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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I went in with 253 orbs and I decided I was going to pull until I got Ares because I really wanted him, it took 153 of those orbs but I did it. This was a good banner for me because other then Ares I also pulled Ishtar, Mia, M!Morgan and Soleil! 5 new units in 153 orbs on a regular banner is great for me. Now I am going to save up my orbs for when NY!Azura and Vector get rerun on a legendary banner unless beast units get added. I just really wanted to pull on this banner because it had no alts on it.
  2. Well you just told me how to build mine when I get him. I am glad to see Julius is worth building and using.
  3. Groans at Julius being another red infantry mage, but then I see his art work and it does not matter at all because he is so beautiful. I also love the way Ares looks, and I will pull some for him. Two new OCs look good, but I wish Fjorm's little sister was a little brother because I want another playable male OC.
  4. I blanked out on Kana and I even 5*ed him. RL has been really making me forget things. I still want Julius to be a dragon, but now remembering Kana, Julius will most likely be another infantry mage. Maybe he will be an armor mage instead since I am swimming in good infantry mages already.
  5. I only made it to tier 23 in GC myself because I lost interest after I got Kaze. I really want Julius to be a red dragon just to be different and we have yet to have a dragon GHB unit. I am grinding HM today so I can have more feathers for building units since my list of needed 5* skills has grown with new units I am building.
  6. This is what I want. More male dragons please and a new red dragon would be great. Looks like I need to grind HM so I can 5* him right after I get him. I really want to see the datamine.
  7. Julius is the GHB? Cool, I wonder if there will be a TT with this banner and if so, who would be the reward? I guess I will have to wait for the data mine tomorrow to find out.
  8. I am in shock that there are no alts on this banner. I really like the designs and a new dancer in the regular summoning pool is great. I will be pulling red all the way since I want both Ares and Lene. There are certain people who must be thrilled about Ishtar and I hope I pull her some time but she is lower on my list the Ares.
  9. I am hoping E3 shows that GC games are coming to VC as well as Wii games. I am really hoping that the Eshop will end up having all the old FEs on it since the Switch does not have region locks, but I know that is probably a pipe dream.
  10. Shadow Dragon can be fun but it is a little bland, but you should play it before you try Fire Emblem Warriors which is a fun spin off. Sacred Stones is pretty easy to play even with permadeath, Blazing Sword was the first FE released in the west so it is also pretty easy on normal. I don't know if you play Heroes which is the FE mobile game and has characters from every game in the series and is a lot of fun.
  11. I thought it might help her not be doubled, but I may go with def depending on what I feel like when I get 50 stones again. As to Kinoka several people mentioned firesweep bow but I sadly have only ever pulled one Faye so that is a no go for now. I like Kinoka's warrior princess bow after playing with it some so I am happy with that for now.
  12. In honor of the character quests I 5*ed A!Tiki today so with her I can now run a dragon emblem team. Tiki will be getting a spd refine once I get the stones.
  13. In terms of the new banner I don't really care all that much about it, I am expecting a Nohr banner if I had to guess. If it is a Nohr banner I really hope Flora is a GHB unit and I would guess at Shura being a TT reward, the banner would have Silas, regular Charlotte and Leo/Camilla as the alt(I hope Leo).
  14. Why are you on a gaming fan site if you don't like playing video games? If you like anime/manga I am willing to talk though.
  15. Thanks guys, my Kinoka will keep her bow for now since I have only ever pulled one Faye and I like to keep one of every hero. I think I will just keep her base kit for now.
  16. @Zeo and @Anacybele Happy Birthday to both of you, I am always kind of late giving greetings like this but I hope you both have a great year this year. Anyone have any ideas for a +spd,-def Kinoka? I don't really want to go with brave bow since she is +spd, is her bow good?
  17. Well I decided to try for Kinoka since I still had 270 orbs with a goal of keeping 200 orbs in reserve for just in case a favorite unit drops. I managed to pull F!Kana +atk,-res and my last pull that took me down to 201 orbs gave me a Kinoka +spd,-def! I also ended up with some decent fodder but sadly no desperation fodder for Kaze.
  18. OK, sorry I did not get that, it is funny now that you say it is a joke:)
  19. @KongDude I was trying to be a little different and like I said Ephraim knew it would be bad for his kid if his name was too close to Lyon's, especially since Renais's people would hate that name. That is why I chose Levi so that it would be close, but different enough so that no one would think bad things about his name. @Dragoncat Erica was the first kid I created in my head cannons so I was not very original in naming her. I do have it that her friends and family call her Eri as a nick name.
  20. I have a few, but I will just list the two I have put the most thought in to. Erika X Seth : I head cannon them having a girl who they name after Erika but they spell it with a C instead of a K (yes this is why my username is spelled the way it is), she is like her father more then her mother though she looks like her mom. She is a lance cav because she would watch her dad and uncle spar and wanted to be like them. She is like a big sister to her cousin and very loyal to him. Ephraim X Tana : they have a son who they named Levi, Ephraim wanted to name his son after Lyon but knew that his people would hate that so he chose a name that was close but not the same. He was rather sick as a small kid so he decided to become a knight so that he could build his muscles up and become strong. His favorite weapon is the ax and he trains hard every day so that he will be able to use them soon. When he was sick he did a lot of studying and so he knows a lot about history and math. His cousin Erica was the only one who treated him like a normal kid when he was sick and he thinks of her as his big sister.
  21. Other then her avatar and child supports I really like Tharja's supports especially with Libra and Nowi. Her supports made me go from I like using this unit but their personality is bad, to really liking her and making me want to defend her as a character. I also really like Donnel's supports with most of the other characters, they show that he is actually pretty smart and wants to learn new things and expand his world view.
  22. Thanks to my pulling legendary heroes this week I was able to finish all the quests and I beat infernal as well, don't ask my teams because I forget exactly what teams I used. I am just happy I knocked out those quests.
  23. I really like his character and yes while he is a prince he cut ties with that so that he could learn about real life and what his people were going through (his country is know for its sellswords). Just because someone is born a prince does not make them lucky, anyone can be unlucky and Joshua worked for the money he gambled he was not getting any money from his mother because he ran away from home to prove himself.
  24. OK I was bored and pulled some more on the countering weapons banner because I did not have Ryoma or Dorcas and I managed to pull them both in 32 orbs! Ryoma is -hp, +spd and Dorcas is +hp, -def but I will make him work since I needed another ax user. I am super happy about the Ryoma! @Anacybele Looks like we both got what we wanted from this banner, now we both have good IV Ryomas.
  25. Free pull was 3*Oboro so a merge for the 4* +10 I am working on.
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