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Carmine Sword

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Everything posted by Carmine Sword

  1. Nooooo. So much for using Warp. Rebecca and Hawkeye. I thought about sniping Nino, but Hawkeye seems more useful. I'll update the OP to specify that Dart can be attacked without being countered in Chapter 18. Chapter 11: 7/7 I don't have stats until the end of Chapter 13 since I just rushed through. Eliwood went ahead, using the Energy Ring given to him by Dorcas along the way so that he could 2HKO brigands with an Iron Sword. Rebecca chipped an archer so that Eliwood could kill it later for a 2nd level up in order to double the brigands near the boss, and then she spent the rest of the chapter slowly killing a brigand before getting the Dracoshield village on the last turn. Chapter 12: 7/14 Eliwood went towards the mountain. Rebecca killed a half-dead merc that Eliwood chipped and then went up and killed some enemies that Hector and Oswin failed to kill themselves. Oswin bought 4 Iron Swords and an Iron Bow on the last turn. Chapter 13: 6/20 Eliwood wades through the river and reaches the boss on turn 5. He has to either crit the boss or dodge two 66 displayed hit steel lances from him. Eliwood ended up getting the crit. Rebecca got no exp this chapter because she had to go get the Merlinus village. Matthew recruited a Killing Edge. Stats: Eliwood Lv.9.49 25HP/14Str/9Skl/14Spd/10Lck/6Def/2Res B Swords Rebecca Lv. 3.30 19HP/6Str/7Skl/8Spd/6Lck/3Def/2Res D Bows
  2. Even with just Eliwood soloing, I'm sure Chapter 18 can be finished in under 20 (or is it 15?) turns to fulfill the gaiden requirement. I guess the penalty can be used for Chapter 16x if anyone fails to reach it. Although I don't think anyone will pick Serra so it's probably a moot point anyway.
  3. I'm taking Nino only if Gradivus snipes my pick. Even then I might pick someone else.
  4. Undrafted units cannot visit villages for future reference. Also, don't you want to wait until all of the Chapter 11 units have been drafted before starting in case you draft one of them?
  5. Damn it Quint, my Spanish is really rusty so I had to bring out my old Spanish-to-English dictionary to read that. My language skills have seen better days. So does that mean you're picking Lucius?
  6. Yeah, you're probably right. I'll guess I'll put the drafting order up in a moment. EDIT: So here's the drafting order. I'll put up the image later when I'm less lazy/if people actually care. 1.Quintessence 2.Horace 3.Baldrick 4.Paradigm 5.MagicisOP 6.Gradivus 7.Zerosabers 8.Carmine Sword I have no idea how good or bad being last pick is in this kind of draft.
  7. So do you all think that we should hold out for 4 more people to join, or should we just have 8 people in the draft and ban the leftover undrafted units?
  8. Yeah, Quint is in this. For the sake of variety, I'm banning you from drafting Lucius this time Quint.
  9. Stone Ocean just felt rather mediocre compared to Vento Aureo. I mean, yeah, it had some really good moments, but it had a lot of meh moments too. Most of the stands especially seemed really lame compared to Vento Aureo, which has some of the best stands in the series imo. Weather Report is a particularly egregious example, since it stretches the definition of weather control really far (refracting rays of sunlight to send subliminal messages into peoples minds that make them think that they are turning into snails? I'm sorry, but what?), with its powers seemingly limited only by Araki's your imagination. Though I'll admit, I kind of like Weather Report despite the above statement because I find the absurdity of it's range of powers kind of hilarious. It's like a B-movie in that it becomes so bad it's good.
  10. Maribelle is way better than Brady in-game. Maribelle is outclassed by most of the other healers in the game, but Donnel is also outclassed by pretty much any half-decent combat unit, so it's kind of just nitpicking whether or not which one is worse.
  11. We're halfway there, cool. I updated the OP to specify that you can use Marcus to meatshield until Chapter 14 like the other units. He still cannot be used for combat at all however,
  12. 12 people each draft 2 non-mounted units and try to get the lowest turncount with their given team. It's called sadistic because you have no mounts (except promoted Eliwood, but he only has 7 move anyway) and an extremely limited number of units.
  13. FE6: Wendy FE7: Nino FE8: Amelia FE13: Donnel As far as Cecillia and Yuno are concerned, an 8 move Restore user and another unit to rescue-drop dudes over the mountain in Chapter 21 to avoid the reinforcement zones are far better than whatever Wendy and Sophia aren't doing.
  14. I'm kind of in a drafting mood right now, and I was kind of bummed that I wasn't able to join the last Sadistic Draft, so I figured why not make another one? I'm sure it will a good time for everybody involved except eclipse. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 12 players. They will only draft 2 units each. The remainder will be banned. Mounted units are not allowed to be drafted. 2. Eliwood, Merlinus, Ninian/Nils, and Athos are free for everyone to use. 3. Geitz and Wallace are drafted as a pair. 4. The game will be played on Eliwood Normal Mode, skipping Lyn Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building supports, opening doors or chests, and talking to Fargus in Chapter 16x. 3. All gaiden chapters except 22x and 26x are required to be visited. 22x and 26x may be visited at the player's discretion, and do not count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken per chapter. 4. Other units may do as they please without penalty. 5. Defend chapters count the last played player phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Marcus has a penalty on 10 turns per chapter. 2. All other undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty per unit per chapter. 3. If you are unable to obtain a required gaiden chapter (13x, 16x, etc.) with your team, you may take a 10 turn penalty in place of going to that chapter. Exceptions: 1. Meatshielding is allowed until Chapter 14 (the first map with the Preparations Screen). Marcus is allowed to meatshield during these chapters. 2. Lyn, Kent, Sain, and Wil are free for Chapter 15. 3. Undrafted thieves may be used to obtain necessary promotion items. 4. A flier may be used to rescue/drop units and visit the villages in Chapter 27 free of penalty. 5. Oswin and Hector are free for Chapter 12. 6. Dart may be attacked in Chapter 18 without countering free of penalty. Los Teams: Quintessence's Team: Lucius, Raven Horace's Team: Erk, Dorcas ~ 159 Turns Baldrick's Team: Hector, Nino ~ 169 Turns Paradigm's Team: Bartre, Lyn MagicisOP's Team: Canas, Wil Gradivus' Team: Oswin, Serra ~ 182 Turns Zerosabers' Team: Pent, Guy ~ 291 Turns Carmine Sword's Team: Rebecca, Hawkeye ~ 177 Turns El Bonus Team: Eclipse's Team: Matthew, Dart [spoiler=Units Remaining] Rebecca Dorcas Bartre Hector Oswin Serra Matthew Guy Erk Lyn Wil Raven Lucius Canas Dart Legault Hawkeye Wallace/Geitz Pent Louise Karel Harken Nino Jaffar Renault
  15. I love that your Marcus is better than Cecillia in pretty much every way.
  16. With regards to improving my turn-count, I think Chapters 8 and 12 could have been done a turn faster with better positioning. Cecillia and Sophia brought Killer weapons of their own, and Hammerne wasn't actually necessary since Chad could have used the Unlock Staff to open the door to Yuno's cell instead of Rescuing her out by positioning him better, so that saves a turn each in Chapters 13 and 15. Chapter 16 can probably be done faster, but I'm terrible at planning out long maps like Chapter 16, so meh. Chapters 17 and 22 could have each been done a turn faster if the Ward was able to ORKO the bosses in any way, but Arcard had 21 speed and 25 + 3 defense, so Ward couldn't double him even with max speed (lol max speed Ward) and he's too thwomp to OHKO with a Horseslayer. It also would have required Ward to dodge two 100 displayed hit sleep staves instead of just one. Zephiel just has too much HP and defense to ORKO with Killer Lance crits. Overall, I feel that I got kind of lucky with the randomizer. Roy and Marcus got great classes with good bases on top of that along with the vast majority of the bosses being chumps. Such is the nature of the randomizer I suppose. EDIT: Oh yeah, I could have 3 turned Chapter 14, but then I wouldn't have been able to get the Warp Staff, which would have cost more turns later.
  17. [FE6 Randomized] The One Where You Can Snipe Completed in 145 Turns. Team: Cavalier!Roy, Nomadic Trooper!Marcus, Bard!Bors, Wyvern Rider!Ward, Cleric!Chad, Thief!Lugh, Cavalier!Saul, Nomad!Wendy, Bard!Oujay, Mercenary!Sophia, Swordmaster!Niime, Bishop!Yuno
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