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Everything posted by nflchamp

  1. I really wouldn't be surprised if someone took the time to wrtie up a decent Titania vs Mia and Gatrie vs Mia. I mean, Colonel M already poked holes in the idea (well, Vykan too) and there is plenty of Titania > Mia supporters because of it. In all likelihood, I expect Titania to move above Mia again. Gatrie is another story, though it is a possibility.
  2. I have more problems with smash than paperblade everywhere. Paperblade actually listens to critism.
  3. It still doesn't tell much since the discussion was about the GMs and not the DB.
  4. Oscar doesn't suddenly start quadding with Paragon, so I don't see how it changes anything. Well, if you want some flesh to the argument, I'll provide. The GMs generally want to get rid of enemies as quickly as possible and continue on in their chapters. Usually for BEXP, but sometimes they care for reasons such as 3-5, where they have limited time to get to the boss, and 3-7 where they want to get as much CEXP as possible. Oh, and your rules demand it, but who cares about that. Because the GMs want a quick pace and have a good number of units, they want offense more than defense so long as their defense doesn't make them unusable.
  5. *sigh* I know. It only annoys me because he calls it efficiency despite nothing about it being efficient. Well, first things first. Lehran down. Normally I wouldn't advocate what is basically a two tier drop, but this shit just can't stand and I'm not going to waste my life arguing him down one at a time for what is 2/3 of another games cast. <_<
  6. Except when she does. Which is what happens when she's given paragon for a chapter. But, hey, that's just the rest of our opinions. The biggest difference being that Oscar doesn't bring what we want to the GM, offense. Yes, the GMs care more about offense than defense. So long as defense isn't so bad the character can't be used, a better offense is appreciated in the GMs. I know this rocks smash's world where defense is the most important thing ever, but it is the truth.
  7. I don't have "craptons of BEXP" in HM. Though Neph will probably be close to tier 3 by 3-E. Promotes during 3-E or first Part 4 chapter for sure. Probs sooner, as she is one of few units doubling. And Elincia sucks in smashes opinion because she can't get Paragon to quad.
  8. The only thing I'll put out here is this. Lehran is in low on the other list not because of how utility is viewed, but rather because he is properly ranked only above people who suck enough to be a negative. Unlike here where he is ranked in the middle for no apparent reason, as quite a few people below him (pretty much everyone down through Sanaki) should have an overall net positive utility. They're not WTFawesome, but they are at least helping beat the game.
  9. The Tibarn one can also be from formshift and the enemy AI not recognizing Tibarn can't untransform. They'll attack to try and make him untransform.
  10. And, you know, her class being Red Dragon and everything. Let's not mention that, though.
  11. There is an option (in the option menu) where animations are only done when you hold some button.
  12. Which makes the obvious solution to set it up so no one faces two attacks before they can heal.
  13. Facing criticals is also an issue, I've seen it happen and it sucks to have to do the whole chapter if you're on hard. Two options: One: Card the BK. Cards don't allow counters. Two: Mist. Ike gets +10 cev and his base is 14, so being adjacent to Mist makes him immune to crits from the BK as long as he proc'd just 1 point of luck since 3-P began. As long as the other things nearby are dead and Ike is at the edge of BK's attack range, Mist will be safe (she'll be outside the BK's range). You have 2 hawks + Haar so rescuing both of them and getting them out of there afterwards is simple. With proper planning, if Ike has 27 spd then there should be zero probability of Ike dying. Letting Ike risk death is just horrible tactics. Without 27 spd, I hope you have a card and if you do then there is again 0% chance of Ike dying when done right. I'm pretty sure you can just buy the crappy cards at that point anyways.
  14. Since when do you have gold issues in PoR? If it's for RD Bronze is perfect as it is, and even then there's battle save abuse in case you have an unwanted critical. It's not that I have gold issues in PoR, it's that I only can make one forge a chapter. Do I really want to waste it on a weapon for boss abuse? Do you really need a forge in every chapter? Yes. At least, if you want a good forge for each character along the way so that your team performs at their best. You have a few maps to make iron weapons, then steel becomes available and you need to make those. Then Javelins and Hand Axes become available and it's a good idea to make some of those. Then Silver weapons become available and you can only make like 5 of them or something in HM. So, yes, you need a good forge every chapter. No. I asked if he needs them, not if he wants them. If you needed a forge every chapter, then this game would be hard. It's easy. Hard part of the game's over when you're able to forge stuff and unless you're intentionally using pathetic units or an assload of them, it won't kill you to go several chapters without a forge and if money's no issue either, then neither is forging a weapon for boss abuse or whatever you want. What's the difference between needing them and wanting them in this situation? I only get one a chapter. As they are better than normal weapons, why wouldn't I want to spend my money on a good forge? And if the game is easy, why do I want to boss abuse?
  15. Since when do you have gold issues in PoR? If it's for RD Bronze is perfect as it is, and even then there's battle save abuse in case you have an unwanted critical. It's not that I have gold issues in PoR, it's that I only can make one forge a chapter. Do I really want to waste it on a weapon for boss abuse?
  16. Seriously, Chancellor below Cat Laguz. Why a useless class is Mid Tier in this list is beyond me. The only question I have you, Narga, is this: why make a "class tier list" which does the exact same thing as the regular tier list except tell me even less information than the regular tier list, which is pretty close to nothing already?
  17. There are wolf branded people, just not on this side of the desert. Nailah says so at some point that unions between laguz and beorc happened occasionally in Hatari. Edit: And it came before I finished reading the topic.
  18. I'm agreeing with Naggy here. This seems like a pointless exercise. Though until that's addressed, I might as well say Chancellor should go down. Lehran is low for a reason. He does squat.
  19. I suppose I should give some leeway so you can have no characters you plan on using in a chapter. In that case, you can only use counter-attacks to fight.
  20. Well, I didn't really mean to make it as a competition, but since I wrote it all up in order to hold myself to it, I figured I'd turn it into one. Sort of. Whatever. The Rulez General Normal Mode, No Transfers, First Playthrough Lowest turn count wins No Battle Saves – ever All innate skills must be removed ASAP Supporters cannot have the same affinity Characters cannot level up using BEXP, only CEXP (or staffs) 1-2 range cannot be used except by mages No forge No stealing – ever Only one item can be bought from the ‘Bargains’ each chapter Mages cannot use fire (Fire, Elfire, etc.) tomes If a chapter is restarted, a 2-turn penalty is incurred Part 1 SIX characters must be used (no more, no less) Nailah, BK, and LEA cannot be used (exception: BK can be used in 1-9) A character that is being used must be fielded whenever possible. If a character is forced and not one of the characters being used, they must be unequipped and avoid combat If a chacter that is being used is killed, the chapter must be restarted Meg or Fiona must be one of the used characters A magic user (Micaiah, Ilyana, Laura) must be one of the used characters All used characters must be in the same tier (either tier 1 or tier 2) at the end of Part 1 (Micaiah counts as either, laguz levels = 1.5x displayed level and every 20 levels is a tier {displayed level 15 Volug = level 22.5 or level 20/2.5}) Sothe x Micaiah support must be broken ASAP, even if both are used Part 2 Elincia cannot use Amiti or ‘Blades’ (Iron Blade, etc.) Only one of Nephenee or Brom can be used in 2-1, the other must be unequipped and avoid combat Laguz cannot transform in 2-2 ‘Special’ weapons (Killer, Brave, Hammer, etc.) cannot be used Part 3 GM TWELVE characters must be used (no more, no less) Haar and laguz cannot be used A character being used must be fielded whenever possible. If a character is forced and not one of the characters being used, they must be unequipped and avoid combat If a chacter that is being used is killed, the chapter must be restarted One of Tanith or Sigrun must be used One of the CRK must be used One of Rhys or Mist must be used If Ilyana was used in Part 1, she must be used in Part 3 GM All used characters must be tier 3 at the end of Part 3 GM ‘Special’ weapons cannot be used Part 3 DB The characters used in Part 1 must be used in Part 3 DB If a chacter that is being used is killed, the chapter must be restarted Beastfoe cannot be used All used characters must be in the same tier (either tier 2 or tier 3) at the end of Part 3 DB (Micaiah and Sothe do not count, laguz levels = 1.5x displayed level and every 20 levels is a tier) Part 4 – Pre-Endgame All characters who were used in Part 1 and 3 must be used and fielded If any of these characters are killed, the chapter must be restarted Part 4 – Endgame Laguz Royals cannot be used (Laguz Royals are laguz with formshift) One magic user other than Micaiah and Sanaki (Laura, Ilyana, Tormod, Soren, Calill, Rhys, Bastian) must be fielded in Endgame All characters must be withing 5 levels of each other at the end of the game (characters that do nothing in Endgame do not count, laguz levels = 1.5x displayed level and every 20 levels is a tier) There aren't really a set number of people who can do it. It doesn't really matter. I'll make a list of people doing it, though. Ask questions if you want clarification. Or impossibilities, I don't claim to be perfect. If you decide to do it, I'd ask for updates on progress. Nothing complicated, just a where you are and how you are doing.
  21. How do you know that? I don't, I'm just basing it off of what I know about RFoF.
  22. Boyd will get a 6.5 Oscar will get a 7 Shinon will get an 8.5
  23. That seems a bit overkill to me, but, if that's what you think. Personally, I'd think that anything more than 3x is overkill, seeing as how after that, your accuracy goes to dust anyway. It's hard mode, I don't care if your accuracy is destroyed due to weapon triangle. Conversely, your avoid rocks when you works for you.
  24. 8x. That'll teach ya to pay attention to it.
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