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Everything posted by UnknownUber

  1. I think IS are going to keep Archetypes in mind when making units. Here's what I'm predicting so far for Archetypes. Nohr: Gunter (Jeigan) Lazward (Ogma) Elise (Maria/Lena) Zero (Julien) Garon (Gharnef) Aqua (Feena/Jeorge) Effie (Draug) Odin (Merric) Belka (Minerva) Arthur (Bord) Hoshido: Sakura (Lena) Kazahana (Nabarl) Mikoto (Cornelius) Takumi (Gordin) Saizou and Kaze (Abel and Cain) or (Aran and Samson since only one can be recruited in the Nohr version) Tsukuyomi (Merric) Mozume (Est) Crimson (Minerva)
  2. So with Oboro's crush on Takumi, does anyone else think the Nohr side will have subordinates like that personality-wise? I can maybe see Pieri have a small crush on Xander, but Elise and Arthur seems a bit odd....
  3. I doubt the Children will play a minor part in the story. They'll probably pull some time-travel or dimension hopping BS again. As I said before, they'll probably be a child character who's important to the plot. More then likely either Ryouma or Xander's kid depending on which version you play. Maybe Aqua is secretly a Second gen? Nah that's stupid. Maybe Luna, Odin, and Lazward are secretly second gen units because they look like Awakening children. Illuminati confirmed...
  4. Has anyone translated what Kamui is saying to Felicia? I need my feels for the day....
  5. Also, it seems children are based on the father and not the mother like in previous games. It's also quite possible they're be a Lucina-Esque Character to tie up the Second gen storyline more then likely it'd be Ryouma or Xander's child depending on what version you play.... What if Aqua is Actually Xander or Leo's Daughter from the future. It could provide an explanation on why she's been prisoner in Hoshido, like she was mysteriously warped to the past or something... Nah, that sounds stupid... Any speculation on the other children we haven't seen?
  6. Since we now know the answer if Marriage is in FE: Fates. We also know children are coming back. But just how will they factor into the story? Were they sent from the future like Awakening's? Or were they from another dimension? Speculation Commences!
  7. Updated Op. Also, Felica's confession image. I almost died due to the cuteness...
  8. You can only get this unit if Avatar is male. Felicia is so canon! Really anyone can make a stupid argument like that.
  9. Stated this in the Romance topic, part me sadly awaits the Gender-locked units as "Evidence" for canon pairings... I wouldn't mind if Felica was "Canon" though....
  10. With all the talk of Gender-Exclusive classes, part me sadly awaits the people using this as an arguement for Corrin's "Canon" Pairing. Also, I'll be sure to update the OP
  11. Kinda sad, when the Treehouse guys are more bearable then the IGN stream... But this confirms Felicia and Joker are gender-locked.
  12. Kinda bothered by the spoiler. Both the fact that they showed it way too early, and then it happens too early, I would have expected it to show up later on. It didn't help that the people demonstrating it were horrible. I did laugh when the treehouse members exposed that girl for her Chrom Mousepad on Stream
  13. So the Treehouse just dropped a significant spoiler. They tried to hide it though...
  14. It was stated here, that Felicia will be in charge of My Castle if you're male, and another character will be if you're female. (I'm assuming it's Joker and he may get a name change come English release) https://youtu.be/arFsxZ8QWPM?t=7h29m9s
  15. Ryouma will transform into a lobster, and Marx will transform into a Pig because Karl Marx
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DBH1i1CW3M The Japanese Version of the trailer for those interested
  17. Aqua's Singing Voice made me cringe a bit tbh. It's the same feeling I get when people make English covers of Anime OP's or ED's it seems like a literal translation. The other voices were ok, I wish we got to see more gameplay though. We have the treehouse for that though.
  18. My thanks to everyone accepting my apology, from now on, I just want to discuss the game like everyone else. Hopefully talking and speculating with everyone else will pass the time along.
  19. I'm sorry for the Petition. I really hated how it turned out. All of you have a right to be disgusted with me, I am entitled. I totally made it out of impulse and I had no idea what factors Nintendo had to jump through to get this game released and I had no clue about Sales figures and what not. I'm sorry to the Admin having to forcefully lock the topic. I think I don't need to be on here anymore, I've disgraced myself and I'm probably not welcome here. I'm sorry everyone. Also, the petition has been closed. I appreciate those who signed, but I feel horrible. My apologies once again
  20. It's fine. I appreciate the feedback. In a way, yeah I'm entitled, we all are in a way. I wasn't even expecting it to go anywhere. I'll leave it up if anyone actually signs. But I apologize if I came across that way, and I'm probably getting laughed off the site at this point. In a way, it was probably the rush of excitement that prompted me to make it. I guess waiting to 2016 is inevitable, but I'm still hopeful somewhat. I understand where all of you are coming from though. My apologies.
  21. https://www.change.org/p/nintendo-move-fire-emblem-fates-release-date-to-late-2015?just_created=true Sign if you're interested. I doubt it'll happen. But hey, anything can change right? I expect to get a lot of hate for this as well, but I feel Nintendo can pull it off.
  22. Out of curiosity, were you able to translate the story dialogue in the profiles? Thanks for these translations btw, you rock!
  23. Once someone gives me a translated name for the features I mentioned, then I'll update the romance topic OP. Also, it seems Felicia and Joker will be giving regular video updates. I hope they do this for NA as well. Orochi's face looks freaking scary. That smile is unnatural. Can someone translate the profiles?
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