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Everything posted by nflchamp

  1. OP = Original Post Well, you read the last question. Now connect it to the rest of the post. Make the DB good while moving at a relatively quick pace. Your advice no longer answers the question. Coming into a thread, not reading the OP (or anything else), and posting, whether or not it has anything to do with the topic, could be considered offensive not only to the topic creator but to everyone who has posted in response to the topic creator.
  2. The title actually asks for advice, namely from people who accomplished it in the past. Or rather, the title question is really just 'Help me, I need help making my Dawn Brigade good,' stated in a way that doesn't make it sound like you're conceited and demanding. Also, get used to at least reading the OP and, more times, recent discussion if you don't want people to nag you to do it. As far as I'm concerned, you should at least have the courtesy to read the OP.
  3. No offense, Integrity, but 124 turns in Part 1 of a RD draft isn't "modestly competitive." It's pretty much the equivalent of losing the draft right then and there. RD, I feel, has the opposite problem of other drafts insofar as Part 1 is the most important part. The other parts will play out generally the same no matter who you draft; penalties seem to be the biggest issue in part 2, part 3 you have Ike, and any competently drafted team will be able to handle part 4 in roughly the same amount of turns. The turn count differences simply aren't that different to have huge impact. For example, in the draft Integrity referenced I beat Integrity's part 1 turn count by 23 turns. At the end of the game I was ahead 32 turns. Moreover, Soul beat me by 26 turns in part 1 and finish 22 turns ahead of me.
  4. Archer. Though I did start Myrm on the lunatic playthrough.
  5. Soul,

    You had this problem in the other draft, too. Please learn how to count.


  6. Feel free to, though please leave your original run up.

  7. By the by, PoR will get the point across better than PR.
  8. 1) I agree with getting rid of the common free units. They're on the list pointlessly. 2) Eddie needs to go at least above Jill, though I think he could realistically go right under Haar. Let's just start with Jill. He's going to have at least a dozen turns on her just from lack of penalties from 1-P through 1-2 + 1-8. He's also around for 1-4 to potentially help and can keep the heat off Volug in drafts where you take penalties if Volug fights in 1-5. Not to mention he can be flat out better than Jill statwise by the time Jill even shows up. Sure, Jill has flight, but where does that really help? She possibly saves a turn in 1-7, a turn or two in 3-6 (if she's strong enough), a turn in 3-12, a turn in 3-13 (maybe). I doubt she can really beat him in part 4. 3) I'm going to have to agree with PB on Mist. Mist's healing is damn worthless in a draft. I mean, healing is generally pretty worthless in FE10 NM in the first place. Now overlevel all of my units.
  9. No idea. Feel free to keep playing either way, it's not like your team went anywhere.
  10. Well, even if you just add enemy phase the chance of landing 2 of 4 is ~92%.
  11. While firing up a ledge? That's about as good as you're going to get without crossbows. It's around 50-50 for a successful pair of hits after true hit.
  12. Ah, right. Then it's just mode differences.
  13. I'd assume the lack of ledge bonus is made up for with Micaiah support.
  14. SlayerX is technically right, but at a turn count of 575 I don't think we need to be too hard-assed on this one. Though for future reference GO, non-forced, non-drafted units can't be deployed unless there is some rule that says they can.
  15. Updated first post with progress. @Nico: as Xander said, you'll have to live with it.
  16. Obviously I don't really care, but you'll have to take over Xander's team as is. Oh yeah, Kevin, Meg was the last unit drafted.
  17. So long as you don't use it to forcefully gain the stats you want or get some silly small chance of occurring to happen, it's fine to battle save. It's fine for undrafted to rescue undrafted. They shouldn't be escaping, though.
  18. The Draft Results Shibeebaba Xander JBCWK Sho.M Garlyle Generic Officer Soul Haar Edward Nolan Volug Elincia Tauroneo Zihark Nailah Rafiel Mia Reyson Titania Laura Jill Marcia Leanne Oscar Nephenee Ranulf Aran Ilyana Gatrie Ulki Boyd Mordecai Shinon Bastian Heather Janaff Mist Tibarn Soren Geoffrey Renning Lucia Calill Kieran Naesala Rhys Tormod Tanith Danved Sigrun Brom Skrimir Kyza Caineghis Black Knight Nealuchi Fiona Astrid Maurim Makalov Giffca Oliver Lyre Sanaki Lethe Leonardo Rolf Nasir Ena Stefan Meg Lehran Pelleas Vika Gareth Kurthnaga Volke BTW, Xander's team is hilarious in my opinion.
  19. Alright, all the lists are in. Garlyle put Marcia in his twice, so unless he gets back soon I'm just going to assume the higher position is the right one. Might not matter anyways, so I'm going to start and see what happens. Edit: Actually, Xander missed Jill. Edit2: Doubt it matters, from the looks of things. Going to start. Need to edit list to post them.
  20. Alright, that's 7 people. Now get your rankings in.
  21. If it's every map with an average of 8 turns that would put you at around 344 turns. If it's every chapter then you're only around 304. Either way, my HM playthrough ended at 274 while dondon finished at 227. I'm probably the higher end of what you should shoot for if you even want to be around what could be called efficient.
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