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Julius Nepos

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Status Updates posted by Julius Nepos

  1. Bon anniversaire, Lux !

  2. Happy birthday!

    1. Chen


      whoa!! thanks!!

  3. I played Fates for the first time yesterday and saw Oboro in the prologue; it immediately reminded me of you.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Julius Nepos

      Julius Nepos

      You've always got my back; how kind of you.

    3. Arcanite


      Anytime, sunshine ;)

    4. Julius Nepos
  4. Hi, do you know when you'll be able to have your interview yet?

    1. Rex Glacies

      Rex Glacies

      Anytime by now. I'm sorry that it had to be put on hold- I've been on numerous trips during the most of June, and simply couldn't have been available for the full part of any interview. But I'm back now, and there is little going on in the coming weeks that would prevent me from answering questions.

      Also, thank you for putting it on hold. It really means a lot to me.

    2. Julius Nepos

      Julius Nepos

      Alright, then I'll schedule your interview to start this Sunday, right after interview #132. Glad to see you're back!

      You're welcome, but it really was no trouble for me.

  5. Something happened to your sig of which I don't know if it should be described as beautiful or as terrifying.

    1. Rezzy


      On mobile, I'll have to check it when I get home.  I saw my pics turned to text last night.

    2. Julius Nepos

      Julius Nepos

      That's what I was referring to! RIP Rezzy's sig.

  6. I am here to tell you that imperium unum et indivisum est.

    Just accept it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Julius Nepos

      Julius Nepos

      Good for them!

      I'm pretty sure the Dodgers have neither imperium nor sovereignty.

    3. Rezzy


      They do call themselves Dodger Nation.

    4. Julius Nepos

      Julius Nepos

      Now if only constitutional law worked that way...

  7. Oops, I'm a day late, but happy birthday!

    1. GuiltyLove


      I am honored! I am outside but I will respond as soon as I can when I get on my computer :)

  8. This is the weirdest Oboro avatar you've ever had.

    1. Arcanite


      Trust me, I know XD

      Just decided to switch it up a little ;)

      Spinoboro is coming tomorrow though LOL

  9. I love all the references you make, haha. I hope you had fun with this interview.

    1. MrSmokestack


      I most definitely did! I appreciated the opportunity to participate since Arcanite, Ampharos, and I are still pretty new here by forum standards.

      Thanks again!

  10. Happy birthday!

  11. Sharing this because it reminded me of you: https://9gag.com/gag/avGwwKb

    1. Kinumi


      this was enlightening, thank u hatt

  12. Nice theme. That sig is gorgeous.

    1. HK Motendra

      HK Motendra

      You'd be the first to mention it, thanks!

  13. Happy birthday!

    1. Jedi


      Thank you very much ^^

  14. Hi, this is random, but I always tell people when they appear in my dreams, so here goes!

    I had a dream that you came over for dinner with my family and then afterwards we played some sort of cards game, and then while you were in the kitchen to get something or put something away (I remember little about the dream, sorry) a card with a question about K-Pop came up and I thought to myself: "Man, I bet Kim will like this one," and I couldn't wait for you to come back.

    That's all I remember of it.

    1. Kinumi



  15. Happy birthday!

    Truly a joyous day for Eevees everywhere.

  16. Happy birthday!

    1. Rapier


      Thanks! And sorry for the delay on my reply, I've been kinda busy.

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