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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. You two are not alone I ended the banner with a 10% pity rate and no L!Tiki again. On the other hand the game gave me a free merge for my Roy, so I guess it really does even out in the long run.
  2. I love Titania's art, she look so lovely! I am so happy we get her for free. The one I want most on the banner is Soren. I would also like Griel but him sharing with Mist when I don't need any more green cav mages makes me want to skip him for now. Ike would be OK, but I don't really need another red armor since BK and H!Myrrh have me covered. So anyway I decided to snip some blue, but I won't go to heavy in to this banner since that BB banner is a month away. I will keep the TT orbs safe until I see who is on the BB banner, but if there is no Elphin then I may use them on this banner.
  3. Dang I looked at the trailer and Soren has to be close in design to Ciel from Black Butler. Now I want him since I have a bad habit of making look alike teams of characters whose art looks like my favorite anime/manga characters. Hopefully I get lucky.
  4. Well The one I want most is the TT reward so my orbs are safe after the mega drain of the last legendary banner. I am saving orbs for the BB banner in the faint hope Elphin is on it.
  5. Exactly. All that supports them only being married for a couple of years. Pent is a high ranking lord, so Louise would probably have been expected to have a child as quickly as possible. Them being married for 6 years before having their first kid doesn't make sense to me. So I always thought that they were fairly early on in their marriage, like 2 to 3 years max.
  6. On Pent and Louise, That support is about when they got engaged it does not say when they were married. Marriages were decided years in advance for nobles in most countries, so that support being about when Pent picked who he would marry makes sense. Honestly seeing Pent and Louise interact makes me think they haven't been married that long in game. It would creep me out if that support said they were married right after, but since it doesn't say anything about when they had their wedding I think it happened a few years after that.
  7. I am voting for L!Azura since she is the 5* I want most. I am hoping that some type of Hector wins green because DC fodder would be great, colorless i don't care about and as for red I am hoping that L!Marth or Hrid win since I have a good Tibarn already.
  8. Well my free pulls so far have been fodder. I am ending the legendary banner with 10% pity rate since I am out of orbs and no L!tiki again. I did get a Duma at the start so I am not too bummed. I guess my luck is evening out from last month.
  9. If they do justice to Lloyd finally I would be so happy:) I don't hate the artist that did Lloyd, but they were the wrong one to draw him and it did not do him justice.
  10. I really hope the left is from FE 4 or 5 since those two games have zero seasonal units, and Eldigan would make me pull a lot on this banner, but I will take Sigurd. The right could be Ike or Boyd.
  11. Thanks I missed that. I was hoping to use those orbs at another shot at L!Tiki but now I can't.
  12. Did they change the end day for arena again? I just tried to get my rewards, but it keeps saying that there is one more day in the season.
  13. This is me, some of my favs are TT/GHB units so I need every grail for merges. I don't really do intense SI right now and I am more focused on merging all my top favs to +10 it takes a bunch of gails to do that.
  14. I put my first vote for L!Azura since she is the only unit I don't have that I want.
  15. I am really hoping Seth's refine is good, since he is one of my favorites but I stopped using him in Heroes once I pulled Sigurd because ruby sword is only really good against mages. My highest 5* merge is my V!Lilina who is +4, she seemed to really like me on her banner. I have some 4*+10s and I finally pulled enough Shigures to +10 him once I get the feathers together. Ares is next after Shigure. I am just really lazy on grinding feathers so my merge projects take a really long time.
  16. I got S!Lucina who I did not have, so I will take her even though she won't be replacing Ishtar as my blue infantry mage any time soon. I am really hoping I get to pull green next week so I have a shot at Hector or Innes since those are the two from last year that I don't have but want.
  17. Well no red on my free 5* pull so I went blue and got S!Lucina who I did not have so that was nice. I am up to 9% pity rate on the legendary trying for Tiki I really hope she comes home soon because I am getting tiered of trying for her.
  18. Red or blue on the first since those two colors are ones I don't have, green or blue on the second because those two have the units I want. I really hope that I get lucky with my colors since I will be stuck with what I get. I would have rather this had been that "legendary" banner in the datamine, but I will take what I get.
  19. L!Azura for sure. I don't know if I will vote for anyone else it depends, if anyone has good ideas for the other 3 colors let me know.
  20. Well I guess I will pull red on year one seasonal since Tharja is the only year one seasonal I want that I don't have, and green on the year 2 seasonal since Hector or Innes are the ones I want there if I get green or blue for Ninian. Who would be the best to vote for in the mini game? I guess L!Azura, but if someone has someone else that would be good convince me. The flowers sound OK and at least we will get some from AR. Best part of this was the art at the end I liked them all.
  21. I am going to say the anime Drifters. My hero as a kid was Joan of Arc (she still is my hero) so I heard that Drifters had historical figures as the main characters and that she was in it, sadly they turned her in to a bad guy and I gave up on it because seeing her being a bad guy about broke my heart.
  22. That is about as likely as me waking up tomorrow and not be a type one diabetic anymore, but dang it would be nice. I am just hoping to get enough orbs to get L!Tiki and hopefully a free 5*. If there is more that is great, if not I wasn't expecting all that much anyway.
  23. As long as they are not on "new" heroes banner taking spots that could have gone to someone who was not in the game. Looking at you mage Erika who should have been Knoll, Myrrh could have sold that banner by herself. Then I can live with them being in the game even if they are too many for my tastes.
  24. Well since I don't care about the winners I will look at the other rankings. Looks like if we don't get Bruno before far fetched he will be on that so that makes me happy. Cormag is in the top 100 so hopefully he will be on the next SS banner. I sadly cry in the corner seeing that Elphin only got rank 471 which means he is probably never getting in unless he is somehow on the March banner.
  25. Yes, I am looking forward to seeing if anyone climbed up the list and who might be a far fetched this year. I am just hoping that some of my favs like Cormag and Elphin did well.
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