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Everything posted by nflchamp

  1. You have bad luck with reinforcement warriors in 4-2. They can have 23AS in comparison to Lucia's base 27AS. Note that this is pretty much a worthless point because Lucia's damage output and durability sucks too much to actually use her for the task of killing warriors quickly. Edit: Actually, thinking back, Warriors are more likely to have 24AS. Lucia and Zihark dealt with Paladin reinforcements for me.
  2. 2-E strategies that will never be seriously taken into account on the tier list. At least if it really is as luck based as it sounds.
  3. You can do whatever you want. If staying in 2-E for an extended period doesn't seem to have any effect on Part 3/4, then it'll simply be chalked up that staying in 2-E longer than necessary is inefficient.
  4. Mist having 7 Physic range instead of 6 Physic range probably doesn't matter.
  5. I'll go ahead and place bets now that it's A support = SKL%, B = (SKL/2)%, C = (SKL/3)%
  6. Skrimir Kieran (T - Str, Skl, Spd) Makalov (T - Str, Spd, Def) Tanith Kieran Calill (N/T) Soren Despite the fact I disagree with Calill > Soren, the list currently has it and I'm not calling for that to change. So, for now, I don't know why you brought that up.
  7. Like I said, I'm not 100%. It could be the case.
  8. Kitana, you misunderstood. The person with guard does not counterattack, as far as I know. The person who got attacked will.
  9. Right, need to do this now or I'll forget. I'm going to advocate moving Soren and Calill down to right under Tormod. Tormod is useful from 1-7 to 1-E as one of your stronger units (mostly 1-7 and 1-8). He also comes back in 4-4 and can do some useful stuff like meteor a door open or eat a sleep charge before dying. Soren and Calill are only ever going to provide decent chip for their entire careers. This chip is never particularly useful. All they have going for them is more chapters, but I don't think this is better than Tormod being one of your better units (namely in 1-7 and 1-8).
  10. 1. No one knows. No one has cared to figure it out. All we know is that it's bad. 2. It can activate anytime the two are adjacent. 3. The character that gets attacked will be the one to counterattack. 4. Not a clue. 5. Don't know if Guard works on player phase. I'll admit to not being 100% on 2 or 3, either. As you can guess, Guard hasn't been looked into much.
  11. It's just that this isn't new information, or even a new idea. Hence, the smart-ass post.
  12. I know I helped along this Celerity tangent, but I need feel the need to bring up again the main point - why does Gatrie get the Crown in this new lower turn count age?
  13. The bigger problem is that I'd rather just make a 7 move unit have 9 mov to keep up with my other 9 mov units rather than make a 6 mov an 8 mov.
  14. You need to question Gatrie's leveling speed again. I know it's great and all that we assumed a 6 move unit could get 5 levels without any problems, but the fact of the matter is, 6 move causes Gatrie problems when it comes to the amount of combat Gatire sees. 3-P, Gatrie isn't really reaching anything past, like, turn 2 due to terrain and 6 move. 3-1, sure, Gatrie sees combat, but everyone is needed for that chapter in the first place. 3-2 is over in no time, meaning Gatrie simply won't have the time to see much combat. 3-3 is a big map and Gatrie, again, has 6 move. Sure Gatrie will gain some EXP, but I'll put doubt on 15 by this point. 13-14 seems more likely. Either way, it isn't like his problems end after 3-3. 3-4 Gatrie either has to get up ledges, which he has a bigger penalty for, or take the slope, where 9 mov units and ally laguz kill everything before he can reach it. 3-5 no one not named Titania or Haar is doing much. 3-7 there is swamp or river or whatever. He can barely cross. I'll have to end here, as I need to shut down my laptop, but the use of the crown on Gatrie and the current pace seems kinda sketchy.
  15. Is there someplace else you really need a Robe to go? If not, I don't see what the big deal about using Cecile and having her rise is. Sure, she won't be as high as Luke because I could use him and get similar/better results, but it isn't as though there is no reason to use her.
  16. I leaned on Volug in 3-12 as he ORKO'd everything. Nolan isn't doing too hot in my run and couldn't really do anything productive anyways.
  17. You'll probably want to get Ike something other than Ragnell. While cards are nice since they hit RES, if you're relying on them for damage it could take a while to get it over with. Even if Ike is at Base RES, Jill's 5 MAG still only does 10 damage with a Daemon Card.
  18. Pelleas' Crown? Pelleas doesn't have a Crown.
  19. I don't think Mist is going to survive many rounds of combat period. There's no time for healers to get much EXP at the speed we're going. Also, considering Tanith, my plain Tanith is at --/20/06 after 4-P. EDIT: Grammar, who needs it?
  20. CHAPTER 4-P Alright, Silver Army’s make up is those forced dudes, Tanith, Janaff, Ulki, Haar, Volug, and some people I don’t care about. Tanith is BEXP’d to promotion, Janaff gets to level 30 to get Tear, and Volug gets two levels to proc SPD. Skrimir gives his Laguz Stone to Volug. Looking at the enemies stats, Haar is going to kick people’s butts this chapter. ORKOs nearly everything with a plain Hand Axe. Haar, Ulki, Janaff, and Volug go north with Laura and Leanne as support from behind. Everyone else went right. I probably could’ve 5-turned it (or maybe even 4-turned it) if I did better planning. Too many guys attacking my 2-rangeless laguz rather than Haar. Turns (chapter/total): 6/234 BEXP (chapter/current): 1500/14634 Funds: ??? – more than enough Random Fact: Leanne can’t vigor Janaff in the River from a bridge. Unit Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Support Micaiah 4.68 24 6 19 16 12 22 7 17 A Sothe Sothe 1 41 22 10 28 24 21 17 15 A Micaiah Sanaki 1.44 28 2 33 22 23 32 10 28 Sigrun 1 38 22 17 25 27 28 23 26 C Tanith Tanith 4.9 41 27 15 28 27 26 25 27 C Sigrun Skrimir 25 66 19 3 14 13 24 16 9 Naesala 27.5 60 17 7 20 21 20 13 14 Leanne 7.6 27 0 4 1 6 29 2 12 C Neal Janaff 30.08 58 16 2 20 17 31 12 8 B Ulki Ulki 29.11 60 16 4 18 18 25 11 10 B Janaff Haar 9.52 54 34 6 34 29 23 31 14 Volug 22.49 56 14 2 15 14 20 11 5 CHAPTER 4-1 Greil consists of forced people plus Mia, Shinon, and Neph (and scrubs, obviously). Rafiel got Boots. Bought the Wyrmslayer. Gave Ike Paragon, Provoke. Gave Shinon Imbue, Corrosion. I don’t have anything else to do here. FoW is so annoying. After figuring out where enemies are, I was able to steam-roll through this chapter. Things like, I don’t have to worry about the bottom left corner until turn 6 because no one is there, are nice to know. It was really just figuring out where all the reinforcements come from when. It took me a while to figure out that I was missing the 5 turn because of a single Halb reinforcement on the right side on turn 5. I had been sending Nailah over to the left to deal with the Warrior reinforcement and left that one. Oscar and Boyd KOd a couple of Physic wielding Bishops to help things along, so I can't say my scrubs did nothing. Also, I used a rescue staff charge to fully utilize Rafiel this map. A 5 turn is not possible otherwise. (At least, not with this team.) Finally, I almost had to 5-turn this map because everything tended to go to shit if the turn 6 reinforcements hit the table. Turns (chapter/total): 5/239 BEXP (chapter/current): 1876/16510 Funds: ??? – more than enough Unit Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Support Ike 6.6 58 31 7 36 32 16 31 12 A Mia Mist 7.27 30 10 15 14 18 21 8 17 A Boyd Titania 4.8 46 31 15 29 30 21 26 21 A Oscar Shinon 5.48 52 28 15 35 30 20 28 22 A Neph Mia 5.57 45 27 10 34 35 26 24 13 A Ike Neph 3.1 50 28 12 30 31 22 27 24 A Shinon Nailah 33.36 66 17 5 23 19 35 16 13 Rafiel 13.9 31 1 6 1 6 32 3 13
  21. You know, when you combine the two everything is going to get screwed up. That's just how the world works. I apologize for bringing bad news.
  22. She had it? Yeah, maybe I'll put Volug in Greil Army and Haar in Silver. Or maybe I'll just leave both in Silver.
  23. CHAPTER 3-11 I have money again! I also have 30,000 BEXP. BEXP’d Neph until she hit her STR cap and crowned. BEXP’d Shinon to 20 and crowned. BEXP’d Ike a level. BEXP’d Titania the rest of the way to promotion. Put Savior on Haar, Ulki adept, and Titania and Tanith grabbed Paragon’s. Shinon got Imbue, not that it matters much. Made sure Ike had a bronze sword before the chapter. Or rather a Slim Sword from Elincia. Bought some more Olivi Grass just in case. Not like I’m poor anymore. Forged Tanith a Steel Lance (+5MT/+25HIT). Forged Haar a Hand Axe (+5MT/+25HIT). Arrow Card gave Haar’s Hand Axe 10 more Hit. Alright, Turns 1 and 2 are the most important turns ever. Need to keep things in order or things go screwy. Haar gets the spot next to Ike, Titania behind him. Titania will kill the horse 9 spaces away on turn 1, Haar rescues and move to the newly freed space. Mia gets shoved by Mist, followed by Ranulf and then moves forward with full move and equips a Sonic Sword. Tanith moves next to the further sandbags. Sigrun moves behind and drops Mist. Ulki moves 1 beyond those first sandbags and Janaff moves right behind him. Both Grass. The Cavs will attack Ulki, probably miss, and Ulki will work up strike. Hand Axe Cav attacks Janaff and Janaff gets gauge. SM attacks Haar and will be rescued/healed so I don’t have to deal with him now. Turn 2, Mia kills Short Axe Warrior with Storm Sword while Ike is still around on Haar. Haar proceeds to OHKO Short Spear General. Ulki uses his full move and grasses (so Leanne can Vigor him and Haar). Ranulf shoves Janaff to give him extra move (which I guess isn't really needed). Tanith Horseslayers a Cav; Janaff, Neph, Shinon, and Titania kill the other 4. After a Vigor, Ulki rescues Leanne for the turn and annoys the Shine Barrier Mage at the same time by sitting on his Shine Barrier spot. Haar kills a Thunder Mage and moves as far as possible. Chapter is all but over at this point. Haar only needs to be Physic’d once more, basically. Turns (chapter/total): 6/211 BEXP (chapter/current): 5269/14532 Funds: 18128 Note: If Ike had Celerity, this was a 5 turn. But I left that on Reyson. :P Unit Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Support Ike 19.14 50 27 3 30 28 15 26 7 A Mia Mist 6.76 29 10 14 14 17 20 8 17 A Boyd Shinon 1.48 49 27 14 32 28 19 26 20 B Neph Mia 2.04 44 26 10 32 32 24 22 13 A Ike Neph 1.35 49 28 12 28 29 22 27 22 B Shinon Haar 4.75 53 33 6 30 27 20 29 12 Titania 2.96 45 30 14 27 28 20 25 19 A Oscar Janaff 29.3 57 16 2 19 17 30 12 8 C Ulki Ulki 28.66 59 16 3 17 18 25 11 10 C Janaff Ranulf 26.11 55 14 6 16 15 23 13 10 Sigrun 19.45 34 18 13 22 24 28 20 22 Tanith 18.02 36 20 10 22 23 23 20 21 Leanne 7 27 0 4 1 6 29 2 12 CHAPTER 3-12 Back to the DB we go. Zihark x Volug support upgraded to B. Nolan dropped Beastfoe to pick up Resolve. Volug took Pass. Nolan, Jill, and Volug defend against the valley. Tauroneo generally deals with the ledges with the halted Partner units. Sothe, and Zihark help out in the valley with 2 range for cheap damage. Leo kills lured Pegs. He now has a Meg support for slightly better hit chances. Let the Partner units roam on turn 3. Directed them away on turn 6. Turns (chapter/total): 7/218 BEXP (chapter/current): 4057/7395 Funds: 12288 Unit Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Support Micaiah 3.79 23 6 16 15 12 21 7 16 A Sothe Sothe 8.1 37 20 6 26 22 20 15 11 A Micaiah Volug 18.08 52 14 2 13 13 16 10 5 B Zihark Nolan 6.96 50 18 5 24 22 16 15 8 C Jill Laura 7.24 19 5 12 7 9 12 4 10 C Aran Zihark 6.95 31 18 6 24 25 12 13 11 B Volug Jill 14.22 44 20 5 19 25 26 24 11 C Nolan Taur 14.68 38 24 12 22 20 18 21 15 CHAPTER 3-13 Strengthened Nolan x Jill to B. Bought Physic (and some random stuff that may help later). BEXP Jill to 16 and Crown her. She, of course, refused to get STR. On the bright side, she out-tanks non-Ragnell Ike. Volug takes Resolve and Wrath, Nolan has Vantage and Paragon, Jill has Cancel and Pass, and Zihark has Parity. Jill, Nolan, and Volug bumrush Ike (with Zihark following slightly behind with a Tempest Blade for last ditch efforts, if necessary). Leo shoots down hawks with a Ballista. Laura Physics people. Volug survives a round with Ike solely because Ike had Slim Sword instead of Bronze (-1 MT on Slim, Volug had 10 HP and Ike did 9 damage. :P) Turns (chapter/total): 5/223 BEXP (chapter/current): 4373/5065 Funds: ~3500 Note: Might have been 4 turns. I’m inattentive. Sorry. Unit Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Support Micaiah 3.79 23 6 16 15 12 21 7 16 A Sothe Sothe 9.03 37 20 6 26 22 21 15 11 A Micaiah Volug 18.75 52 14 2 13 13 16 10 5 B Zihark Nolan 6.96 50 18 5 24 22 16 15 8 B Jill Laura 7.9 19 5 12 7 9 12 4 10 C Aran Zihark 7.95 31 19 7 25 26 13 13 12 B Volug Jill 2.45 51 24 9 24 27 28 28 19 B Nolan Taur 15.06 39 24 12 23 20 18 21 15 CHAPTER 3-E Ike BEXP to 20. I think his RES will reach double-digits upon promotion. <_< Anyways, Shinon x Neph strengthened to A, Janaff x Ulki to B, Tanith x Sigrun made a C. We slapped Blossom on Titania, as she’s at .96, and put Paragon on Shinon. Daunt ends up on Neph for no particular reason. Ike loses provoke. It was a relatively normal 5 turn clear. Heather’s only reason for being fielded ended when Janaff got the Rescue staff. XP Turns (chapter/total): 5/228 BEXP (chapter/current): 7845/19023 Funds: 9088 Unit Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Support Ike 20 50 27 3 30 29 16 26 8 A Mia Mist 6.87 29 10 14 14 17 20 8 17 A Boyd Shinon 2.68 50 27 15 32 29 19 27 21 A Neph Mia 2.4 44 26 10 32 32 24 22 13 A Ike Neph 1.53 49 28 12 28 29 22 27 22 A Shinon Haar 5.47 53 34 6 31 27 21 29 12 Titania 3.2 45 31 14 28 29 21 26 20 A Oscar Janaff 29.39 57 16 2 19 17 30 12 8 B Ulki Ulki 28.73 59 16 3 17 18 25 11 10 B Janaff Ranulf 26.11 55 14 6 16 15 23 13 10 Sigrun 19.77 34 18 13 22 24 28 20 22 C Sigrun Tanith 19.66 36 21 10 23 23 23 20 21 C Tanith Reyson 17.51 41 3 7 6 11 32 6 17 Tentatively, the part 4 teams (of those people that might matter) are: Silver Army Greil Army Hawk Army Tanith Mia Jill Janaff Shinon Nolan Ulki Neph Zihark Volug Haar
  24. Me! Honestly, it doesn't matter how bad Leo is, Lugh is so awesome that Leo can be extremely useful on this chapter. Though starting a Meg support in 3-6 might make it easier to hit stuff in 3-12 and 3-13 (namely hawks in 3-13). That is, if you can get it past C rank by 3-13.
  25. The entire premise of this argument is that I don't have enough gold to use Mend superfluously. Then you turn around and say Mend is overkill with Rhys. Not to mention the 2-E Recover staff is still existent (and for all intents and purposes, free). You're basically stating that there will never be a difference in healing between the two unless they need to use Physic.
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