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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Well my free pull off the girls banner was 4* Stahl, my free pull from the guys banner was 3* Azama and my pull on the Halloween banner was a 4* Tharja. Now back to gathering orbs in the hopes of getting H!Jakob.
  2. Well I will go team Soren for the first round and if he loses I will go to Karel or Hinoka. I will be running my Innes for anyone that wants him, I can also switch out to Nephenee or Arvis if needed. my ID is 6148672165 and the user name is Rain.
  3. Well I am at about 82,000 and I plan on getting all rewards by tomorrow because H!Jakob is calling me to pull for him, plus I want to free up stamina for the monthly quests tomorrow.
  4. Well i summoned a 3* Whys trying for H!Jakob. Time to grind more orbs and try again.
  5. I am just going to recommend this and that is youtube, the videos on there have been a lot of help to me on beating certain levels and giving me ideas for builds. Clear videos tend to help me more then then the people in the questions thread here, because I can see what people are doing and where they are putting their units. As to pulls I just pulled my first Rebecca, which is nice but I want Jakob to show up soon.
  6. Well I managed to snag H! Henry in three pulls, I hope I can snag Jakob as well. Time to gather more orbs and try again latter. I really like H! Henry his stats are good and so is his art he will be making my armor team great because now I will have 2 units with armor march. I am also really glad that I finally have a Henry who can do damage to the enemy.
  7. Well my first set of pulls on the Halloween banner had 3 greens, free pull was 3* Arthur, second pull was 4* Cecilia and the 3rd pull was H!Henry! Can't wait to train him on Friday. I also pulled a 3* Virion while trying for Jakob. I will gather more orbs and Try for Jakob again later.
  8. Well I am at a bit over 60,000 points and am using TT as a training ground since I have a bunch of level 20 4*s who need to hit level 40. At least I will have orbs for the Halloween banner, my armor team is begging for Henry and Jakob and the BK needs a support buddy. Even though TT becomes a bit of a chore in the second week it is so useful for getting orbs, feathers and training units that I can live with the grind.
  9. Well I did one last try for PA! Azura but no luck just a 4*cherche and a 4* Able. I could get more TT orbs and try one last time, but I don't feel like it. I will use all orbs I can get on the Halloween banner. The PA banner was actually very good to me despite not giving me PA! Azura, I managed to get my first Soren, Boey and Leon from the banner as well as the other 3 dancers and some good SI fodder. I just hope the Halloween banner will treat me as well as PA has.
  10. Well I would pick one game from that series that a lot of people say is good for a starting point. For Zelda I would recommend "a Link between Worlds" since you can do the dungeons in any order and the gameplay is pretty fun. I don't know which Castlevania game would be the best starting point since I never played many games from that series, but there are several fans on SF who should be able to help you find the best one to start with. Find a good starting point is the best way to learn the mechanics of the game and get in to the story.
  11. 2DS are pretty good, don't own one my self but my honorary nephew has one which he used to play a lot before he lost the charger and it ran very well. I would go with the newest model you can find for the price you want to pay. Nintendo systems tend to be designed to take some abuse, I live next to a farm field and my systems get a lot of dust on and around them and I have never had a problem with them even my Wii still runs perfectly after several years, and I have dropped all my hand held systems and they all still run fine. The batteries are really good too, even when I ran them completely out they still hold a charge.
  12. Nowi's Halloween outfit reminds me of this one character in a Chinese comic I started reading, I forget the name but anyway the girl dresses very closely to how H!Nowi looks and is also part dragon. I wonder if Nintendo swiped the outfit from her? Anyway at least the guys look good and they are the ones I want so I will pull for them. My armor team is going to be very nice if I manage to pull Henry, and Jakob will be fun as well.
  13. Honestly Hector is my favorite, while he may act brash and care free he is rather smart and cares deeply for his family and friends. I really like his relationships with his brother and Lilina. Plus his willingness to except his fate and how he died really made me like his character a lot and makes him in my top ten FE characters.
  14. Well I have promoted most of them the last one I need to is Valter. Normally I SI the spares I collect since I am not that big in to merges. Arvis is a really good mage and is my most powerful one, since I am F2P and have not had good luck pulling mages and he has been saving my TT runs. Ursula helped me a lot before I pulled Reinhardt and Michalis is my best ax flier since his sister refuses to let me pull her. Camus and Xander are both linchpins in my horse emblem team. It is up to you what you do with your units, but I do recommend keeping one of each unit since you never know when you might need them for a map.
  15. I would say get a used "new" 2DS ( I know the "new" part is confusing but those are what the latest 2DS and 3DS are called) since they are pretty cheap and that way you can play Shadow Dragon since it will also play DS games, as well as Awakening, Fates, Echoes and FE Warriors.
  16. I am happy to see someone else wants Jakob, I am sad to see so many people disliking him in this thread. Chill out, just because your favorites are not on the banner does not mean you should hate on the units that are in it. I personally did not like the spring banner but I did not hate on it or the characters I just did not pull from it. Look at it this way you will get free orbs because of the banner that you can save for units you do want.
  17. Well I will be trying for Henry and Jakob, I am just happy I can pull for a Henry that does not hit like a wet paper towel now. I like Nowi's design but I have NS! Corrin so I will only pull for making a good armor team. I guess I am one of the few people who want Jakob, my love of Black Butler is showing.
  18. OK, thanks that makes me feel better about going all out for the PA banner.
  19. I know this sounds like dumb advice but what I did a lot to relax and clear my mind when I was in college was yoga, especially the deep breathing. What you do is stand still with your hands on your stomach and breath in and out slowly while you try to empty your mind and not think of anything. It helps me when I am stressed and it calms me down, maybe it would help you too. The other thing I would say is don't try to do too much in one day I mad certain days certain classwork day and only did work for that class on that day rather then cram all the work at once. Like I would have a math class on a Monday so that day I would just work on math and so on.
  20. The only game that I have beaten that I would consider hard is the original Legend of Zelda game for NES the hard part about it was figuring out where to go, I used a walkthrough to find everything in the game. I need to go back and finish the Legend of Zelda ii the adventure of Link, I got about half way through and then stopped and it and BotW are the only Zelda games I have not beaten yet.
  21. I am hoping that Henry is the person on the right in the picture for the new banner, but I really am to the point I am not interested in the Halloween banner. I will use spare orbs to get PA! Azura if I can, and if there is an armor mage or Kaze on the Halloween banner I will just lump it and do my best. Being F2P is fun and annoying at the same time, but I am glad I can't get too mad at my pulls since I don't spend money on them. The Halloween banner should run all of next week right? If so then I should be able to have orbs for it if there is someone on it I really need.
  22. Well I saved up 47 orbs and I decided to use them on the PA banner. I managed to pull PA! Olivia and my first Boey. I also pulled a lot of trash and a second Inigo who was merged with my first one. I really want PA! Azura since everyone seems to use her when they make a video of a map lately plus the buffs she gives. Since orbs are coming in really well right now I don't feel too bad spending my orbs before the Halloween banner, plus unless there is an armor mage or Kaze on it I don't think I will do much pulling on it.
  23. Not going to happen, the US is the only country to have that type of holiday in November. Plus it is not a holiday that would have fun money making costumes like other holidays. Could I see them doing something like the PA banner, sure but not a Thanksgiving banner.
  24. Well I am meh on the seasonal banners except NS! Corrin who's art I really like and I went out of my way to pull her since I skipped S! Camilla and the PA banner since I only had vanilla Olivia before it came. The only way I will pull a lot from the Halloween banner is if they put an armor mage or have one of my favorite characters who is not in the game yet like Kaze or Priam. I am happy about the orbs coming because of the banner though, more orbs are always great.
  25. ,That would be assisted suicide and that is a lot different then paying for sex. As someone with a medical condition that could kill me and will shorten my life span by at least 20 years I have mixed feelings on assisted suicide, but that is not the issue here and if you want to talk about that you can PM me.
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