 'most cases'. I don't care what anybody else says, keeping them alive/out of battle is more costly than anything they can give in return. EDIT: And by "them" I, of course, mean bottom tier.
  16. Well, Nailah is usually in best or worst bio. Good/Bad and normal don't happen a lot on her curve.
  17. It's (SKL/2)% +/- depending on bio. EDIT: Base Nailah's Glare % is usually 23 +/- 10 from what I've seen. But I wasn't looking in depth. EDIT2: (SKL/2)% +/- 5 good/bad or +/- 10 best/worst, is correct.
  18. Sucking in free chapters does not necessarily net you positive.
  19. VoD has a ton of EXP if you go around actually killing everything.
  20. No, I suppose not. Note to self: FE10 has forging. Remember that.
  21. For the record, feeding Meg kills is risky. 80% displayed isn't a big deal until you run the risk of dying when you miss.
  22. (The first house cannot be reached before it gets set on fire; the solider can do it on turn 1, you can't reach 'til turn 2.) Eddie can't wrath safely outside of EM, as far as I'm concerned. Wrath kind of sucks in easy mode. <_<
  23. To get out of the way that turn counts are not the only important thing in this list, I'd like to remind everyone that Volug is Top Tier more from saving us from the pain and agony of tearing our hair out than from actually lowering turn counts.
  24. Sothe is (still) ridiculously overrated. He only carries the (garbage) team for a few chapters, remains good for a few more, and has (rather minor) thieving utility. It's high tier material, but I'd really only give him better than Nailah.
  25. What skill are we giving Volug that we need to take wildheart off of him? I know half-shifting is going to be useless the majority of the time, but if there's nothing else...
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