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Everything posted by nflchamp

  1. I realize I would care so much more about my game this week if I actually thought it meant anything.
  2. I wasn't really talking about penalties as I was the inability to make plays they have no excuse not making or playing stupid. That would include poor tackling, stupid passes, breakdowns in coverage, drops, etc. Things that need to polished so the team looks good. They have talent - they even show off their talent most of the time - they just don't make the easy plays that win ball games.
  3. Janaff could use an energy drop or BEXP to forcefully get STR. He misses ORKO without +1STR or something like that. Ulki would like both a drop and BEXP cause he's -2STR from Janaff to begin with.
  4. Right, so it's completely and utterly unreasonable to get Nealuchi to S-strike in part 2.
  5. The Lions are too rough around the edges, so to speak. They lack the poise, discipline maybe, to outplay their opponents.
  6. You're generally supposed to use Nosferatu to survive the attack. Unless you're getting OHKO'd. That's a much bigger problem.
  7. There's another week to this game.
  8. The turning point of that game was the Stafford fumble. Packers seem to have no answer for the Lions offense, Stafford fumbles, and then the Lions don't seem to have any idea how to score anymore.
  9. Yeah, and I have to decide Surf is better than Water Gun. I have to decide the ultimate sword is better than the wooden one in most games. "Stronger weapon is better than worse weapon" is a decision made in nearly every game with equipment. I'd argue FE requires more strategy on that front solely because it gives a reason you might not want to use the stronger weapon all the time. You're oversimplify the current system to a ridiculous degree because you're used to it.
  10. Well, since you ask: This is a terrible sentence, most notably because of the redundancy. Just end it at "much" and put the rest of it in the next sentence. Speaking of... This is already a terrible run-on. Combining "most colleges won't particularly care" and "If your writing is really sloppy, it'll look bad" and ending the sentence will not only break up this run-on sentence, but put two things that go together together. 'Most colleges won't particularly care unless your writing is really sloppy' further explains "it doesn't come up much" of the previous sentence. The latter half of this sentence can be worked with the next sentence as to not be redundant. Here you can mention how the Oxford comma is really a minor issue and only comes up in specific instances. This is great and all, but you're on a tangent. Further comments on where using an Oxford comma, or not using an Oxford comma, would find complaints would be more appropriate. Though, to make sure I'm being thorough, I'll point out how your last sentence is another run-on. You should split it at "out.
  11. And I disagree with almost the entire paragraph above my quote in your post.
  12. I hear the last Twilight movie is great before they go back to following the plot of the books.
  13. For the record, there should be a period after print. Get rid of "but" entirely and capitalize the next word to get rid of the run-on sentence. I'd also suggest changing the comma that's already there to hyphen and insert an "I" afterwards to get a proper second sentence.
  14. While I haven't read any of the arguments, nor do I really care about them, I will make this clear. No one gives a crap about Boyd(T)'s optimal resource bundle. If giving him that speedwing is a good deal worse than using it on Titania or whoever, than it's highly unlikely he gets it. It doesn't matter that Boyd(T) wants it; we only care about what helps us, the players, most.
  15. For the Nebraska hit, I don't care whether the hit was legal or not in the end, it was going to get flagged. He was moving upward with the hit and threw his arm at a guy who wasn't looking his direction. That's just asking to get a flag thrown for a blindside hit. For Martinez getting thrown to the ground, well, what can I say? It's still legal to throw a ball carrier to the ground that way. Don't know if I can agree with the fact it is, but there's nothing to flag.
  16. I don't need to find another fantasy defense then.
  17. Standings: EAST TEAM W L T PCT GB Detroit Silver Crush 7 5 0 .583 -- Green Bay Chaos 5 7 0 .417 2 San Deigo Schizoids 5 7 0 .417 2 WEST TEAM W L T PCT GB Greater Houston Garden Gnomes 8 4 0 .667 -- The Fearections 7 5 0 .583 1 New York Let's Do It 4 8 0 .333 4 As previously noted, one week until playoffs.
  18. I'd never suggest shipping Paragon over. It's a possibility and should be considered as a cost to DB units using it, but I'd never suggest shipping it over.
  19. Well, since no one as anybody playing in the Eagles-Panthers game, we can chalk this week up. And Model Emu's chances of the playoffs. Yes, you're actually mathematically eliminated this time since SilentSentinel and I play next week.
  20. What, I'm not arguing the change. I just think it's silly to say that Marcia is more useful in pre-Endgame part 4. If she is it's by some slim margin that's hardly noticeable.
  21. The bigger problem here being that she isn't doing anything that impressive compared to (insert trained foot unit here). Keeping her alive is fine and dandy, but she's just another run of the mill unit rather than something impressive. That's the same boat Neph's in.
  22. I disagree with this sentiment and this sentiment alone. There are bows and crossbows in both the Silver army's chapters and 44HP/21DEF isn't that good of durability. In 4-P she'll be around the 4-5HKO range at likely pretty good hit rates against Paladins. (I mean, it's not like Micaiah is giving her any help. And who is she going to have a support with?) And if there's anything that's actually likely to get 4-5 hits in a single enemy phase, it's Paladins. She might have the ever so slight advantage of being able to ORKO with Horseslayer in 4-P, but it's not like that isn't easily replicable. Overall though, I'll agree with the proposed move.
  23. That touchdown was bogus, but please don't blame the refs for that one. Being unsure whether or not Forsett was down they didn't stop the play, which is the right thing to do. The fact that Schwartz threw the challenge flag on a scoring play is the reason the play was not reviewed and overturned, as would be expected. Now I think it's silly to get that double whammy of not getting a review and taking a 15-yard penalty, but that's the rule. This one ain't on the refs.
  24. Happy Thanksgiving. Are there any good games today?
  25. Alright, I admit it, I'm really sick of all the skill players I start not doing anything. Standings EAST TEAM W L T PCT GB Detroit Silver Crush 7 4 0 .636 -- Green Bay Chaos 4 7 0 .364 3 San Deigo Schizoids 4 7 0 .364 3 WEST TEAM W L T PCT GB The Fearections 7 4 0 .636 -- Greater Houston Garden Gnomes 7 4 0 .636 -- New York Let's Do It 4 7 0 .364 3 Two weeks to go!
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